RPG Crowdfunding News – MekBorg and Steel Psalm, Stewpot, Shadows of Esteren, and more

This week’s TTRPG crowdfunding sampler contains projects that end between May 16 to 18. They range from MÖRK BORG with skirmish rules, mini-games, a 5e subclass, an Old-School Essentials setting, and more.

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MekBorg and Steel Psalm from DMDave Publishing
  • END DATE: Thu, May 16 2024 11:00 AM EDT.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebooks
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $99 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of both books plus the ammo box with zines, stickers, and patches
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Use the most advanced tech to fight over the scraps of this galaxy. MÖRK BORG meets post-apocalyptic MEK-KNIGHT robot-on-robot destruction. Between the two books, there’s over 200 pages of pilots, MEKS, factions, campaign setting, and more. MEKBORG gives you the core rules for standard TTRPG play using MÖRK BORG. STEEL PSALM is a minis-agnostic skirmish game for MEK-KNIGHT unit combat, and it is compatible with MÖRK BORG and the skirmish game, FORBIDDEN PSALM. If you like MEKS, unit combat, and MÖRK BORG, check out the campaign page for a link to the quick reference introduction to the game to see if this is right for your gaming table.

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Stewpot: Tales from a Fantasy Tavern from Evil Hat Productions
  • END DATE: May 16, 2024 at 9:00pm EDT.
  • CROWDFUNDING ON: Backerkit
  • SYSTEM(S): Original systems
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $25 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of the book
  • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: Stewpot Sampler PDF + Roll20 Quickstart is free at DriveThruRPG
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? After a lifetime of adventuring, you’ve taken up running a tavern. With Stewpot, you’ll get a series of 16 mini-games that bring post-adventuring tavern running to life. Each game is a slice-of-life scene with different, simple rules and prompts to bring the world to your gaming table. At 112 pages, each game is roughly 6ish pages, making it easy to navigate and play as a one-shot. If you want to see what life as the owner of a fantasy inn is like, this Backerkit project is worth checking out.
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Shadows of Esteren - A Medieval Horror RPG: Dearg 2 from Studio 2 Publishing and Studio Agate
  • END DATE: Fri, May 17 2024 7:00 AM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Shadows of Esteren
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $40 + S/H for the PDF and print versions of Dearg 2 Deluxe Box, SAGA, and the game aids
  • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: Try the ruleset with Shadows of Esteren - Book 1 Universe, which is PWYW at DriveThruRPG or the free Shadows of Esteren - Book 0 Prologue
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? With the 10th anniversary of Shadows of Esteren, the highly awarded French TTRPG, Studio Agate offers Dearg Season 2, the latest expansion to Shadows’ campaign setting. This TTRPG and world are less about treasure and physical conflict and more about emotions such as grief and love. Designed to evoke strong reactions such as empathy and pain, you’ll play as fantasy characters that are concerned with relationships as much as mysteries. If the idea of this type of fantasy world, one where your reactions matter, interests you, check out the campaign page for more details.

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Nibblemancy - a cooking and baking wizard subclass for 5e from Steve Conley
  • END DATE: Thu, May 16 2024 10:00 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $5 for the PDF version of the book
  • AI STATEMENT: “No A.I. ‘art’ or generative content is used in this or any of my projects.”
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This RPG zine offers a wizard subclass and cookbook.
  • The subclass, Nibblemancy, is an arcane tradition for wizards, one that comes with a cookbook of buffs and abilities, food spells, and adult beverages. The idea is a fun, magic chief sorta wizard that spends time roasting food, not just their enemies. If you’re looking for something serious and silly in the best possible way, this might be a good 5e option.

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Hypersleep Terminated from NerdBurger Games
  • END DATE: Thu, May 16 2024 7:00 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $20 + S/H for the PDF and softcover version of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? You awake from hypersleep in the middle of a deep space disaster. Survival is the only goal. Most of you will not make the cut. This is a one-shot, GM-less project that puts you into a sci-fi disaster movie. If you ever played NerdBurger Games’ Die Laughing, you’ll understand this project. Both games put you into a movie. You start as characters in a doomed scenario. As you die, you move “behind the camera” and become producers on the movie, making changes to the script, budget, and timeline which impact the movie’s remaining stars. For gamers looking for action and comedy, Hypersleep Terminated is going to be a big action fun time.

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Journey Into The Madlands from RPG Ramblings Publications
  • END DATE: Thu, May 16 2024 7:00 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Old-School Essentials
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $56 for the PDF and print version of the zine plus the limited edition proto-version of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? This is an Old-School Essentials post-apocalyptic campaign setting and adventure. Inside the zine are 52 pages focusing on the region with maps, an original dread forest, a town brimming with political tensions, a bestiary, and an adventure. The campaign page promises a region with unique ideas but enough room for you to make it your own setting. If you want a post-apocalyptic madland, this may be right for your gaming table.

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FUNHOUSE: A Superhero Mini-Setting from teh ebil bunneh
  • END DATE: Sat, May 18 2024 1:59 PM EDT.
  • SYSTEM(S): Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $30 + S/H for the PDF and softcover version of the book
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN? Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition envisions a world where Marvel’s The X-Men are second class citizens and the norm for those with powers. Forced into ghettos away from non-superpowered individuals, this world is like Code 8. This mini-setting is one of those neighborhoods, FUNHOUSE. Designed to offer superheroics along with questions of “poverty, homelessness, racism and classism, gang violence, alcoholism and drug use, and a serial killer clown.” The book provides details about the area, NPCs, villains, and heroes to pull from. If you’re a fan of Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition, this setting is worth checking out.

Egg Embry participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program, Noble Knight Games’ Affiliate Program, and is an Amazon Associate. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG, Noble Knight Games, and Amazon.

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry

I've backed Hypersleep Terminated, because it fills a sub-genre I've wanted to play/run, and because I don't have to really run it!

I'll probably be backing Nibblemancy, because it looks like a fun addition, and because of the creator's strong "no AI imagery" statement.

I've backed Hypersleep Terminated, because it fills a sub-genre I've wanted to play/run, and because I don't have to really run it!

I'll probably be backing Nibblemancy, because it looks like a fun addition, and because of the creator's strong "no AI imagery" statement.
Right on!

Here are the 5e Campaign Setting and Adventure Path crowdfunding campaigns I'm keeping an eye on right now.

Closed and Funded:

Open and Funded:

Here are the 5e Campaign Setting and Adventure Path crowdfunding campaigns I'm keeping an eye on right now.

Closed and Funded:

Open and Funded:
Thank you for sharing. I backed "The Infernal Tome," and would have backed "Sword of Souls," but its delivery date was December 2025! That is to long for me.

Thank you for sharing. I backed "The Infernal Tome," and would have backed "Sword of Souls," but its delivery date was December 2025! That is to long for me.
Glad you found it useful.

I have to say Sword of Souls currently looks like a classic Kickstarter heartbreaker. With a $75K funding goal, first time creator without a large built-in audience... it is not likely to fund.

I did check out the creator's website (he makes and sells dice). So I could be wrong about the built-in audience. Only time will tell. I wish the creator the best of luck as the concept looks great, and I particularly like the art style (explicitly not AI).

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