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Rise Of The Snakemen [Forgotten Realms]


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DM's Log of Session Thirty Eight

As the party made their way through the southern gatehouse, so the remainder of the tribe fled into the jungles, they being mostly females and children as well as a handful of warriors not willing to try their luck against a group that had just massacred their way through the cream of the tribes fighters and the chieftain too and could clearly continue to fight after that ordeal. They soon find a large hall and aside from the treasure piled on on a dias/nest at one end of the room, the discover a dark skinned man on the fungles tied up next to the dias, who after they have removed his bonds and gag introduces himself as Masembe, a druid of the Black Jungles and a sworn enemy of the Yuan-ti. Deciding to take a day to rest and recover from the wounds, the group organised itself into teams of two and swept through the gatehouse, systematically looting the bodies of the fallen, and recovering a sizeable haul of treasure and magic items.

On the next day (Nightal 15th), the group tallied up their haul and Aeron was able to identify the new unknown items in addtion to some of those taken from Gyllipus's body, the group deciding that their need in the battles to come outweighed the wizards need to be buried with all his possessions, they laying him to rest beneath a hastily built stone cairn in his finest clothes with only his unvaluable non-magical items as grave goods. During the ceremony outside, Masembe was reunited with Bends-Low-Branches his ape companion, which he nicknamed Ben for the convinience of the group. With the items identified, the group used the dice Ki had taken from gyllipus to determine who got what, and the haul was divided thusly:

Aeron - Amulet of Natural Armor +2, Hewards Handy Haversack and 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds
Ash - +1 Vicious Greatsword and a Hat of Disguise
Masembe - Peraipt of Wisdom +2, he then refusing another roll of the dice.
Zamtap - Ring of Major Cold Resistance and Gyllipus's spellstoring Rapier +1
Ki - Bracers of Armor +3 and Goggles of Minute Seeing
Jebodiah - Heavy Crossbow +2, Handaxe +2, a potion of Cat's Grace and 2 of Cure Light Wounds

The party haggled over various other items from the haul and it was decided that the wand of Cure Moderate Wounds would be best held by Ki, as he was the best suited to get through enemy ranks to use it on a fallen comrade.

On Nightal 16th the group set out from the gatehouse into the jungles, heading south towards the distant city, with Ben acting as scout on the ground, and Masembe flying high above as a condor, his keen hearing picking up a worrying sound, dragons roaring and calling to one another. Landing he shifted back into human form and explained what the noise the group could hear all around was, Aeron then straining and listening, understanding the language of the great lizards and his eyes went wide as he understood what he was hearing. He explained to the others that the dragons were calling to one another to gather together into a Flight and go north to attack the city on the coast...

"Tashluta!" the group whispered almost as one, keeping quiet as more and more dragons gave voice to their desire to join in the attack, Aeron swiftly realising that they were listening to a Rage of Dragons forming, a trace of savage cruelty and madness in the bellowed roars echoing through the trees around them. "We have to send warning!" he hissed, Zamtap nodding and stating that he could do that, but not until the next morning when he had time to pray for spells.

"They'll be almost on top of the city by then at the speed they fly!" groaned Ash in alarm.

"Better an hour or two's warning than none at all" was his curt reply, the priests face speaking volumes as it was clear this was the best he could hope to do. The good humour wiped from the group as they headed on their way south, Masembe masking their trail with a Pass Without Trace spell, the roars growing in pitch around them and then abruptly soaring upwards, as a couple Green and Black Dragons took to the wing and flew away towards the north, more and more dragons joining them above the jungle canopy, the flight assembling and winging away towards the coast.

The group travelled on in silence for the rest of the day, and camped beside a bubbling brook in a small clearing. Ash and Masembe went hunting for food, the paladin shooting a small boar and the druid preparing the meal, while Aeron masked their campsite with a Leomunds Tiny Hut (made to look like a green dome), to give the group some protection against being noticed. The group decided on which watches they would take, and went to bed for the night then.

