RPG Sales of 2023


The EN World kitten
The Knotty-Works is offering 50% off most of their catalogue from now through Friday, due to uncertainty over the OGL.

With all of the uncertainty regarding products that used the OGL 1.0a, I am offering 50% off most of my products now until Friday! I am hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, so if you are thinking purchasing of any of my products, feel free to check them out and pick them up this week for 1/2 off!

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

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The EN World kitten
Rising Phoenix Games' Flaming Birthday Bundle, which has fifteen of their products at 60% off what they'd normally cost, will be taken down this Friday! Grab it while you can!

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.


The EN World kitten
Fat Goblin Games has just released their F*CKWOTC Bundle, with almost thirteen-hundred dollars' worth of OGL v1.0a products, now on sale for just $65!

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.
Fat Goblin Games has posted a notice saying that, after having been contacted by DriveThruRPG staff, they'll be taking this bundle down in the next few hours.


The EN World kitten
Red Anvil Games has put up a new Filth From the Coast Bundle, offering eleven products for a grand total of $0.40, a 97% discount from what they'd normally cost! This bundle is "Theoretically only available for sale until the 13th of Jan."

Please note my use of affiliate links in this post.

Voidrunner's Codex

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