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Rrai-kesh thrashes Kagan twice, achieving Green Belt!


First Post
<Kagan> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Kagan: I find your servant to be shabby, your dojo to be worthless, and your sash to be unskilled.
<Rrai> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Rrai: I find your Master to be dishonorable, your home to be a(n) shabby tavern, and your moves to be ignorant.
<Kagan> Kagan the Fallen
<Kagan> Thug 0
<Kagan> 6/23
<Kagan> Member of "Team Rocket"
<Kagan> Powers:
<Kagan> Sig Style: Rat
<Kagan> Dirty Trick (x1)
<Kagan> Gang Member: Hells
<Kagan> Possesions:
<Kagan> Item: Pet Rat
<Kagan> Yen: 4
<Rrai> ow do you do that!?
<Lady_Wei> Insults Rrai... but watch out for Meowth!
<Rrai> ow=how
<Rrai> Why watch out for Meowth?
<Kagan> I have a word pad open with my three characters on it....I just cut and paste to here...
<Lady_Wei> "Master to be dishonorable"... he's a Team Rocket boy.
<Rrai> K
<Lady_Wei> Meowth is his Master
<Rrai> Oh...
<Lady_Wei> And...
<Lady_Wei> !meowth
<MeowthBot> Meowth -IS- watching
* Kagan snarls at the tiger boy..
<Rrai> Okay, how about a 5 flag speed match
<Kagan> fine by me....
* Rrai snarls back and shows his fangs
<Kagan> you're first rrai..
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The turtle parts the pond; quells the throw of the eyes!
<Kagan> tisk tisk tisk.... gamera wouldn't be happy rrai....
<Rrai> So I'll be in trouble I guess...
<Kagan> say done when your done
<Rrai> done
<Rrai> sorry
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The fang breaks the delta; dodges the chaos of the fire!
<Kagan> NP rrai..
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> Hmmm...
<Lady_Wei> Point Kagan. 1 point Kagan, 0 points Rrai
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The hammer ferociously nails the knoll; parts the terror of the steel!
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The staff rains upon the wetlands; reduces the storm of the reptile!
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> Hammers are awfully good at nailing...
<Lady_Wei> Point Rrai. 1 point all
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The turtle prances above the coast; defends against the pain of the eyes!
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The thunder sings atop the vineyard; redirects the chaos of the cat!
<Rrai> again with the turtle!!?
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> lol I thought this was going to be easy
<Lady_Wei> Thunder singing is somewhat more likely than a prancing turtle
* Lady_Wei winks at Kagan
<Rrai> This generator seems to like singing and dancing alot! :D
* Kagan winks back......
<Lady_Wei> Point Kagan. 2 points Kagan, 1 point Rrai
<Rrai> @mb ybmove
<Lady_Wei> Hehe
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The rabbit crushes the vineyard; dominates the touch of the wyrm! *yen+yen*
<Kagan> mmmmm yen...
<Kagan> done??/
<Rrai> done
<Lady_Wei> Poor Soth
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The blizzard speaks below the river; protects against the push of the rodent!
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> Blizzards don't REACH below the river.
<Lady_Wei> Point and 2 yen Rrai. 2 points all.
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The crane cuts the valley; avoids the gaze of the cat! *yen*
<Rrai> fof
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The spear scourges the dungeon; guards against the efforts of the stone!
<Kagan> boy...we a bit greedy there tiger boy??
<Kagan> done??
<Lady_Wei> He's out of powers now
* Rrai smiles with many fangs showing
<Kagan> k..
<Lady_Wei> No need for "done"
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The raven leaps higher than the hells; avoids the pain of the foul!
<Kagan> (sig local hells)
<Lady_Wei> k
<Lady_Wei> Still, Rrai is FAR more impressive
* Lady_Wei would wink at Rrai... but he's a freak
<Kagan> heh
<Lady_Wei> 2 points and 1 yen Rrai. 2 points Kagan, 4 points Rrai
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The mantis dances upon the village; waves away the stab of the teardrop! *yen*
<Kagan> grrrrrr.......go
<Rrai> dang!
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The secret mantis terrifyingly burns the wastelands; shields against the slash of the fell dagger!
<Kagan> dayum...nice move..
<Kagan> done
<Rrai> ohhhh! Pretty!
* Lady_Wei screams and runs
<Kagan> lol
* Lady_Wei tosses a point to the mantis so it doesn't burn her
<Lady_Wei> Point Kagan. 3 points Kagan, 4 points Rrai
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The owl assails the castle; silences the roar of the shield! *yen*
<Kagan> e gads....I wish this was ariel..
<Kagan> lol
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The kama cuts the madlands; removes the slash of the armor!
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> This one requires more thought
* Lady_Wei tosses a yen to Kagan for last round
<Kagan> oh thank you lady wei..
* Kagan winks at Lady Wei
* Lady_Wei apparantly has bottomless pockets... although her kimono doesn't have any. ;)
<Kagan> lol
<Rrai> :D
<Lady_Wei> Lets see... offfenses roughly equal in power
<Rrai> ready?
<Lady_Wei> Defenses both worthless and silly
<Lady_Wei> What rank is Rrai?
<Kagan> yb1
<Rrai> Yellow 1
<Kagan> i'm Tg 0
<Kagan> *sigh*
<Lady_Wei> Point and match Rrai.
<Kagan> yen to him as well..\
* Lady_Wei pulls another yen from her "pockets" and tosses it to Rrai