It was near morning when Zamtap and Ki were on watch that their wariness was "rewarded" as they could hear the sounds of hissing from all round in the jungle undergrowth, but try as they might neither priest nor monk could make out the source of it. After a minute or so of fruitless looking, they decided to wake the others and as they did so, so they were attacked, several hidden snakes shifting form to rapidly become bipedal lizards with a single hooked claw on each foot and cunning intelligence in their beady eyes.

Ki activated his Shield of Faith brooch and tumbled through the undergrowth then to put himself behind one of the Ti-Khana Velociraptors, while Ash went for the more direct approach, slaughtering one of the altered creatures with his new greatsword, the paladin forgoing his normal tower shield to concentrate his efforts on taking down these creatures as fast as he was able. The Raptors screeched then and surged forwards into the group, their claws and bites raking at Zamtap, Ki and Masembe, injuring the monk and druid both, but finding no way through the priests armour plating. Backing away, Masembe cast a spell on himself, his skin altering to become like bark, as Ben slammed a fist into a Raptor and Zamtap swapped helmets and put on the one enchanted with contininous light so that all could see what was going on, the shed light illuminating the Raptor fighting Ki, which Aeron weakened with a Ray of Enfeeblement. Jebodiah simply rolled over and snored some more.

Ki's dagger missed and he ducked back under the shadow of the Tiny Hut, while Ash chopped down the Raptor that Ben had punched. A Raptor leapt at Zamtap then, raking the priest with its hind talons, the Gondite panicing as the Ti-Khana creatures aversion effect took hold, he fleeing into the jungle in terror of snakes, closely followed by Masembe who also succumbs, he sending a Creeping Cold spell at the nearest Raptor but the spell fizzles, and Ben dodges the snapping teeth of another of the altered dinosaurs. "What do you fear then?" Aeron muttered as he sent a Phantasmal Killer at another of the creatures, the spell killing the suddenly terrified dinaosaurs heart giving out and it collapsing to the floor, to a smirked "Me of course!" from the genasi.

Stepping back out of the hut, Ki deftly stabbed a Raptor, while Ash took up a defensive stance beside Aeron, inside the shelter. A pair of Raptors moved in on the monk then, easily flanking and tearing into him with claws, talons and poisonous bites. Deciding that greater numbers would win the day, Masembe began casting a spell to summon another ape, as Ben tripped and missed a punch at the creature he was fighting, though Zamtap didn't, a pistol shot ringing out as he shot it. Aeron smiled and turned to Ash, chanting and imbuing the paladin beside him with Bull's Strength.

Tumbling away from the pair of Raptors that were intent on eating him, ki drew his new wand and healed up some of the grevious wounds they had inflicted, as Ash stepped up beside one of them and sliced it to ribbons with his greatsword. The Raptor battling Ben ripped into the ape with jaws and claws, as another ape appeared behind it, the pair injuring the dinosaur trapped between them, as Masembe immediately set about summoning yet another ape to overwhelm his chosen foe. Zamtap activated his brooch of Lesser Vigor to start tending to his wounds, while Aeron chanted and gestured at one of the two remaining creatures, sending a Lesser Electric Orb at it, the orb missing, but the Raptor shifted back into snake form anyway and vanished amidst the jungle foliage.

As Ki again used the wand to see to his wounds, so Ash charged the Raptor that was between the two apes, getting slashed by talons in the process but running the twsted creation through. The group looked about for a while, but it was soon clear that the surviviing Raptor had fled, and they settled down to patch up wounds and finish their nights rest, the group groaning as one as they noticed then that Jebodiah hadn't even woken up!

DM's Notes:

Well they are on their way through the jungles and after being isolated from the world for the past tenday or so spent underground, they now have a hint at what is beginning to happen in the world at large, as the Year of Rogue Dragons is almost upon them, and the Rage is already beginning to claim the minds of dragons across Faerun (and possibly all of Toril). As will be seen, the events of the coming year will play a big part in the storyline to come.

Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better!

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And so RIP Gylippus, missed by no-one, but then that's how he might have wanted it.

