Lord Sessadore
I feel compelled to object to this idea - not only for the reasons noted below, like how high level characters are as good as or better than 1st level characters at every skill, but also because of the number of rituals tied to each skill.My game requires that the ritual caster be trained in the key skill of the ritual being used. Most wizards will not be trained in Religion, so most cannot Raise Dead. Any Ritual Caster who feels the lack is one feat slot away from correcting it.
I feel it's not too much to ask that the guy trying to Raise Dead at least knows which gods he ought to be screaming at...
Seriously, take a look at the list. If you houserule that you must be trained in the ritual's key skill to use the ritual, you're severely gimping anyone who isn't trained in Arcana who takes Ritual Caster. Here's a breakdown of the rituals in the PHB:
- Arcana: 34 rituals
- Heal: 4 rituals (one of which is Raise Dead, meaning that clerics aren't even able to use it by default)
- Nature: 6 rituals
- Religion: 8 rituals