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RPG Crowdfunding News 080: Faerie Fire, Infinite Galaxies, Dice Roll Dungeons, Fantasy Magic Item Ca

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! This week we look at two different 5th Edition products, a new Powered by the Apocalypse sci-fi game, a systemless fantasy encounter generator and some very small metal dice. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! This week we look at two different 5th Edition products, a new Powered by the Apocalypse sci-fi game, a systemless fantasy encounter generator and some very small metal dice. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Faerie Fire, a 5e supplemental by Astrolago Press
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 7th February 2018; 19:50 UTC)

Part artbook, part bestiary, Faerie Fire is a stylish bestiary for 5th Edition featuring over 30 artists. Faerie Fire is inspired by the neon noir aesthetic of the late 80s, with a touch of Trapper Keeper, and a spot of 90s Lisa Frank thrown in for good measure--we're calling it fairypunk. Adventurers making their way to the fairy wilds will meet creatures strange and new: some beautiful, some curious--but all of them dangerous in their own way. We also introduce the Plane of Living Light, a mysterious realm that can be skillfully manipulated by warlocks imbued with the Living Light. With magic reminiscent of neon lights and holograms, and a fey court full of glamour, the fairy wilds are filled with creatures dazzling and deadly in equal measure.

"We wanted to explore the world of the fairy wilds in more depth--so we've made a court full of 10 wild, dangerous, and chaotic fey, and 20 new and unique monsters to add to your campaign bestiary--and an additional 20 magical items to fill your players with wonder (and avarice)."

The base edition of Faerie Fire will be full-colour, hardcover, and feature approximately 104 pages of content; it will match the same dimensions as your other 5e books, so that they all line up nicely on your bookshelf.

The book is divided into two sections: the Fey Court, and the Wilds. In the Fey Court you'll meet a cast of ten strange and complicated beings: from the childlike Monarch to the mischievous Pox & Pilfer--and the mysterious, isolated Sepal, warden of the fairy prisons.

Members of the court are just as likely to turn on one another as they are to uphold any kind of order, and a player who finds themselves in the court's capricious graces could make a lot of trouble--or wind up dead.

In the Wilds, you'll encounter an even stranger collection of beings--some sentient, some not--who all operate by the fairy realm's arbitrary and downright chaotic rules. While not every creature in the book is immediately deadly (some would simply like to ask you a few questions), not one of them should be underestimated. An adventurer navigating the wilds may find themselves ensnared by the deadly Chondrofeyr--only to be rescued by their new, strange fairy familiar.

All 30 entries will come complete with beautiful, bold illustrations provided by an incredible line-up of talented artists--not to mention balanced stats, inventive mechanics, and vibrant lore for ideas on how to insert them into your own campaign.

Infinite Galaxies Core Rules by Rory G. MacLeod
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 7th February 2018; 19:56 UTC)

Infinite Galaxies is a Powered by the Apocalypse game of epic sci-fi adventures for 3 to 6 players. The Apocalypse engine has had a few tweaks made to it to “better model stuff like star ship combat, robots, aliens and other hallmarks of Sci—Fi!”

Have you ever wanted to see a robot with a jet pack and rocket launcher arms? Ever wanted to fly your ship to the furthest reaches of the galaxy to explore alien ruins? Ever wanted to use your psionic powers to free the people of Arachnis 9 from the evil lord Zor? Well, with Infinite Galaxies, you can! You can do all of this with as much or as little prep as you want. If you want to run a zero-prep one shot, it’s easy. If you would rather create a complex society and hundreds of planets, you can do that too! It all works seamlessly with Infinite Galaxies rules.

You get eight playbooks (character classes) representing a range of sci-fi character types. Each playbook includes three separate starting packages, allowing for even greater flexibility. The playbooks consist of The Ace, The Explorer, The Jack, The Leader, The Psi, The Robot, The Scientist and The Soldier. There is also a playbook for The Ship, giving it its own ability scores, damage system, and advancement.

There are a number of new systems brought in to the game: Scenes, Milestones, Drives, Relationships, Vitality and Wounds and a default campaign setting, Star Patrol, is included to get you started, although is not required to be setting in your game.

Dice Roll Dungeons – Instant Encounters for DND & Pathfinder by Aether Games
(Campaign Ends : Tuesday 6th February 2018; 00:02 UTC)

Dice Roll Dungeons is a way to help create encounters for your next game with ease, and a bit of fun. The PDF is a compendium of 20 different encounter scenarios which are suitable for any fantasy game. You start off by rolling a d20 to determine what Dungeon Setting you’ll be using. This will give you an overview of location, lore, interesting sidenotes about potential hazards and inhabitants. This is further customized with a series of other rolls that will supply you with Adventure Hooks, Boss Fight, a variety of Enemies and Dangers and totally customized Traesure.

Each of the 20 dungeons are diverse, so each encounter will offer a completely different and endlessly customizable experience. Whether you prefer your campaign with epic combat, Lovecraftian horror, or heart-pounding exploration, Dice Dungeons has something for all types of GMs and players alike. The process can be as detailed as reading every single possible scenario, or simply rolling every required dice all at once and instantly having a completed dungeon prompt. It really is that simple!

Fantasy Magic Item Cards: RPG Items for 5E by Deep Dungeon Games
(Campaign Ends : Thursday 1st February 2018; 16:20 UTC)

Deep Dungeon Games are creating eight decks of cards containing a range of new magical items for use with 5th Edition rules. Each deck is starting off with 20 base cards, but each could expand to 34 cards if stretch goals are met. Each deck will consist of 4 common, 5 uncommon, 5 rare, 5 very rare, and one legendary item.

The decks available are as follows:

Deck of Defense (Defensive and armor magical items)
Deck of Damage (Damaging magical weapon items)
Deck of Distance (Ranged magical weapon items)
Deck of Finery (Wearable magical jewelry items)
Deck of Spellcraft (Spell crafting magical items)
Deck of Wonder (Odd magical items)
Deck of Consumption (Consumable magical items)
Deck of Apparel (Wearable magical items)

MINI Metal Polyhedral Dice Sets from Metallic Dice Games by Adam Hackett
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 4th February 2018; 16:17 UTC)

Metallic Dice Games have been making full-sized 16mm metal dice for a few years but their latest Kickstarter is aiming to bring four colours from their metal range down a size or two… all the way down to 10mm. Available in Antique Copper, Antique Gold, Antique Silver, and Torched Rainbow, the dice are available in 7-die polyhedral sets, as well as individually and in sets of d6’s and d20’s.

You can compare the new 10mm range (front row) with the 16mm metal sets (back row) below…


If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps Thanks!


If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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UPDATE: We have hit our funding goal and are now working on the first stretch goal. Please consider backing this project. 45 hours left!


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