It will be interesting to find out if the Bracers of Armour +3 and/ or the Goggles of Minute Seeing are in some way cursed...


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Hi Brakkart,

I've been eyeing this SH for some weeks now and finally had a chance to read it all today. Thanks for posting: it's been a great read! I look forward to reading more of your group's exploits!


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Heya Imruphel, glad you like the Story Hour, and I'm impressed you read the whole thing straight through in one day! Glad my writing was able to keep you reading.


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DM's Log of Session Thirty Nine

Morning of Nightal 17th dawned without any further incidents and after praying for spells, Zamtap cast a Sending spell to send warning to the Farseer, the head of Savra's temple in Tashluta, of the raged dragon flights imminent arrival. He and Aeron had worked on the precise message the previous night, and it went thusly:

"Frenzied Green and Black Dragons heading to attack Tashluta. Estimated time of arrival Midday. sorry for lack of warning. Savras be with you"

Mere seconds later the Farseer sent back this reply:

"Thank you for what warning you could send. We will do what we can. Savras be with you also"

The priest then saw to the dealing with the debilitating effects of the Ti-Khana creatures venom, casting a Lesser Restoration to deal with most of the poison in Ki's veins, and then a couple healing spells to restore him to almost full health.. The party broke camp then and headed further south through the jungles along an old trail, Ben and Masembe (in Ape form) roving ahead of the group to scout.

After several hours of travelling, the druid and then Ash also, spotted a large number of snakes ahead, sprawled and coiled over the ground, and many tree branches, basking in the sunlight that streamed down through a break in the canopy above. Reporting back to the others, the group decided to forge ahead through the mass of snakes, though wary after last nights encounter, several of them chose to cast protective magics, especially Neutralise Poison, with Masembe casting it on Ash, Ki and Bends-Low-Branches.

Advancing down the pathway, Zamtap loaded his pistol and walked on warily, Aeron staying behind the armour-plated priest, while Ki ducked into the foliage and vanished from sight, he steathily creeping forwards, darting from bush to tree trunk to stay in cover, his nimble feet avoiding stepping on twigs, not a sound giving away his location. Ash chanted as he walked up to beside Zamtap, bolstering himself with a Bull's Strength spell, while Masembe led the way, moving up the trail ahead of the group and getting ambushed then as a pair of snakes, one on either side of the abruptly shifted shape, becoming bigger, and bigger, growing four short legs, their backs rippling with armoured plates as the tips of their tails grew large and bony, the pair revealing themselves to be Ti-Khana Ankylosaurs, the druid quickly shifting shape into that of a Condor to try and get airborne.

The monsters were faster though, twin huge club-like tails smacking down on the shifting man/bird before he could complete his transformation and badly hurting him. His shapechange complete, he flew up into the canopy above to perch on a branch well out of the creatures reach, as Ben leapt at one of the beasts, his thumps though impacting on the ankylosaurs armour-plated hide and doing nothing. Zamtap chanted and cast Mass Lesser Vigor on Ash, Ben, Aeron and himself, and Aeron followed suit with a Mass Enlarge Person on the cleric and paladin, Ash belolowing a batllecry and charging into one of the creatures, crashing through the undergrowth and smiting it. All the while, Ki had his prey in sight, and snuck ever closer towards it.

One of the beasts hammered Zamtap with its tail then, its jaws closing on Ash though thanks to Masembe's earlier spell, the poison in its fangs had no effect. The other monster bit and whalloped Ben, driving the Ape away, it fleeing through the jungle. Sat in the tree up above, Masembe cast an Arc of Lightning to strike at the pair of altered creatures, hurting both. Zamtap uttered a Prayer to boost his allies, while Aeron unleashed a Phantasmal Killer, slaying one of the ankylosaurs outright, ust as Ki reached it, the sneaky monk frowning and starting to creep towards the one engaged in melee with Ash, whose blows try as he might, just kept glancing off the dinosaurs impressive armour.

