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Rrai-Kesh slams Mirashi Iso back!


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[13:35] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh vs Mirashi Iso - The Rematch!'
[13:35] <Mirashi_Iso> Any issues with a 5-flag speed strat, like last time?
[13:35] <Rrai-kesh> Present and accounted for, SIR!
[13:36] <Rrai-kesh> Like I have a choice? I don't like strat much, but if you insist I'll play along.
[13:36] <Rrai-kesh> For that matter, I wouldn't mind a couple more flags either, but whatever.
[13:36] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 0 vs Mirashi Iso 0 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat'
[13:36] <Rrai-kesh> Not in your advantage to have more flags though.
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> But I like to keep it high enough to avoid one rounders
[13:37] <Rrai-kesh> np. Me too.
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> And I hate poinging, so I like strat. :)
[13:37] <Rrai-kesh> Got it.
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 1: The crab tranquilly thrusts the plain; quells the pain of the venom! *yen*
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 2: The fox storms the ravine; avoids the efforts of the crevice!
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 3: The hammer blasts the dungeon as it appears within the Ancient Volcano; blocks the touch of the bone!
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 4: The claw assaults the island; silences the rising of the canine!
[13:37] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 5: The oak drowns the atoll; silences the push of the tides!
[13:38] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 1: The crab spins over the marsh; dominates the throw of the plant!
[13:38] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 2: The vine slides through the mountain; removes the terror of the comet!
[13:38] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 3: The vine burns the tower; averts the chi of the rain and brutally negates the energy of the four winds!
[13:38] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 4: The blizzard strikes facing the delta; protects against the roar of the fell dagger!
[13:38] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 5: The sword wounds the ravine; reduces the descent of the snow!
[13:38] <Darkwolf> !mb ybxmaster
[13:38] <MeowthBot> Darkwolf: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the tundra south of the Dragon's Crater on the dawn of the spider.
[13:39] <Darkwolf> wait..
[13:39] <Darkwolf> did you use ybhand or ybxhand, Phoenix
[13:39] <Mirashi_Iso> ybhand... he has vine
[13:39] <Rrai-kesh> oops ybhand. Dangit. Draw another hand?
[13:39] <Mirashi_Iso> Yup
[13:40] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 1: The dagger invades the hells; parts the cut of the iron!
[13:40] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 2: The wolf shouts over the heavens; shields against the terror of the isle and so it leaps underneath the drive of the wood!
[13:40] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 3: The blizzard wounds the shrine; shreds the pain of the wind!
[13:40] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 4: The nunchaku swims next to the beach; averts the rising of the reptile!
[13:40] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 5: The tsunami slashes before the heavens; shields against the terror of the insect!
[13:41] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 0 vs Mirashi Iso 0 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat - D: Spider L: Tundra'
[13:41] <Rrai-kesh> The wolf shouts over the heavens; shields against the terror of the isle and so it leaps underneath the drive of the wood!
[13:41] <Rrai-kesh> Chi Strike!
[13:42] <Mirashi_Iso> Playing golf, are we?
[13:42] <Rrai-kesh> hehe...SHUP!
[13:42] <Mirashi_Iso> The hammer blasts the dungeon as it appears within the Ancient Volcano; blocks the touch of the bone!
[13:42] <Mirashi_Iso> done
[13:43] <Darkwolf> hmmm..
[13:44] <Darkwolf> going to have to side with the Dark one this round...
[13:44] <Darkwolf> Point and location Mirashi
[13:44] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 0 vs Mirashi Iso 2 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat - D: Spider L: Tundra'
[13:45] * Mirashi_Iso slaps himself in the forehead as he forgot his own location
[13:45] <Rrai-kesh> The blizzard wounds the shrine; shreds the pain of the wind!
[13:45] <Rrai-kesh> FoF!
[13:45] <Rrai-kesh> The nunchaku swims next to the beach; averts the rising of the reptile!
[13:46] <Mirashi_Iso> Dirty Trick!
[13:46] <Darkwolf> move lost?
[13:46] <Rrai-kesh> huh?
[13:46] <Mirashi_Iso> You choose a move of mine to go bye-bye
[13:47] <Rrai-kesh> #2 please
[13:47] <Rrai-kesh> Fox storms...
[13:47] <Rrai-kesh> My turn now?
[13:47] <Darkwolf> round 3...begin!
[13:47] <Mirashi_Iso> Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[13:47] <Mirashi_Iso> ;) Go ahead
[13:47] <Rrai-kesh> The dagger invades the hells; parts the cut of the iron!
[13:48] <Mirashi_Iso> done?
[13:48] <Rrai-kesh> done
[13:48] * Mirashi_Iso grumbles "should have used your tsunami
[13:48] <Mirashi_Iso> The crab tranquilly thrusts the plain; quells the pain of the venom! *yen*
[13:48] <Mirashi_Iso> done
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> Who says I'm not serene? :)
[13:49] <Darkwolf> Round to Rrai!
[13:49] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 1 vs Mirashi Iso 2 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat - D: Spider L: Tundra'
[13:49] <Rrai-kesh> Nah, my Sensei told to hit the target, not just get near it!
[13:49] <Darkwolf> new hands
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 1: The lotus blossom dances with the well; avoids the offensive of the venom!
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 2: The crane tracks over the cliff; dominates the efforts of the ice!
