RPG Crowdfunding News – Elyse's Guide to Magic, Forbidden Psalm, One HONK Before Midnight, and more

This TTRPG crowdfunding sampler features campaigns that end between November 28 to December 4. From a 5e magic system to a Mörk Borg miniatures game to holiday horror to Pathfinder 2nd Edition dungeons to monsters inspired by The Legend of Zelda to a game where you’re a goose trying to bring about the end of human existence, I’m showcasing a range of options for discerning gamers.

Elyse's Guide to Magic - A 5e supplement.png

Elyse's Guide to Magic - A 5e supplement from Draco Studios
  • END DATE: Thu, November 30 2023 2:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $60 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book
  • AI STATEMENT: “We fully support our talented creative team and as a company we do not use AI in our products.”
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? The pitch for this project sounds ambitious, but may bring a fresh, new take on magical gameplay. Elyse's Guide to Magic promises a variety of 5e support, but it’s marquee draw is an original magic system that allows characters to spontaneously craft spells. Making up a spell on the fly might be amazing, and I’d love to see it in action. In addition, they’re offering a dynamic summoning system, runic magic, 150 spells, and more. Yes, this is a 5e sourcebook so you get new classes, subclasses, magical creatures, magic items, and the like, all useful additions to your game. But the focus is their take on 5e magic. With over 300 pages, you’ll get a point-based magic system that takes cues from the gameplay of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3. If these ideas interest you and you’d like to explore samples of their work, check out the campaign page for some free previews and some magical inspiration.

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Abyss of Hallucinations Collected Edition from Exalted Funeral
  • END DATE: Fri, December 1 2023 11:59 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Mörk Borg
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $140 + S/H for the PDF and hardcover versions of the books and GM screen
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This project is built on two things: Mörk Borg and Aleister Crowley’s Book of Lies. This is the third and final RPG zine in the trilogy. This zine gives you a map of the Abyss, 6 Mörk Borg classes, new deities and Thelemic Miseries, creatures of the Abyss, and a host of other horrors to make the setting unsettling. There’s a zine version of the book or the hardcover version for the slipcase. Brought to you by Max Moon, these books have beautiful art and layouts. While not for the faint of heart, the Abyss of Hallucinations trilogy is a handsome looking set in zine or hardcover, perfect for fans of the artbook appearance of Mörk Borg projects.

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Forbidden Psalm: End Times Edition from OptimisticNIL
  • END DATE: Thu, November 30 2023 12:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Mörk Borg
  • PROJECT TYPE: Tabletop miniature game compatible with Mörk Borg
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £51 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of all three books
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Speaking of Mörk Borg, let’s talk about a miniatures game based on, and compatible with, that system. The Forbidden Psalm: The End Times Edition is a compilation of the rules from the original core book and the expansion In the Footsteps of the Mad Wizard. Edited together for this compilation, the game is designed for 28mm miniatures to be played as competitive combats as well as solo and coop play. With 25 combat scenarios, this is a complete tabletop game. As an added bonus, the campaign advertises compatibility with the Mörk Borg TTRPG, meaning you can use these rules in place of combat there. This project will speak to gamers looking for more combat in their campaign.

Cries of the Overworld for the Forgotten Ballad TTRPG.png

Cries of the Overworld for the Forgotten Ballad TTRPG from Bloat Games
  • END DATE: Tue, November 28 2023 9:59 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Forgotten Ballad
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $9 for the PDF of the book
  • DISCLAIMER: I have freelanced for Bloat Games. I am not affiliated with this project
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Forgotten Ballad is an unofficial TTRPG homage to The Legend of Zelda. It’s a stylish, fun experience that does a good job of capturing (bottling?) the vibe of the LoZ games. This zine offers more monsters for this TTRPG. Written by Fillepe Da Silva of coolwayink, this project takes inspiration from The Legend of Zelda as well as Bloat Games’ Overworld zines. Bringing the monsters from the core rulebook as well as many new ones, you’ll have a variety of creatures to pit against your heroes. If you’re a fan of rules lite systems, monsters, and The Legend of Zelda, this project is worth seeking out.

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One HONK Before Midnight: A Goose-Based TTRPG Adventure from Jack Dixon
  • END DATE: Mon, December 4 2023 6:37 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £20 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? The pitch is “Goose Hijinks, Tales of ‘The Honk-Pocalypse’, and an RPG system letting you live out all your chaotic goose-based fantasies!” Is… is this a prequel to Top Gun? No? Something more like Canada Gooses? No, again? Ok, so… <Reads pitch> You’re playing a goose, part of an “elite gaggle of geese, determined to usher in The HONK-pocalypse and reestablish an era dominated by geese.” That’s… perfect. This might be the pinnacle of roleplaying. You, as a goose, fighting the [hu]man. On the campaign page, there’s a picture of three geese wearing a trenchcoat. Glorious! Using a system inspired by Lasers and Feelings and Honey Heist, honk at the humans, for their days are numbered! If you want to play a silly goose trying to wipe out humanity, this campaign page offers an amazing looking option to bring your feathered dreams to life.