The beast had no such trouble in hitting the paladin though, its tail and jaws beating and biting him severely. From his lofty perch Masembe wove his hands and vbegan chanting a spell to call an ally, while Zamtaps warhammer glanced off the bony hide of the marauding Ti-Khana creature. Aeron had better luck though, his Gedlee's Electric Loop injuirng and stunning the great lizard, enabling Ash to actually hit it. Ki snuck closer to the beast, dagger drawn for a sneak attack...

Which never came, as the dinosaur missed with its tail and bite, and a huge crocodile appeared behind it, its jaws closing on the ankylosaur and tearing the life out of it, as up above Masembe cheered and laughed.

After healing themselves up, the group made their way past the steaming corpses, leaving them for the snakes to feed on, and they headed further south.

Camping that night under a Leomunds Actually Quite Large Dome (Leomunds Tiny Hut) that Aeron summoned into being, Ash and Masembe provide a small deerlike creature from their hunting, the druid identifying it as a Tabuk. Zamtap though preferred his trail rations, pulling them out of a pocket in his travel cloak.

On Nightal 18th, towards mid afternoon, the party decided to detour from their course and head up a small tree cloaked hill, hoping to get a better view over the land. Their reason for the abrupt change being the more frequent appearance of ruins amidst the jungle trees and vines now, often running across and having to trek around old walls of long since overgrown buildings, or spotting towering monuments choked in creepers and vines, everything decorated in ancient serpentine motifs and glyphs.

Masembe shifted into Condor shape again and flew up above the hill, spying then the vast sprawl of ruins along the shore of the Lapal Sea that could only be Ss'inthee'ssaree, the city running for miles along the shoreline, and up to a mile in depth into the jungle itself, once the capital of an empire than spanned the entire peninsula from Chult to the Shaar. He keeps his distance from the city itself, noting that other birds do likewise, but from as close as he dare get his excellent avian eyesight can spot numerous interesting locations, such as a huge plaza with a couple stepped pyramids overlooking it, a vast circular building with heavy foot traffic coming in and out, and a citadel of sorts with six towers shaped to look like snakes.

Having been told by the others what the Megalomen look like, he spies units of them drilling in the great plaza, and also on a balcony overlooking it a human dressed in black and red, standing beside a pureblood who is talking to a man with a staff dressed in purple, the druid getting a keen sense, even from miles away, that there was something terribly wrong about the purple-clad figure. Too from on high he spies other creations of the Yuan-ti, the Ssvaklors a couple dozen of them lounging on rooftops, as well as Yuan-ti of all sorts in the streets, many varieties of Ti-Khana creatures, and teams of jungle dwarf slaves. He spots regiments of lizardfolk and ophidians, and from many parts of the city he sees the smoke plumes of furnaces and foundries, the signs of a city marshalling for war.

He flew back down then, and reported all of this to the others in the group, a long silence following as the sheer scale of the task ahead of the group became clear to them... the silence broken when Aeron made an observation:

"Ssvaklors are dragons... if all the other dragons in this part of the world are raging... why aren't they?"

No-one had an answer.

DM's Notes:

Gotta love Ti-Khana creatures, dinosaurs are cool, but dinos with poison bites, spell resistance and the ability to shapechange into common snakes? Too cool! And yes, another monster from MM3 makes its appearance, the Ssvaklor, a wonderful Yuan-ti/Dragon hybrid.

No Jebodiah for the past couple sessions, but he'll be back next time as the group plan their assault on the ruined city of the snakemen.


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Deuce Traveler said:
Brakkart's work has always been fun to read. (wink) Hey, B.

Deuce you old dog! What are you doing here? ;) Thanks for the compliment and I'm on holiday for the next week, so look for some more session logs (got 3 to type up to get back up to date) in the next few days.

Deuce Traveler

I got back from Iraq, refound your site, been back to Austin a bit, and decided to follow your links and see what you were up to.

Next thing I know, I'm signing up for PbP D and D games. : )

When you're done with this one, sign me up for your next one. This one looks great, by the by. I haven't gotten the chance to play a rogue yet, though... a gnome cleric on one and a viking barbarian on another.

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