D&D 5E Rise of the Necromancer OOC


Ok, I am looking at a cleric, war domain. Death and destruction. I figured the first gods were for the harvest, second for war. So those two areas are the last to die out. Warriors everywhere will always look for some help before a battle. And that gives a nicely rounded out party.

So earyes, any particular pantheon you were planning on using? I can go with a generic War God if you like. Just trying to line up weapon and specific aspects of war.

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Ok, I am looking at a cleric, war domain. Death and destruction. I figured the first gods were for the harvest, second for war. So those two areas are the last to die out. Warriors everywhere will always look for some help before a battle. And that gives a nicely rounded out party.

So earyes, any particular pantheon you were planning on using? I can go with a generic War God if you like. Just trying to line up weapon and specific aspects of war.

I usually play this world around 20 years in the future from where we are going to be playing and the God's are all dead and gone then, so I never really wrote a pantheon, feel free to use what ever best fits your character, it can be generic but if you want to pull from D&D or pathfinder help yourself.


Boros the Liar
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (Chain Mail)
Hit Points 8 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.

STR 16 (+3) Rolls
DEX 6 (-2) (+0 on saves)
CON 10 (+0)
INT 9 (-1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 18 (+4) (+6 on saves)

Skills Athletics +5, Deception +6, Insight +2, Persuasion +6, Religion +1
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal
Tools Tanbur, Ocarina, Harp
Feats Heavily Armored
Background Acolyte


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.

True Strike. One action. Next turn gain advantage on first attack roll. Concentration required.

Vicious Mockery. Cantrip: Wisdom Save (DC 14) 60 ft., 1d4 Psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.

Bardic Inspiration. Bonus action to inspire one creature within 60 ft to gain a bonus of 1d6 to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. 2/day

Spellcasting. (2 slots) Dissonant Whispers, Healing Word, Heroism, Tasha's Hideous Laughter

83 gp 100, +15 background, +100, -expenses
Chain Mail (-75 gp)
Longsword (-15 gp)
Ocarina (-2 gp)
Explorer's Pack (-40 gp)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
a set of common clothes
a belt pouch

Boros has long been told that his father "died in the war", though what war he could never tell. He had been very ill as a child, and his mother had been very poor. She tried to find help for this sick child, but none was offered. In a last desperate attempt to help the boy, he was fostered by an orphanage that was of a shady sort. This orphanage was run by fanatics worshipping dark things in the night, but who kept some semblance of good will on the surface. Young Boros was inducted into ritual and subversion from a very very young age, but he had no talent for this. What he did take to was lying.

He assisted the rituals by putting on the necessary farce, and in so doing picked up something of a skill, though not necessarily the intended ones. His masters mocked him as Big Bumbling Boros, Boros the Buffoon, the clumsy boy. Yet he persisted for a time till he found it necessary to escape. Now he travels the roads, still lying, and seeking some small fortune with which to retire. His one soft point remains, poor women and children. He wishes that others won't have to suffer in the way he did.
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I made this Bounty hunter Gnoll based on the Bugbear statblock. I'm ok with it as it is. I like the predator style (bio follows) of this build. If you prefer, I'll change it.

Djahakar Zhul - The Bonekeeper
Male Gnoll Ranger 1
Medium humanoid, lawful evil

Armor Class. 17 (chain shirt 13, shield +2, Dex +2)
Hit Points. 12 (1d10+2)
Speed. 30 ft.
Initiative. +2 (with advantage)
STR 18 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 9 (-1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 12 (+1)
Saving Throws. Str +6, Dex +2
Skills. Athletics +6, Intimidation +3, Nature: +3, Perception: +3, Survival +3, Stealth: +4
Senses. Darkvision, Passive Perception 13
Languages. Common, Goblin, Abyssal
Tools. Poisoner's kit
Background. Soldier

Battleaxe.. Melee : +6 (1d8+4 slashing ; versatile (1d10))
Pike. Melee : +6 (1d10+4 piercing ; heavy, reach, two-handed)
Handaxe. Melee : +6 (1d6+4 slashing ; light, thrown (range 20/60))
Javelin. Melee : +6 (1d6+4 piercing ; thrown (range 30/120))
Net. Ranged : +4 (special, thrown (range 5/15))

Features and Traits
Long-limbed. During your turn, melee attacks reach +5ft
Powerfull Build. +1 size carrying/push/drag/lift
Sneaky. Proficient in Stealth skill
Surprise attack. Once per combat and if target suprised +2d6 dmg
Favored Enemy.
You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with weapon attacks against Humans and Orcs.
You gain advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track of Humans and Orcs.
Natural Explorer.
You ignore difficult terrain.
You have advantage on initiative rolls.
On your first turn during combat, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that have not yet acted.

