Pathfinder 1E Righteous Might question?

Okay, looking at Righteous Might - I need some info. I know, this is gonna sound like a really bizarre question, but if you took away the size gain from Righteous Might, what other benefits would go away as well?

"Your height immediately doubles, and your weight increases by a factor of eight. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one. You gain a +4 size bonus to Strength and Constitution and take a –2 penalty to your Dexterity. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your natural armor. You gain DR 5/evil (if you normally channel positive energy) or DR 5/good (if you normally channel negative energy). At 15th level, this DR becomes 10/evil or 10/good (the maximum). Your size modifier for AC and attacks changes as appropriate to your new size category. This spell doesn't change your speed. Determine space and reach as appropriate to your new size."

It looks like to me that about the only thing left would be the DR?

Thanks everyone.

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Ah, sort of missed that. Couldn't decide if it was separate or not.

Got a Druid that keeps wanting to stack wildshape with Righteous Might.

Lots of debate over this subject when you google it.

Personally, I don't think it stacks, but was (in the interest of trying to
come down on the side of the player) going to allow anything RM would
do except the size change and its benefits.

Thanks! :)


I think wildshape and righteous might would stack. You cannot use two polymorph effects, wildshape is one but righteous might is not. THe benefits might be less than stellar, becasue size modifiers will not stack. And being Huge or larger is a BIG handicap on almost all tactical maps.

Well, I was basing my conclusion on the following:




In addition, other spells that change your size
have no effect on you while you are under the
effects of a polymorph spell.


Righteous Might

School transmutation

Magical effects that increase size do not stack.


Druid - Wildshape ability (SU)

This ability functions like the beast shape I
spell, except as noted here.

Beast Shape I:
School transmutation (polymorph)


Supernatural Abilities (Su)

Supernatural abilities are magical but not



I stand corrected, missed that part. I'd read " spells that change your size have no effect on you" to say righteous might has NO effect at all on someone who is polymorphed. One of the effects of righteous might is to change size, and thus it falls on the "have no effect on you" clause and has no effect at all.


First Post
I agree with Starfox. Righteous might is a spell that changes your size, and thus has no effect at all on a polymorphed creature.

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