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RPG Advice Column Seeks Desperate, Frightened, Lovelorn Advice Seekers


Hello all,

Ever wonder what spells are best suited to take out beholders?

Having problems designing that kick-ass fighter/rogue?

Want to learn how to turn the monsters you send against the players into a well-oiled, unstoppable fighting machine?

Need help figuring out the rules effects of a few too many ales at Ye Local Watering Hole?

Wonder no more.

I, Mike Mearls, creator of dozens of d20 supplements and honest to goodness full-time game designer (or so I'm told), am now adding part-time advice columnist to my list of duties. Send your questions to:


And I'll answer the most interesting questions in my new advice column "How To Do Anything With Grace and Panache" soon to be hosted on my poorly maintained, 1993-era web site www.mearls.com

Obviously, questions can focus on d20, RPGs, freelance writing, and game design, but feel free to ask anything.

So, what are you waiting for? Ask away!

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
Okay mike here's a question for you?

"What do you when all you do is think of better ways to be a great and powerful Sagelike being over the net?" (Not directed at you mind you?) Just cry for help! erhm I mean just a question? ;)


Nightfall said:
Okay mike here's a question for you?

"What do you when all you do is think of better ways to be a great and powerful Sagelike being over the net?"

Steal Skip Williams's identity!

See, I'm good at giving advice. Not necessarily good advice, but advice nonetheless.

In all seriousness, I think this would be fun. I see so many "How do I..." posts on the general forum that maybe an RPG advice columnist is what this world needs. Besides, I'm naturally bossy and enjoy telling people what to do. I mean, I want to make the world a better place. And boss folks around.

(I hope.)

(Note: Advice columnists reserve the right to be completely disorganized, inept, and prone to chronic scatterbrained behavior despite their self-selected task to set other people's gaming lives straight.)


Registered User
Here's one that's been bugging me - the length and format of a book pitch. You've got a brilliant idea for Middens and Midgard, a d20 sourcebook for adventuring in Norse garbage bins. You're sending it off to various publishers. How much detail do you put into the submission?


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Well that would be cool and all...but then I'd be the one stuck doing a Mass Combat System for Malhavoc press Mike. ;) *is kidding*


First Post
Krug said:
How about How to chat up chainmail bikini chicks you meet at conventions?

That is a good one....and saying you publish RPG's does not work :mad: :D I tried it.

Mike sounds like a fun column, and the "Advice columnists reserve the right to be completely disorganized, inept, and prone to chronic scatterbrained behavior despite their self-selected task to set other people's gaming lives straight." Only makes it feel more real!

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