RPG Print News – Mongoose Publishing, Legendary Games, and More

An entire war and facing an Ancient both land as supplements for Traveller. The first supplement arrives for The Wildsea. A new mech RPG is out and various adventures and settings with an old-school theme are available, including support for Pathfinder First Edition.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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The Fifth Frontier War | Wrath of the Ancients by Mongoose Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Traveller
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99/$59.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The Third Imperium has fought four Frontier Wars against the Zhodani Consulate. A Fifth Frontier War kicks off as Zhodani battle fleets emerge from jumpspace at Regina, Efate, and Jewell. Reinforcements are months away and the Sector Admiral is frittering away what forces he has. PCs may jump into a trench at the Fall of Lanth or join the intrigue at the ducal court at Mora. They could hold back the Zhodani tide at the First Battle of Regina or lead the breakthrough of the 40th Fleet as it lunges at Macene. The PCs decide. This is the first sourcebook in a campaign that can span years of play and powerfully alter the future of the Charted Space universe. Wrath of the Ancients concludes a trilogy of adventures started with Mysteries of the Ancients and Secrets of the Ancients. If the PCs took part in the first two adventures and survived, then they have defeated an Ancient, but the struggle continues. The PCs receive a telepathic nightmare depicting a crashed vessel on a desolate moon. The Ancient Tsyamoykyo, once the least of his kind, plans to start a reign of terror. Meanwhile, the PCs are growing in power, developing new abilities. They have to learn to guide the process if they want to defeat another Ancient and save Charted Space. Again.
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Storm & Root by Mythworks
  • SYSTEM: The Wildsea: Core Rules
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Includes expanded shipbuilding rules for airships and submersibles, new character options, and dozens of new Hazards and Reaches. For a wildsailor PC who chooses to sail, the riches are worth the risk. PCs can journey to the depths below or sail the wild blue above, exploring the wonders and horrors of the waves and discovering new scavenges, factions, and mysteries.
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Salvage Union by LeyLine Press
  • SYSTEM: use the rules from Quest RPG
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rules
  • RETAIL PRICE: $39.95
  • DESCRIPTION: PCs play as salvager mech pilots in scrap built mechs who scour the post-apocalyptic wasteland for salvage. The scarred, dystopian world is ruled by greedy, corrupt corporations which control isolated mega-settlements known as Arcos. The PCs live lives outside the bounds of corpo control, roaming the wastes in a vast mech known as a Union Crawler which houses an entire community. Scrap hauled back is used to support, sustain, and grow a community and craft new mechs. PCs face wastelanders, raiders, mutants, Bio-Titans, alien Meld, and corpo forces. Also includes an adventure.
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Wulfwald | Sanctimonious Slimes vs. Expired Epicures | Beyond the Pale | Game Master's Dot Journal by Exalted Funeral
  • SYSTEM: fantasy class based/Errant/Cairn/Pilgrimage of the Penitent
  • PRODUCT TYPE: box set with cloth map/softcover adventure/hardcover adventure/journal
  • RETAIL PRICE: $60/$16/$36/$20
  • DESCRIPTION: Wulfwald is a system-agnostic setting based in a world of mythic Anglo-Saxon tales. Each PC is a Wolfshead, an outcast adventurer trying to regain a place in society in a world filled with mythic monsters, dark and dangerous magic, and even more dangerous rulers. Features: 12 classes, four magic systems, a guide to the realms of Wulfwald, an introductory adventure, monsters, peoples, and a cloth map. Sanctimonious Slimes vs. Expired Epicures is a dungeon delve filled with dynamic factions and weird magic, laid out for ease of use at the table. Inside: six factions including an ennui-afflicted medusa and holier-than-thou slimes, 30 bizarre rooms including the Argumentoria and the Moldering Boudoir, 14 random tables including “Grotesque Mutations” and “Things a talking snake might say to convert you to their religion.”, and two New Testaments ready for Zealots. Beyond the Pale is an adventure inspired by Jewish history, folk tales, and mysticism. PCs will encounter themes of oppression and persecution alongside hope and love, all set against a backdrop of idyllic country life. Members of the religious community were consulted throughout development to ensure that the themes and images were not perceived as offensive or derogatory. Originally created as an add-on item for the Pilgrimage of the Penitent campaign this Game Master's Dot Journal features a textless dot pattern, perfect for designing dungeons. The cover is embossed with the Pilgrimage of the Penitent logo, which is also printed on the bottom outside corner of each page. The leaves are printed in blood red to match the red bookmark ribbon.
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Legendary Classes - Bloodline Disciple | Legendary Classes - Psychics by Legendary Games
  • SYSTEM: Pathfinder First Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $17.99/$15.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Legendary Classes - Bloodline Disciple brings 15 prestige classes, each keyed to core bloodline, and concentrates on the special powers of each. Root in the ground and become one with the green as a Verdant Disciple, spread angelic wings as a Celestial Disciple, or choose from an awesome array of boons as an Arcane, Fey. Also includes mythic rules for each prestige class (plus for dragon disciples) alongside new core feats and mythic feats and new mythic spells. Legendary Classes - Psychics focuses on a class redesign with a unique origin that is the source of their power and a discipline that describes how they bend the world to their will. New class features concentrate on extrasensory abilities. Includes 20 origins and disciplines, like the Dual Psychic, whose mind has been fractured in two, and the Id Dancer who makes friends with beguiling thoughts. Also has eight archetypes to create entirely new psychics, like the Alienist, Transcendent Mind, and Psychic Assassin, along with 40 feats and spells from Seventh Sense and Undercast Echo to psychokinetic scattering and wall of riddles.
Charlie Dunwoody participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and the Noble Knight Games’ Affiliate Program. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Noble Knight Games respectively. If you like the articles at EN World please consider supporting the EN World Patreon.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

We are still in the midst of getting Wildsea: Storm & Root out to kickstarter backers in Canada, but you can still go ahead and place your order for this or other Myth Works titles through Compose Dream Games -> Mythworks

We'll send it out as soon as we can!

Slugblaster is already all out. Your local game store can order them in from us too.
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I just picked up Salvage Union! It looks great! With low crunch, but deep character and mech progression, I am eager to play it. I just need to finish reading the Marvel Multiverse RPG first.

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