RPG Sales of 2023

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The EN World kitten
Today is the last day that bundle products from Lightspress Media are marked down to 50% off! Starting tomorrow, they go back to being 20% off, so grab them before the end of the day!

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.


The EN World kitten
Lightspress Media has just marked down all of the books in their Hippogryph RPG line of products down to $2.99 per book, in anticipation of taking the entire line down at the end of January due to uncertainty about the Open Gaming License:

Many people are speculating about the leaked OGL 1.1 and what it means for third-party publishing and derivative works. Are the doomsayers correct? Is it a tempest in a teacup? All I know is that I don't have time to sort it out right now. I'm devoting 2023 to expanding the DoubleZero line, working on another RPG project, and doing a lot of non-RPG writing. 2022 was a year of unexpected swerves and course corrections for me. It was stressful, and I'm not doing it again unless it's mission-critical to keep the lights on and food on the table. Figuring out whether or not continuing the use of OGL 1.0a is viable, or what changes I would need to keep a system that was fun to write (and play and run) but honestly never sold particularly well, isn't something I can make space for right now. So I'm shutting it down, at least for a while, probably forever.

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

Voidrunner's Codex

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