D&D 5E Rewarding Overland Travel

How many players think to actually go forth and buy such things? Does everyone in your game load themselves down with stuff like that? Because even the most crazy-prepared people in my game rarely carry that many duplicates of any one item.
Mine do. Of course the "new" players started in 2E...

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How many players think to actually go forth and buy such things? Does everyone in your game load themselves down with stuff like that? Because even the most crazy-prepared people in my game rarely carry that many duplicates of any one item.
Every player who plays with DM's who thinks that they're going to challenge them by not having enough waterskins. You might get away with that once, but, after that? Not going to happen. I mean, carrying half a dozen extra waterskins when preparing for extended overland travel is something your players never do? Never minding the mind blowing expenditure that is a horse or pack mule. Wow, I know right? That's just totally mind blowing that players might do that. :erm: Of course, every pack animal will automatically be killed fifteen feet from the town gates, so, I can see why players don't buy them.

Like I said, the presumption that the players are actively stupid seems so far beyond the realm of reasonable. The other thread about exploration is just chock a block with this. It's the standard response as soon as any discussion of any negative element of 5e comes up. We're going to keep bringing up examples where the players are complete gaming newbies with a sense of self preservation akin to small flying insects hovering over trout ponds. It's so completely self serving and frankly it's really difficult to think that the arguments are being made in good faith.


Sparkly Dude
Every player who plays with DM's who thinks that they're going to challenge them by not having enough waterskins. You might get away with that once, but, after that? Not going to happen. I mean, carrying half a dozen extra waterskins when preparing for extended overland travel is something your players never do? Never minding the mind blowing expenditure that is a horse or pack mule. Wow, I know right? That's just totally mind blowing that players might do that. :erm: Of course, every pack animal will automatically be killed fifteen feet from the town gates, so, I can see why players don't buy them.

Like I said, the presumption that the players are actively stupid seems so far beyond the realm of reasonable. The other thread about exploration is just chock a block with this. It's the standard response as soon as any discussion of any negative element of 5e comes up. We're going to keep bringing up examples where the players are complete gaming newbies with a sense of self preservation akin to small flying insects hovering over trout ponds. It's so completely self serving and frankly it's really difficult to think that the arguments are being made in good faith.
You have contributed nothing to this thread beyond telling other people what they think and what they feel, picking apart proposed solutions without offering any of your own.

I don't expect that you embrace my ideas, but I offer myself up with integrity. Your low blows about good faith do not paint you as the bigger man.

@BookTenTiger has made a clear ask that we be constructive here or take the conversation elsewhere. Let's do that.


Mod Squad
Staff member
The other thread about exploration is just chock a block with this.

Mod Note:
There's been a polite request to keep things constructive. If all you've got to add is, in effect, "NO." "WRONG!" "STUPID!" you aren't being constructive.


CR 1/8
So... this waterskin kerfuffle has inspired me! I think this might be a fun exploration Reward:

An amulet of keg-donkey control, which controls a Wooden Donkey (CR 1/8, from Dungeon of the Mad Mage). This construct is made from a small barrel with a wooden horse-head on one end, a broom tail on the other, and four peg legs to walk. The keg-donkey can be filled with 20 gallons of water (approx 165lbs), sports a spigot for easy access, and can also carry a load like a real donkey.


Sparkly Dude
So... this waterskin kerfuffle has inspired me! I think this might be a fun exploration Reward:

An amulet of keg-donkey control, which controls a Wooden Donkey (CR 1/8, from Dungeon of the Mad Mage). This construct is made from a small barrel with a wooden horse-head on one end, a broom tail on the other, and four peg legs to walk. The keg-donkey can be filled with 20 gallons of water (approx 165lbs), sports a spigot for easy access, and can also carry a load like a real donkey.
This is awesome.


He / Him
This system could also give a DM ideas for specialty shops in town. Characters could purchase things like maps or trail guides that make it more likely to find shelter or treasure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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