@Morrus, I hope this is OK and I don't mean to hijack your thread, but it seems this is an opportunity for a teaching moment here. For the past decade or so, I've given workplace presentations on diversity and privilege, and I've found that once people start learning the background, history, and aspects of this topic, it helps create inclusion and a better understanding of why things like BLM came about and are important. I pulled up my most recent and up to date reference list that I used to create my presentations, and while it encompasses more than just race relations, there is some really good reading here for those who might be mistaken in their assumptions and biases (we all have biases and mistakes in our assumptions; not just picking on one group).
ACLU (2020). Police Militarization.
Police Militarization
Akpan, Nsikan (2018). Police Militarization Fails to Protect Officers and Targets Black Communities, Study Finds.
Police militarization fails to protect officers and targets black communities, study finds
Alberta Civil Liberties Research Center (2020). Anti-Racism Defined.
Anti-Racism Defined — Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre
American Psychological Association (2018). Harmful Masculinity and Violence.
Harmful masculinity and violence
Associated Press (2020). 3 Men with Ties to Right Wing Extremists Plotted to Terrorize Las Vegas Protests.
3 men with ties to right-wing extremists plotted to terrorize Vegas protests, prosecutors say
Berkman, Brenda & Floren, Teresa, & Willing, Linda (1999). Many Faces, One Purpose, A Guide to Women in Firefighting. Pgs 68-70.
CNN (2020). LGBTQ Rights Milestones.
LGBTQ Rights Milestones Fast Facts
Edmondson, Catie (2020). Democrats Unveil Sweeping Bill Targeting Police Misconduct and Racial Bias.
Democrats Unveil Sweeping Bill Targeting Police Misconduct and Racial Bias
FBI (2020). FBI Clearances Statistics, 2017.
George, Alice (2018). The Kerner Commission Got it Right, But Nobody Listened.
The Militarization of America's Police: A Brief History | Brian Miller
Gross, Terry (2017). A ‘Forgotten History’ of How the US Government Segregated America.
Grim, Ryan & Schwarz, Jon (2020). A Short History of Law Enforcement Infiltrating Protests.
A Short History of U.S. Law Enforcement Infiltrating Protests
Grisales, Claudia (2020). Led By Tim Scott, Senate Republicans Begin to Draft Their Own Police Reform Plan.
Led By Tim Scott, Senate Republicans Begin Drafting Their Own Police Reform Plan
Hess, Peter (2016). Research Shows That Toxic Masculinity is Harmful to Mens’ Mental Health.
Sexism may be bad for men's mental health
Holck, Lotte (2018). Diversity Leads to Greater Social Coherence and Well Being.
Diversity leads to greater social coherence and well-being
Keshtan, Miki, Ph. D. (2016). You’re Not a Bad Person: Facing Privilege Can Be Liberating.
You’re Not a Bad Person: Facing Privilege Can Be Liberating
Libman, Alyn & Marzullo, Michelle (2012). Hate Crime and Violence Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People.
McKesson, DeRay & Sinyangwe, Samuel (2020). Police Violence Mapping.
Mapping Police Violence
Meade-Kelly, Veronica (2015) Male or Female? It’s Not Always So Simple.
Male or female? It's not always so simple
Miller, Brian (2019). The Militarization of America’s Police, A Brief History.
The Militarization of America's Police: A Brief History | Brian Miller
Mintchev, Nikolay & Moore, Henrietta (2016). Super Diversity and the Prosperous Society.
SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
Mottola, Gary R, Ph.D. (2012). In Our Best Interests: Women, Financial Literacy, and Credit Card Behavior.
National Sexual Violence Research Center (2020).
Payscale (2020). The State of the Gender Pay Gap.
People Management Editorial (2017). Diversity Drives Better Decisions.
Reynolds, Katie (2019) 13 Benefits and Challenges of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace.
Schepers, Emile (2017) Agents Provocateurs and the Manipulation of the Radial Left.
Stanley, Jay (2015). We Need to Move Beyond the Frame of the Bad Apple Cop.
Stop Harassment (2020).
The Guardian (2009) G20 Police Used Undercover Men to Incite Crowds.
Toohey, Karen (2013). Waiter, Is that Inclusion In My Soup?.
Turner, K. B. , Giacopassi , D. , & Vandiver , M. (2006) . Ignoring the Past: Coverage of Slavery and Slave Patrols in Criminal Justice Texts. Journal of Criminal Justice
Walker, Laura (2012). Workplace Violence and the Bad Apple Myth.
Waxman, Olivia M (2017) How the U.S. Got Its Police Force,
Williams, Timothy (2019). What Are Red Flag Laws, and How Do They Work?
World Health Organization (2017). Violence Against Women.