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RS1-Stolen University (Salix Judging)

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC]I was sure Master Plan lasted 3 rounds total, so it'd be +3, +2, +1? Don't have book with me at the moment, sadly.[/sblock]

Archeville nods at Lt. Perry's words, "that's what we were told. Can you tell us what sort of powers this Super has? Our intel says he screamed a lot, implying some manner of sonic powers... or is he just screaming for the fun of it, and his powers are something else entirely?"

After the Lieutenant answers, Archeville turns to his teammates, "Jack, Jester, what have you two got planned? Jones, is there any way you can figure out who exactly is a hostage and who is not? Give us an idea on how many gunmen we'll be facing? Zenji... Zenji? Zenji, get back! We're not yet ready to move in yet."

As Jack & the Jester divulged their ideas, a part of Archeville's mind began to go over a mental list of all the contents in a typical SWAT van and police cruiser, and what he could do with them. I think I can do something with the sirens... yesss.... he thought.

[sblock=OOC]I think there actually are such lists in one of the D20 Modern books -- D20 Dark*Matter, I think -- though, again, I sadly do not have access to said books at this time, but will tomorrow night. Archeville's planning to kit-bash something using the police car siren(s), a loudspeaker, and perhaps a PA system and a radio or computer w/ wireless 'net connection. Still working on what, exactly, but it will, as promised, be something that'll -- hopefully -- distract the folks inside.[/sblock]

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Not hearing his teammates' admonishments, Zenji levels his staff against the bank doors to telekinetically slam them open as he rushes inside. Once crossing the threshhold, he stops to pose dramatically and proudly shouts "Stop, evil-doers! You face the Resolutes!" In the momentary calm before the storm, he finally takes stock of the situation and realizes he just rushed in alone. "Uhh... guys?"

[sblock=OOC to all]
Sorry guys, but unfortunately my character is just too wet behind the ears... It's part of my concept, he's got really big guns and isn't nearly qualified to use them. If something horrible happens, well, that's just how you get character advancement. :) Nothing personal, and he'll probably learn from this situation and be a bit more of a team player next time.

Also, totally unrelated... What's the etiquette on things like "OOC to GM" and stuff like that... Is it only meant to be read by the person it's addressed to, or is it okay for anyone to read it?
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Asmor said:
Sorry guys, but unfortunately my character is just too wet behind the ears... It's part of my concept, he's got really big guns and isn't nearly qualified to use them. If something horrible happens, well, that's just how you get character advancement. :) Nothing personal, and he'll probably learn from this situation and be a bit more of a team player next time.
I assume mind controling team mates is out of the question :>


First Post
Jack notices that Zenji is at the door just moments before he blows it in. Realizing what he was about do to, Jack lets lose with a blistering sample of french profanity in and moves to back the idiot up. With a mighty leap he finds himself alongside the posing fool. He doesn’t stop to wonder how he moved so fast or waste any time paying attention to defense. Jack simply unleashes his power on the biggest threat, preferably the screaming super. If he didn’t act fast, he was sure they were going to have a massacre on their hands.

[sblock=Rolls and comments ]OOC: Using my flight power as a move action to get into range, then using my standard action to paralyze. If he hits, it is a DC20 Will save.

Paralyze, using All Out Attack for 5. Primary target - Supervillian (1d20+15=21)
Inititive Roll (1d20+2=15)
Re Master plan
"The bonus lasts for 3 rounds, then begins decreasing at a rate of 1 per round until it is gone."[/sblock]
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Hand of Vecna

First Post
Archeville winces as he hears the doors burst in by Zenji's power. "Well, as my history professor once said, Interessierendes nichts geschieht, bis jemand dummes etwas tut -- 'nothing interesting ever happens until someone does something unwise'."

The super-scientist turned to his two teammates who were still close by. "Jester, Jones, distract the robbers and make sure Zenji and Barrett don't get themselves killed. Especiall Zenji -- see that he focuses on getting the hostages out, not in making a target of himself." Archeville then glanced over to the SWAT van and police cruisers, sighed, shook his head, then looked back at his teammates. "I may have a way to end this quickly and with little bloodshed, but I'll need a minute or so...."

He then turned to Lt. Perry. "Lieutenant, may I borrow two of your two-way radios and a bullhorn for a few moments?"

[sblock=OOC to any/all]Guess now's a good time for initiative?
Archeville's initiative roll. (1d20+1=9)

Archeville's planning to jury-rig something. Something that'd make Judge Dredd go "Hey, that's pretty nice." :cool:

Re: OOC messages -- I don't mind if folks read mine; if I've ever got something truly private, I'll use the Private Message system.

Oh, and blame BabelFish for any wonky translations. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
Feeling emboldened now that Barrett's joined him, Zenji draws his sword.

If Zenji can see what he believes is the main supervillain, he will point the staff at him and unleash a dazzle attack. Otherwise, he'll charge the nearest enemy and mightily slash at him with his sword.

Initiative: 10 (note that I forgot to put my +2 initiative modifer in when I made that roll but have added it here)

Attack roll: 30 (natural 20) Note that this might be a critical hit, though I'm not sure if dazzle can crit?


As the others all dash off Mr jones turns to the Detective, "May I use one of your cars? I promise not to break it, I just need somewhere to sit."

[If the officer agrees.]

The magician quickly takes a seat in the back of one of the police cruisers and leaving his hearing behind allows his other senses to travel into the bank foyer. He scans the room briefly before radiating a feeling of calm in an attempt to keep any hostages from panicking as the action kicks off around them.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
I suspect this is at least two rounds worth of actions if not more.
Find a safeish place
ESP into the room where he thinks the hostages are.
Emotion Control 10 centered on the esp location to Calm everyone he does not recognise.

Initiative - Bank Robbery (1d20+1=15)[/sblock]

I have no problems with people reading anything I post to the board no matter how it is tagged. Anything sblocked is likely to be OOC at least for most characters, but the main text is probably IC knowledge for all characters in the area, even internal thoughts. If I post them then the thoughts can be read on his face or are made obvious by other off camera activity.

Off course this does not override the rule of common sense.
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First Post
OOC: Hold on to those rolls, I need to retcon a bit (stupid night shift)

As Zenji charges up the stairs and bursts the doors open with his staff he is greeted by two gun shots; one grazing the Antiquarian in the leg and the other scoring a hit to his chest. (OOC: two toughness saves, if you would please)

Accompaning the gunshots is a shout from one of the two thugs guarding the entrance "Back down or the hostage's will be next! "Crier! We've got Capes up here!

OOC: Roll for initiative

Hand of Vecna

First Post
[sblock=OOC re: Dazzles & Crits]I'd think a Dazzle can Crit, since I think anything that requires an attack roll has a chance to hit on a Natural 20, not just Damage save things like Blast or Strike. But, that's just me, and it's ultimately up to ye GM.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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