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RPG purchases you know you'll never use


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Crothian said:
So, what RPG games or supplements have you bought and known full well you are never going to use?
It depends on what you mean by "use". I own the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, and will probably never play in a Forgotten Realms campaign, but I will read and enjoy the book, plus pull a few ideas from it.

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Social Justice Wizard

Sometimes it feels as if we're never going to play any other game or system other than d20.
I miss my Vampire the Masquerade.
I miss my Cyberpunk.
But living in the country, it's really hard to get anyone up on a regular basis, and we're not quite ready to introduce the girls to either of my fave games. So D&D it is. And Star Wars. I'm looking forward to our Rokugan/Dragonstar crossover.

Games I never want to play:
-Wraith (played it once under protest. Loathe it)
-Street Fighter
-any game that requires a calculator or ten different tables to generate characters or resolve combat... Top Secret, Merc, Revised Recon
-CoC: MAYBE I'll give the d20 version another chance, but heck, I can barely make it through Lovecraft stories.
-CarWars. Hubby loves it. Can't stand it- totally pointless, few redeeming qualities. Any game where you sit for hours slaving over constructing a vehicle or character which you plan on destroying doesn't catch my interest. Heck, Giant Monster Rampage only grabs my attention because of the kitsch value. The rest of the family loves it though.
-Kabal. Sometimes collector value STILL doesn't justify buying a product.
-MetaBarons- wow, Moebius and Jodorowsky! Sweet! What a great universe, too bad we just don't have the time or inclination to actually learn a completely new system.

There are others, but I'm sure that Hound will elaborate on them just to show how big his gaming dick is.

We own tonnes of games that got pillaged for ideas, but never once played (Shadown, Cyberspace, Living Steel to name a few). Other games we got as far as generating characters and then gave up (TMNT, Nephilim). Some lasted a few sessions then got shelved (Traveller, CyberGen, On The Edge, Stormbringer)...

Our basement is a graveyard of books, where RPGs go to die.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
I'm going to do this by Game Systems, not actual books...

First and foremost:

K.A.B.A.L. (Knights And Barbarians And Legerdemain)


Gamma World 1st Edition (bought it AFTER I bought second, third and fourth ed)
Changeling: the Dreaming
HoL (Human Occupied Landfill)
Cyborg Commando
Space 1889
Star Trek
HackMaster PHB
Twilight 2000 2nd Ed
GURPS (and a pile of sourcebooks)
Top Secret S.I.
Boot Hill
Sailor Moon
Ninjas & Superspies
Space Opera
Heavy Gear
The End
Blood Dawn
On the Edge
Rolemaster 2nd ed
Heroes Unlimited
Chivalry & Sorcery
Interstellar Elite
Mekton II

There are also some games I will never play, but I pillaged rules from for my other games...

Delta Force, America Strikes Back
Mage: the Ascension
Living Steel
Phoenix Command
Dark Conspiracy
REAL Cyberpunk

Plus there are a lot that I used once or twice and discarded

Tank Girl
Macho Women With Guns / Renegade Nuns on Wheels / Bat Winged Bimbos from Hell
Teenagers From Outer Space
Marvel SuperHeros
Gamma World 2nd, 3rd, & 4th ed (and modules)
Revised Recon
Rolemaster 1st Ed
Robotech (all eras)
Star Frontiers & Supplements
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Supplements
Villains and Vigilantes
Palladium RPG
Dream Park

And of course, a whole bunch that I have forgotten over the years... And about a dozen games on my list of "will never die, wish I played them still!"


HellHound said:
I'm going to do this by Game Systems, not actual books...

First and foremost:

K.A.B.A.L. (Knights And Barbarians And Legerdemain)

Wow Thats a rare book! ANd UBER cruddy I have heard too. THe title sounds like some made up game from an early 80's "Fear the RPG" novel

GURPS (and a pile of sourcebooks)
Chivalry & Sorcery

Well if you have books you want to sell let me know. I would be happy to see you at the Marketplace



Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (only a few bits that I actually use from it)

Deities & Demigods (I'd love to use it, but alas... it IS a great book)

Twilight of Atlantis (pretty cover.. not enough "crunch" for me inside)

Hackmaster (I SO want to play it, since I have all of the books, but my players refuse because characters don't last long, and they take forever to make)



First Post
Eden's new Buffy RPG--I hope to get a chance to play it, but I doubt it will happen.

Farscape d20--lack of interest from the rest of my group. I bought it mostly because I am a fan of the show, and in the hopes of being able to port some of teh stuff to regular D&D, or a supers game, or something.


HellHound said:
I'm going to do this by Game Systems, not actual books...

First and foremost:

K.A.B.A.L. (Knights And Barbarians And Legerdemain)


[TONS of GAMES removed for space]

And of course, a whole bunch that I have forgotten over the years... And about a dozen games on my list of "will never die, wish I played them still!"

Hmm.. not interested in selling any of the old stuff are you? :D



First Post
Crothian said:
This is more a general RPG topic then d20 specific. I just got the new Buffy RPG. I know I'll never get to play it. It seems like a great game and everything, but I don't think it really fits the current group.
Ditto :)
Crothian said:
So, what RPG games or supplements have you bought and known full well you are never going to use?
In addition to Buffy, I have Dragonquest and Universe (SPI games long OOP). I've also got a bunch of Harn stuff that I'm 99.999% will never get used. I've pre-ordered Traveller d20 and will probably pick up LotR. Again, my current group probably won't be interested...

Why do I buy all this stuff that I'm never likely to use? Who the *&^$ knows :rolleyes:
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Mystic Eye

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Being a 25+ year active gamer my list looks a LOT like Hellhounds above. It blows me away to see some of the old games I played with the Leading Edge Games folks years ago like Living Steel and Pheonix Command. Ahhh , the memories.

Recently, I would have to say the list looks like this:

Ravenloft d20

Forgotten Realms (all three books. We use our own setting but have them for research so we don't end up with stuff to close to WOTC's in our books).

Spycraft (every one. I would love to play this and maybe I will get lucky and find a local game. IT sold like mad but no one seems to be playing it here in Austin).

EverQuest d20: I really just wanted to see what the first OGL book using the 3rd edition rules was all about.

HackMaster: Just too busy with d20 stuff.

Hero System, 5th edition: Just had to have this newer edition but don't see much chance to play.

Aftermath: Found a used copy a while back. Just had to have it.

Wheel of Time: Love the setting but no support so it will die off.

Oriental Adventures? Rokugan d20: Again, had to have it but we use our own setting. I LOVE the d20 Rokugan material.

Other games I now have that will not get to play often, if at all:

Game of Thrones: This is a great game. I have friends and associates who did the card art (Jhoneil Centeno, Jason Engle, etc). I just don't get to play these games much due to a lack of time. I am collecting them because I am a HUGE fan of the series the game comes from (thanks to Greg Benage at FFG).

Heroclix: Collecting them but I am not sure why. I just don't have the time other than at Cons and then I have to play against some 10 year old with the "ultimate" power strategy. Great, fun game though. I did get to play it once.

MageKnight: The same as Heroclix. Really had fun playing it at Gen Con 2001 and 2002 though. I will never get to play locally with my time dedicated to making games and with a son kicking away in my wifes belly!

My list could go on but I will stop there!

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