Mini-Dungeon Tome II for Pathfinder 2e.png

Mini-Dungeon Tome II for Pathfinder 2e from AAW Games
  • END DATE: Thu, November 30 2023 10:20 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Pathfinder 2nd Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $49 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? 120 mini-dungeons for Pathfinder 2e characters levels 1 to 20. These are two-page short adventures and one-shots offered with a map, artwork, hook, and details in a concise layout. Each mini-dungeon is one to several rooms and/or encounters, they’re enough content for a fun gaming session. As an added bonus, this book is a sequel so you can pick up the original and have 240 total PF2e mini-dungeons, enough to find a fun adventure every night of the campaign.


OBSCURE from Blæk Games
  • END DATE: Thu, November 30 2023 1:46 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): “Based on a d6 dice pool system inspired by Tunnel Goons” as well as ALIEN RPG and Vampire: The Masquerade
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • AI STATEMENT: “I do not support the use of AI generated text or images, so this product will, of course, be 100% AI FREE. Support real humans and their hard work.”
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: €35 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book plus dice
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? A found footage TTRPG inspired by The Blair Witch Project, Outlast, and V/H/S. This is an atmosphere heavy experience in which the characters are regular folk that run into something powerful and deadly. There’s no stopping it, there’s just surviving it. The system uses d6s and Energy Points to complete actions. The catch is, your Energy Points are also your Hit Points, so every action has a cost. Obviously, this type of TTRPG only works if characters can, and do, die. Yet, normally death means the player doesn’t have anything to do for the rest of the session. OBSCURE overcomes that with a transformation, your dead character becomes a spirit and adds to the horror, or offers help, for the rest of the game. Artistically, the creator is going the extra mile and giving the images a video grain by creating analog artwork using tech from the 1990s. This book looks fantastic and the idea of stumbling upon horror in the field has potential. If you’re a fan of horror TTRPGs and found footage, this is worth checking out.

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The Wassailing of Claus Manor from Plus One Exp
  • END DATE: Fri, December 1 2023 11:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): “Rooted in Trophy”
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $45 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book, cards, sound track, and more
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? It’s the holiday season, time for another holiday-themed horror TTRPG. Santa and his extended family are dedicated to the Christmas cause; dedicated enough to perform dark arts to make the holidays happier. You, as their mortal staff, have to attempt to quell their urges and avert the catastrophe they’ve unleashed, all while keeping your day as Santa’s helpers. Using the Trophy Dark framework, you’re drawing cards and politicking to reach a conclusion. If the idea of facing off against the Claus family in the hopes of saving the season appeals to you, this game will be a holiday treat.

Vault of Splintered Souls- A D&D 5th Edition Megadungeon.png

Vault of Splintered Souls: A D&D 5th Edition Megadungeon from EN Publishing
  • END DATE: Thu, November 30 2023 12:19 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £10 for the PDF of the dungeon
  • DISCLAIMER: EN World is a subsidiary of EN Publishing
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This 14-floor megadungeon risks the lives of your party from their 6th level through their 10th. 100 pages of monsters, traps, and literal twists and turns, this book brings you what you need: A lot of dungeon for characters when they have the levels and potential to conquer it!

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry

One HONK Before Midnight: A Goose-Based TTRPG Adventure from Jack Dixon
  • END DATE: Mon, December 4 2023 6:37 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £20 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? The pitch is “Goose Hijinks, Tales of ‘The Honk-Pocalypse’, and an RPG system letting you live out all your chaotic goose-based fantasies!” Is… is this a prequel to Top Gun? No? Something more like Canada Gooses? No, again? Ok, so… <Reads pitch> You’re playing a goose, part of an “elite gaggle of geese, determined to usher in The HONK-pocalypse and reestablish an era dominated by geese.” That’s… perfect. This might be the pinnacle of roleplaying. You, as a goose, fighting the [hu]man. On the campaign page, there’s a picture of three geese wearing a trenchcoat. Glorious! Using a system inspired by Lasers and Feelings and Honey Heist, honk at the humans, for their days are numbered! If you want to play a silly goose trying to wipe out humanity, this campaign page offers an amazing looking option to bring your feathered dreams to life.
Peace was never an option.

Abyss of Hallucinations freaks me out in the right way, but then One HONK Before Midnight helps me keep from getting my feathers too ruffled. I also want to hang out with Santa Claus master of the dark arts and be one of the few survivors (if any?!) of a found footage video. What a great collection of kickstarters.
I'm a Thelemite and I am not sure if I should be offended by Abyss of Hallucinations, seems to play into all the sensationalism about Crowley tying it to Mork Borg, and none of the factual aspects of him and his work but the other hand, it looks super cool and it's for Mork Borg.

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