RPG stats for all Dungeons of Dread minis

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First Post
I don't think so.
Have we seen the 4,5,6 on the DDM cards?
I still think it's shorthand. If it says Rchg 4, that's a 4,5,6.
If it's Rchg 6, that's just a 6.

I think we keep looking at the books that say 4,5,6 and the DDM cards that just say 4 and thinking that means 2 different things.


First Post
I saw a thread somewhere that confirmed this.

WOTC used the single number format just to save room on the DDM cards.

So "4" on the DDM cards and "4 5 6" in the RPG rules mean exactly the same thing, that you need to roll a 4 or better to have that particular power available again.


Derren said:
Oh, sorry that I expect that a member of a race does possesses the characteristics of said race. I forgot that in 4E there is a distinction between halflings and HALFLINGS.

The difference is between halflings and HEROES, I suspect.


frankthedm said:
I seriously doubt an ability that potent will be available to players pre-epic. With as much effort that was made to keep PCs from being unhittable, a 4 point AC Buff, that will apply to every foe, just seems incongruent with 4E math.
Actually, it's a pretty awesome power, from a tactical standpoint. Encourages you to weaken one foe and possibly move on instead of finishing them, especially if you have some nice area powers to help out. Since even with bloodied and area effects focusing fire will most likely still be the best tactic. Nice to see something to encourage you to spread the love, and a very 'warlord' worthy power.


First Post
First thing I noticed pointing to errors is that the Solo monsters have 1 Action Point, unless prior community work to find out etc is wrong about this.


First Post
Finished going over all the RPG cards and I got a few (more) questions...

1. Anyone know what the "(Leader)" tag means? For example, the Shade Knight is labeled as "Level 11 Skirmisher (Leader)".

2. What does the "(Hv)" tag next to the fly speed mean? Hover?

3. Some of the abilities listed aren't defined on the card, such as "Clumsy Grounded" and "Mobile Melee Attack Flying." Anyone know what these mean?

4. What's with the significant change to lamia's (lamiai?)!?!? They're way different from their 3.x counterparts.

5. Some of the attacks have a sword or bow on them. I understand this means "melee" or "ranged" attacks. Some of the melee attack symbols have circles around them. I assume this is their standard attack? The ones with no circle around are more like "powers", right?

Think that's all....


First Post
OgreBane99 said:
Finished going over all the RPG cards and I got a few (more) questions...

1. Anyone know what the "(Leader)" tag means? For example, the Shade Knight is labeled as "Level 11 Skirmisher (Leader)".
As best as I can tell, the (Leader) tag means that the creature has some sort of ability that makes other monsters more effective. The Shade Knight has an Aura.

OgreBane99 said:
3. Some of the abilities listed aren't defined on the card, such as "Clumsy Grounded" and "Mobile Melee Attack Flying." Anyone know what these mean?
As best as I can tell from their DDM stats Mobile Melee Attack means that the creature can attack mid-move, like the old spring attack, or in this case, Fly-by Attack. Not sure about Clumsy Grounded. My best (wild) guess is that since it's so clumsy, the creature gives Combat Advantage when grounded.

OgreBane99 said:
4. What's with the significant change to lamia's (lamiai?)!?!? They're way different from their 3.x counterparts.
Mythological lamias were usually some sort of monstrous sorceresses, but didn't usually look like the D&D lamias, I don't think. I'd guess that with their focus on making each creature distinctive in 4e, too many monsters were lions with people heads. I mean, there were Manticores, Sphinxes, Lammasu and Lamias, which were all part lion and part human.

OgreBane99 said:
5. Some of the attacks have a sword or bow on them. I understand this means "melee" or "ranged" attacks. Some of the melee attack symbols have circles around them. I assume this is their standard attack? The ones with no circle around are more like "powers", right?
Yep, their standard melee attack is used for Opportunity Attacks and referenced in some other powers.

Benimoto said:
Mythological lamias were usually some sort of monstrous sorceresses, but didn't usually look like the D&D lamias, I don't think. I'd guess that with their focus on making each creature distinctive in 4e, too many monsters were lions with people heads. I mean, there were Manticores, Sphinxes, Lammasu and Lamias, which were all part lion and part human.
Mythological Lamias were half-serpent & half-woman...

In previous editions it was Greater Lamias that fit that description.

But of course there's a lot of half-serpent creatures like Naga, Yuan-Ti, Medusa, Mariliths, Lillendi, Ophidians, Lycanthropes (with Snake applied), Salamanders, and the list goes on.

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