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 3: The staff slashes upon the well; defends against the touch of the flower!
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 4: The northstar cuts the wastelands; leaps over the chi of the wood!
[13:49] <Mirashi_Iso> <MeowthBot> 5: The whip glides before the rapids; avoids the motion of the tree!
[13:49] <Rrai-kesh> And a Yen for me too!
[13:49] * Darkwolf tosses a coin to Rrai
[13:50] <Mirashi_Iso> I think I've figured out the generator... "If move = crap then yen = yes"
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> HOLY GOD!
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 1: The hammer leaps over the ravine; absorbs the energy of the spring!
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 2: The wolf leaps over the volcano; guards against the rising of the pole!
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 3: The wolf tracks within the hells; reduces the punch of the wood!
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 4: The blizzard shouts from the vineyard; absorbs the touch of the settlement!
[13:50] <Rrai-kesh> <MeowthBot> 5: The mantis destroys the waterfall while it carves the river; shields against the chi of the grave!
[13:50] <Mirashi_Iso> You're screwed! HAHAHAAHAH
[13:50] * Mirashi_Iso looks scared
[13:51] <Darkwolf> nah..its "If move = crap && opponent move = good then yen = yes"
[13:51] <Rrai-kesh> The wolf leaps over the volcano; guards against the rising of the pole!
[13:51] <Rrai-kesh> Chi Strike!
[13:51] <Rrai-kesh> done
[13:52] <Darkwolf> no
[13:52] <Darkwolf> can not chi strike
[13:52] <Rrai-kesh> why not?
[13:52] <Darkwolf> it has been used already
[13:52] <Darkwolf> unless you have 2
[13:52] <Rrai-kesh> Really? Oops. Sorry.
[13:52] <Rrai-kesh> cancel Chi strike.
[13:52] <Rrai-kesh> doen
[13:52] <Rrai-kesh> done
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> The northstar cuts the wastelands; leaps over the chi of the wood!
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> Poison Blade!
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> Sneaky trick; Wastelands!
[13:53] <Rrai-kesh> POING!
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> done
[13:53] <Darkwolf> POING!
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> ARGH!!!!
[13:53] <Rrai-kesh> YES!!!
[13:53] <Darkwolf> Point and style Rrai
[13:53] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 3 vs Mirashi Iso 2 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat - D: Spider L: Tundra'
[13:53] <Mirashi_Iso> I can't undo my stuff, can I?
[13:54] *** Darkwolf changes topic to 'Rrai-Kesh 3 vs Mirashi Iso 2 - The Rematch! 5 flag Speed Strat - D: Spider L: Wasteland'
[13:54] <Darkwolf> you said done
[13:54] * Mirashi_Iso feels very bad about this
[13:54] <Mirashi_Iso> Go ahead, Rrai
[13:55] <Rrai-kesh> The mantis destroys the waterfall while it carves the river; shields against the chi of the grave!
[13:55] <Rrai-kesh> FoF!
[13:55] <Rrai-kesh> The hammer leaps over the ravine; absorbs the energy of the spring!
[13:55] <Mirashi_Iso> Dirty Trick!
[13:55] <Rrai-kesh> done
[13:55] <Rrai-kesh> Cool.
[13:55] * Mirashi_Iso is out of powers
[13:55] <Darkwolf> move lost?
[13:55] * Mirashi_Iso hates himself!
[13:56] <Darkwolf> (it happens...I've done it more than once)
[13:56] <Rrai-kesh> #3...The Staff.
[13:57] <Rrai-kesh> Ready?
[13:57] <Mirashi_Iso> Yep
[13:57] <Darkwolf> go mirashi
[13:57] <Mirashi_Iso> Oh, right. :p
[13:57] <Rrai-kesh> The wolf tracks within the hells; reduces the punch of the wood!
[13:57] <Mirashi_Iso> un minuto
[13:57] <Rrai-kesh> right.
[13:57] <Mirashi_Iso> Or hey, you can go first. :)
[13:57] <Darkwolf> alternating now
[13:57] <Mirashi_Iso> The lotus blossom dances with the well; avoids the offensive of the venom!
[13:58] <Rrai-kesh> Got it. If it matters.
[13:59] <Darkwolf> wolves track far easier than blossoms dance...
[13:59] <Rrai-kesh> :D
[13:59] <Darkwolf> Point, style, match Rrai
[13:59] * Rrai-kesh bows to opponent and judge.
[13:59] <Darkwolf> everything that happened at the end of the previous match...undo ;p
[13:59] * Mirashi_Iso spits and storms off
[13:59] <Mirashi_Iso> ooc: Good match. :)
[14:00] <Darkwolf> had you not poinged that move..I think you could have won easily
[14:00] <Rrai-kesh> ooc: You too. Sorry about the chat match rushing you into such a mistake.
[14:00] <Rrai-kesh> Rrai on the other hand is thrilled! ;)
[14:00] <Mirashi_Iso> That infuriates me! I NEVER would have done that in a non-chat match!
[14:00] <Mirashi_Iso> Oh well
[14:00] <Rrai-kesh> I know. That's what I figured.
[14:00] *** Rrai-kesh is now known as Phoenix
[14:01] *** Mirashi_Iso is now known as Sabaron
[14:01] <Phoenix> back to #YB
[14:01] <Darkwolf> heh..I've seen it done in board fights...Kal for one..

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