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Rhun's Weekend Game - Dwellers of the Forbidden City - IC Thread

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

should have said: Sandor is dodging against whichever furry goblin is closest. [is this something you want stated each time?]

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Kobold Stew said:
OOC:should have said: Sandor is dodging against whichever furry goblin is closest. [is this something you want stated each time?]

OOC: Actually, if you have the dodge feat, just count the +1 in your armor class. It applies against all foes in this game.


Abel rises from behind the pile of rocks and looks down at the tiny creatures, now even tinier thanks to his large size. With a grin and a nod at the also enlarged Sandor, Abel raises his heavy mace and charges the goblinoids.


First Post
Flinging the goblin off his leg, Zeddicus turns to face the two remaining. He takes a moment for a deep breath before channeling Shocking Grasp into his sword and attacking the nearest goblin.


First Post
Seril, still using the rocks for cover, sends a pair of arrows streaking into the mass of hairy goblinoids rushing out of the gate. Both arrows bury themselves deep into seperate targets, and two of the pack of creatures tumble down to the ground, only to be trampled by their charging companions.

Talshia drops her crossbow to snatch up the wand with some distaste, and perhaps a little peevishness that no one congratulated her marksmanship. The Calshite magess looks at Sandor then and aims the wand at him, speaking its trigger word with a dramatic flourish. A magical impulse flickers to the lizardman, compelling flesh and equipment alike to swell and grow beyond their physical limits. "There," she finishes. "Enjoy your rampage."

Helios gulps when he sees the goblin reinforcements, "Well that can't be good." Muttering the words to a spell, a fan of flames shoots forth from the fire mage's hands, burning three of the furry beasts to the ground. As a smell similar to that of burnt dog hair fills the chamber, the wizard decides that discretion is the better part of valor, and uses his magical slippers to run up the side of the nearby wall.

Within the lefthand pillar, the two doughty goblinoids continue to attack Zedd, and another succeeds in scoring a painful bite upon the warrior. Flinging the dead goblin off his leg, Zeddicus turns to face the two remaining. He takes a moment for a deep breath before channeling Shocking Grasp into his sword and attacking the nearest goblin. His attack leaves another dead goblin in his wake, and Zedd now faces only a single opponent within the pillar.

Abel rises from behind the pile of rocks and looks down at the tiny creatures, now even tinier thanks to his large size. With a grin and a nod at the also enlarged Sandor, Abel raises his heavy mace and charges the goblinoids.

Sandor smiles, an aggressive baring of the teeth, and is surprised by his sudden increase in size."Heh. Thanks." His reach feels huge as he accomodates his new bulk against these small figures emerging from the gate. But he is ideally positioned to intercept them, and so he does, ready to attack. He roars, opening his throat.

The mass of goblinoids shriek in surprise as they see two giants charging into their ranks. Abel's large mace smashes one of the creatures into the ground, crunching bone. Sandor stands back away from the mass, striking out with his enlarged longspear, and skewering one of the little creatures completely through. The line of goblinoids breaks, and the five remaning beasties turn and beging to run away from your savage onslaught, screaming in fear as they go. As they flee, both Abel and Sandor take advantage of the golbinoids disarray to strike down another pair of the creatures.

The remaining three make it out of their deadly reach, and run back through the gate and into a tunnel in the chambers far wall.

If I ever post question marks for an opponent's action, that simply means that whatever they are doing is outside of you sight. Also, if you note any small changes in what I repost of your characters actions, that is simply because I think it makes it read better. Same if I post anything that seems out of initiative order. Hope nobody minds. :)

Initiative Count
Seril 23, (has 1/2 cover from rocks) rapid shot, attack vrs G9 26 (success), damage 14 (8+6 electricity), attack vrs G10 20 (success), damage 14 (9+5 electricity)
Talshia 20, recovers wand, uses wand of enlarge on Sandor
G5 16, dead
G6 16, dead
G7 16, ?
G8 16, ?
Helios 15, casts burning hands, damage 14, activates slippers of spider climb and moves up wall
G1 13, dead
G2 13, attack vrs Zedd 22 (success), damage 5
G3 13, dead
G4 13, attack vrs Zedd 16 (failure)
Abel 11, attack vrs G13 17 (success), damage 12, AoO vrs G12 22 (success), damage 13
Sandor 11, attack vrs G15 21 (success), damage 14, AoO vrs G14 18 (success), damage 11
G9, dead
G10, dead
G11, flees
G12, dead
G13, dead
G14, dead
G15, dead
G16, reflex save 5 (fail), dead
G17, reflex save 15 (fail), dead
G18, reflex save 13 (fail), dead
G19, flees
G20, fless
Zeddicus 4, attack vrs G2 21 (success), channels Shocking Grasp damage 20 (10+10 electricity)

PC Status
Helios 29/31
Abel 21/37, enlarged
Sandor 26/38, enlarged
Zeddicus 22/38

[sblock=Opponent Status - Players Do Not Look Within]
G1 -8, dying
G3 -9, dying
G6 -5, dying
G13 -8, dying
G14 -7, dying


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Sandor follows the fleeing goblins through the gate, to ensure that the rest of his companions can pass when the time is right. Once through, he will attack any goblins he sees. If none, he will stand guard, looking around for access to the archery towers from this side.


First Post
Zeddicus grunts in pain as the one of the goblins chomps down again. Drawing his sword out of the dead goblins body, he focuses his arcane energy again in an effort to dispatch the last goblin quickly.

[sblock=ooc]Acid Splash through the sword. If the goblin drops, then he'll take a move action to go out the window and down the pillar.[/sblock]


First Post
Talshia primly advances behind the two colossi that scattered the goblins. The fleeing ones could be a concern, she decided. How best to handle them... She could use one of her Names; call a being to chase them down and destroy them. But not only would that expend a precious Name for the day, but catching up to and dispatching three goblins within the thirty seconds her power would hold it for...while all the goblins were still trying to flee... No. Too much for it to do, and too short a time.

Her eyes narrow as she assesses the field...

(Current range to the fleeing goblins, and how big an area do they cover?)


First Post
Zeddicus easily dispatches the last of the strange goblins in the left-hand pillar, dodging the creature's frenzied bite and plunging his blade deep into its chest.

Two goblins burst from the right-hand pillar, their bows in hand, but they are no match for the companions. One of Seril's arrows drops one to the ground, and Sandor skewers yet another on his huge spear.

The three furry goblinoids are moving at full speed away from you, and are now at least a hundred feet away. They are fast for their small size, running at least as fast as a human could.

OOC: It just dawned on me that we totally forgot to include Wolf in this combat. KS, you may want to remember him from now on!

Experience: 500 xps each for this combat.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

True! Since the combat ensued so quickly after the rock trap, I assume he was just out of reach! :D


Sandor, on the far side of the gate, maintains the access for his companions AND HIS WOLF to pass through. He removes a goblin from hi spear, and tears away some meat from the corpse, sating his hunger for the moment.

Voidrunner's Codex

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