Net (2), battleaxe, pike, handaxe (2), javelin (5), chain shirt, shield, healer's kit, poisoner's kit, ball bearings/100 (2), chalk, manacles (2), hunting trap (2), crowbar, caltrops/20 (2), backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, torch (10), rations/1 day (10), waterskin, rope/hempen 50 feet, shovel, clothes/common, pouch, 17 gp, 4 sp, 5 cp
Total cost 122.55 gp ; Total weight 147.5 lb

Starting Gold. 140 gp
Carrying Capacity 540 lb

[sblock=Bio]During the last goblinoid war, Slog, an orc raider of the Bonechewer clan found this half-burned puppy and barely alive crying in the fury of battle. The Bonechewers worship canine idols, so when Slog found him he saw a sign of the Gods. He took him under his arm and while everything seemed lost, they managed to survive. To this day, they went from victory to victory. That was all it took for the scouts company to call him their mascot, the gnoll was a good omen.

Until that black day, when the earth opened under their feet and swallowed the orc army. Since then, the scouts that remain stopped petting him to get some luck, they stopped calling him their mascot. He became their scapegoat. The jungle was a deadly place, full of fatal encounters, enemy traps, and ambushes. Djahakar served as lure, bait and minesweeper, always sent first when something looks odd, disarming traps and fighting venomous beasts. What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. They thought taking advantage of him but they raised a monster.

Therefore, when the opportunity presented itself, Djahakar took his life back. For the orcs, the night became dark and full of terrors, the hunters turned into the preys. Djahakar took pleasure lurking and decimating his tormentors. With no more masters to command him, he took his chance on the road to find his place into the world.
His natural feats and his training led him on the bounty hunters way. Dead or alive became his credo.
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As the topic says "Soft Closed" i'll ask first before writing ;)

You still recruiting players? I was interrested in Rolling up a Dragonborne Eldrich Knight if you are still looking
Or atleast something with a minor form of Magic that will be in melee functioning as a form of Sentinel
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As the topic says "Soft Closed" i'll ask first before writing ;)

You still recruiting players? I was interrested in Rolling up a Dragonborne Eldrich Knight if you are still looking
Or atleast something with a minor form of Magic that will be in melee functioning as a form of Sentinel

Well I said 4 to 5, and that will make six, but I've always gone one over my limit in all the other games so why not here. No more soft close though, after your Dragonborn EK we are full.


Queen of Everything
Fenris and I are traveling, and won't be home until Sunday. We're still here and working on our characters though. Just waiting - I think you mentioned posting up some setting info?- so we can work on backstories.


Fenris and I are traveling, and won't be home until Sunday. We're still here and working on our characters though. Just waiting - I think you mentioned posting up some setting info?- so we can work on backstories.

I've posted some setting info on races/nations, anything in particular that you want me to post before you create you character. The gods are dying and I usually run this campaign 20 years in the future when the gods are dead, so god wise feel free to worship the god of your choice. If you want rulers to serve, or City-States to come from let me know.

Long story short, this is my second campaign in this world, and this is much more of a sandbox than the first campaign I ran, so if you want specific info please let me know so I can provide it.

Edit: There is a week or more from my original go live date, so no one should feel pressured to have a character created. Full disclosure, after the first mission I'm looking at this as more as a hex crawl sandbox, where the players determine where the story goes next for a while, than Severus or another NPC will come in and give direction. I'm also looking at AIME for possible fellowship and journey phases.

Edit to edit: While I am looking at the world as more open and as a sandbox, I don't know where the hex crawl part came from. It's been hotter than normal here and I haven't gotten much sleep so sorry if that's caused any confusion.
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Thanks for the oppertunity ^^ so to start with questionable for my Characters Background ;)

The Coup rumor intreges me, as such i might want to take the Knight Background and serve a family that might be part of this coupe (or one loyal to the current rulers). Tho ofcourse Lothoc knows nothing of this.

Either way as a knight needs a ruler to serve ;) and a Squire to get annoyed with :p

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