<Kagan> well I made out with two yen...I'm happy..*S*
* Rrai winks at Lady Wei and pockets the Yen.
* Lady_Wei is going to have to figure out how to get more yen
<Rrai> Wanna try again Kagan?
<Kagan> sure....I like not having disgrace..but I need to buy a DT for my item first....
<Kagan> :D
<Lady_Wei> Hey Phoenix, what brings you to the chat today?
<Kagan> Kagan the Fallen
<Kagan> Thug 0 (DoL)
<Kagan> 6/23
<Kagan> Member of "Team Rocket"
<Kagan> Powers:
<Kagan> Sig Style: Rat
<Kagan> Dirty Trick (x1)
<Kagan> Gang Member: Hells
<Kagan> Possesions:
<Kagan> Item:
<Kagan> Pet Rat: Dirty Trick
<Kagan> Yen: 0
<Rrai> Took the day off work. Getting ready for family coming in for easter weekend
<Kagan> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Kagan: I find your horse to be dishonest, your tower to be dirty, and your defense to be absent.
<Lady_Wei> Ah, I see
<Rrai> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Rrai: I find your servant to be tedious, your homeland to be unnecessary, and your skill to be flippant.
<Lady_Wei> Hmmm... both insults suck. I'll award the round to whoever winks at me first.
* Rrai winks
<Lady_Wei> Insults to Rrai!
<Rrai> hehe
<Kagan> I wish you luck Rrai on gaining you green belt here...... and may I suggest if you do win join ariel's dojo...(wink wink) I herd she's a good teacher...
<Kagan> heh
<Kagan> damn...
<Rrai> Okay, another 5 flag speed match
<Kagan> I missed the wink..
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The sword swims on top of the vineyard; wards off the efforts of the orchid!
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The staff bows through the temple; waves away the terror of the four winds!
<Kagan> *sigh*
<Lady_Wei> Hey Kagan, how much did you pay for that DT?
<Kagan> dine
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> Hrm
<Lady_Wei> Point Kagan. 1 point Kagan, 0 points Rrai
<Kagan> 5.....but I think that's wrong...
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The dragon easily shreds the spring; parts the thrust of the rodent!
<Lady_Wei> It's an at will power... costs 10
<Kagan> DT is at will??
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> crap..... ok taking it away..
<Lady_Wei> Yes... it doesn't rely on the generator
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The tricky panther slides next to the swamp; blocks the offensive of the ki!
<Lady_Wei> Ooo... a fun round
<Kagan> done
<Rrai> Poing!
<Lady_Wei> NM then
<Lady_Wei> Point Rrai. 1 point all
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The fan shouts facing the tundra; blocks the descent of the sun!
<Kagan> he has panther style.
<Kagan> ?
<Kagan> hmmmm..
<Rrai> done good thing DW not judging, he hates loud!
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The raven storms the well; shields the throw of the vermin!
* Lady_Wei thinks for a moment
<Lady_Wei> Point Rrai. 1 point Kagan, 2 points Rrai
<Kagan> go rrai...
* Rrai looks surprised but grateful!
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The rat dominates the pond; shreds the throw of the lava!
<Kagan> poing
<Lady_Wei> EEEEEK
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The fan tumbles from the glade; blocks the punch of the root!
<Lady_Wei> A rat!
<Lady_Wei> Point Kagan. 2 points all
<Rrai> I was just gonna ask what your style was, oh well
<Kagan> it's rat....
<Kagan> lol
<Kagan> still yu rrai..
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The wrathful snake falls upon the marsh; parries the foray of the earth!
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The frog dances underneath the heavens; conceals the energy of the canine!
<Kagan> done
<Lady_Wei> Ick, a frog
<Lady_Wei> and a snake! Ewwwww
<Lady_Wei> Why are you guys so yucky?
* Kagan shrugs his sholders.....
<Lady_Wei> Point Rrai. 2 points Kagan, 3 points Rrai
* Rrai winks and says it's because I'm a freak!
<Kagan> go rrai//
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The fan wounds the caves; conceals the tempest of the fire and punches below the kick of the water!
<Rrai> done
<Kagan> hmmm????
<Kagan> DT
<Kagan> go again..\
<Lady_Wei> You're up Kagan
<Rrai> you first now?
<Kagan> oh yea..
<Kagan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kagan: The frog mangles the vineyard; blocks the thrust of the soul!
<Kagan> done
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The cherry blossom drowns the knoll; blocks the roar of the invisible blade!
<Lady_Wei> At least you kept Soth away
<Lady_Wei> A flower!
<Kagan> yup..
<Lady_Wei> Can I have it?
<Rrai> fof
<Rrai> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Rrai: The wolf flies across the coast; protects against the drive of the stone!
<Lady_Wei> Done?
<Rrai> out of powers, so yep!
<Lady_Wei> Hehe
<Lady_Wei> Hmm...
<Lady_Wei> Let's see... the frog did mangle than vineyard pretty good
<Lady_Wei> *that
<Lady_Wei> Rrai's move was very poetic, and it's a flower
*** DW-AFK is now known as Darkwolf
<Kagan> RIBBIT
<Rrai> forgs are icccky though!
* Lady_Wei thinks that Sabaron would really like the frog move
<Rrai> forgs=frogs
<Lady_Wei> Frogs ARE icky, that right...
<Lady_Wei> 2 points and Match Rrai.
<Rrai> I'll give you flowers!
<Darkwolf> heh
<Kagan> *sigh* now OOL

Rrai, you're now Green Belt 0! You chose Wolf over Cherry Blossom (bad!) and acquire a new dojo style and Chi Strike! You're also kinda cute...

Kagan, you're Out of Luck, I'm afraid. Guess that means you're not getting lucky, either. ;)

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