DDAL Running DDAL04 (Ravenloft) Adventures as a Campaign


I'm behind in writing up my thoughts on modules I've run, but I just wanted to post a quick update about how I decided to handle some of my problems with the second half of the campaign. I'm creating a blend of DDAL04-07 ("The Innocent") and DDAL04-11 ("The Donjon"), similar to the way I remixed DDAL04-01 ("Suits of the Mists") and DDAL04-06 ("The Ghost") earlier in the run. I'm completely cutting Larga Bloodhand, the orc leader, and also the archeological dig; instead, the PCs are trying to track down the vampire/incubus, and I'll use the Tower of the Chained Man as his headquarters, with the final rooms of DDAL04-07 being underneath the maze.

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Opening Scene for "The Broken One" (DDAL04-08)

Note: This scene could happen at any time before "The Innocent" (DDAL04-07). In my campaign, I ran "The Broken One" before "The Innocent."

The tax for Lord Strahd is due soon, and it seems the town can talk of nothing else. It's the second topic that comes up in conversations, right after observations on the harsh weather, and everyone says the taxes are much higher this year than before. The livestock farmers, in particular, are grumbling that they've sent twice as many sheep for the tribute as usual.

At midday, on your way to the Seven Tables, you meet up with Luca Barbu, the simple-minded shepherd, who has been having lunch there every day since Scartia Krutz first brought him in. As you open the door to enter, you see Sari with Regold, Benedek's brother. They are face to face, eyes locked, Regold's burning with intensity and Sari's tinged with fear. He grips her wrists, holding up her lace-gloved hands between them, as she struggles to pull away.

"Why him, Sari?" Regold is saying in an urgent, pained tone. "Why him and not me?"

Luca strides into the inn, shouting, "Leave Sari alone! She's nice!"

Regold turns in surprise, and Sari seizes the opportunity to twist out of his grasp. She steps back, rubbing her wrists as if they hurt. "This is why him and not you," she tells Regold. Then, bursting into tears, she runs into the kitchen.

Snarling under his breath, Regold pushes past you out the door and into the village.


As I ran this over Roll20, I made a title screen that I changed each time we started a new adventure, adding the Tarokka card image for the new adventure. Here's the final image, with an "absent heart" in the middle.


  • DDAL04 Title Screen.JPG
    DDAL04 Title Screen.JPG
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DDAL04-05: "The Seer"

This adventure is short and straightforward, made shorter in my campaign by various cuts. This was just as well for me, as my players were very squirrely and unfocused on the evening we played this adventure.

As noted above, I had already run the "Prastonata" challenge considerably earlier in the campaign, just before "The Executioner." Our bard was the one to dance with Annika, and he did very well, so I kept up the theme of her interest in him when the group returned to the Bogarav camp. She was sharing a vardo with several relatives, so she wasn't able to get out at night to see him, and she just gave him a rueful look as she was hustled off to bed. This was partly meant to hint that Lela Moslavaric was unusual in having her own private vardo, but I should have been more explicit about that, because my players didn't pick up on it.

I also cut the opening encounter with the brown bears, for two reasons: first, because I substituted Donani's invitation (see above) for the standard opening of the adventure and second, because I decided to reinstate the fight with the wolves as the PCs traveled between the Bogarav and Moslavaric camps. I felt this improved the pacing of the adventure by alternating social encounters and combat. The PCs were attacked by one winter wolf and two dire wolves, which ran off when the winter wolf was defeated.

I liked the contrast between the two Vistani families, and I'd play that up even more if I were running this again. I'd also explicitly ask the players if they wanted to investigate Lela's vardo. My players didn't even realize it was an option, so they missed a chance to find some clues and get a little more XP.

I had intended to run "Shambling Dead," the undead encounter that happens while the PCs track Lela, but time was getting short, so I cut it.

Note that Lela (CR 4) is weaker than a standard vampire spawn (CR 5).

My players were very confused about why the fan underwent a change when they got near Lela. For a while, they were convinced it meant that Donani was the vampire who had bitten her! It does bug me that the vampire is unnamed and never appears. As written, this adventure does not connect at all to the larger storyline, except that Lela's jewelry can be used as a focus item in the final adventure. My solution was to link the vampire to the incubus in "The Innocent" (DDAL04-07), but that involved extensive rewriting.

This adventure has no maps. There is a digital map pack by Brian Mccray available on the DM's Guild. I also found these free winter woods maps, which are useful for lots of encounters in the season:

Problems with "The Seer"

1. It seems clear that the adventure originally contained a fight with wolves (dire and/or winter) that was cut, probably for time. It may have originally been at the beginning of part 3, as wolf tracks in the snow are mentioned there. As noted above, I chose to insert it between parts 1 and 2.

2. Similarly, there is an owlbear stat block in the monster list at the end of the adventure. It's not clear where this encounter was originally intended to go.

3. If you have a weak party and use zombies in part 3, I recommend using mist zombies from DDAL04-01 instead of the standard zombie. They're CR 1/2 instead of 1/4, but they're much more flavorful.

4. There is a mistake in Lela's stat block under "Vampire Weaknesses": the text for Forbiddance says she can't enter a residence with an invitation. Should be "without an invitation."

5. Part of the winter wolf stat block has been moved to the end of the owlbear stat block. Everything from "Snow Camouflage" to the end of the stat block properly belongs under the winter wolf.
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Free maps for DDAL04-04, "The Marionette"

Maps of Falinescu Manor created by a Reddit user who goes by "emptyjerrycan":

(A funny comment on the Reddit post: "My players loved going through this module. 'Death House II: more death' was their loving nickname for it." :LOL: )

For the encounter with the harpies and the downed wagon, I used this free map from "2minutetabletop" and added some free assets from the web to get this (size: 25x16). See the attached file.


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    DDAL04-04 Harpies Map.JPG
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YouTube Resources

I always like to check out other people's play-throughs of adventures before running them, if possible. Here are some actual play sessions from YouTube:

(Complete Season 4. As a side note, I really want to know how to find some of the maps they use!)

James McKay:
(DDAL04-08 "The Broken One," DDAL04-12 "The Raven," and DDAL04-14 "The Dark Lord" only.)


Jayyongr: I appreciate this thread immensely. I have been grappling with having my characters enter Barovia via Orasnu for 2 years while being a player in other campaigns.

It totally spooked my 17 year old daughter when the Tamborine was found on the trail to find Laslo and Alina.

For myself as DM for the sake of a small party I had to bring players to Barovia with higher levels.... but I had to maintain their interests... I like having ending up in Barovia - being stuck there a delay to an important quest in their home world... Keeping them motivated to leave to get back to saving their own world. This expands on the idea that they are trapped and gives them a reason to be done with it...

But I also wanted a better explanation of what they are getting into... in COS... I have expanded the population of Orasnu to about 200-250... Left 2 Noble Families the Felinscus and the Feditovs.

On my second run to start I have had immense fun with starting them at Alinas wolf Den (mainly because this was completed by one of the previous adventures but ended there 2 years ago...

The players are gradually fed info on the world without seeing Orasnu first... It was also a way to begin prepping them for NPCs and what I found as a DM is that by hearing rumours of Orasnu before they reached it let me foreshadow a number of significant NPCS. Burgomaster, Eugen, Costel Barbu, Glovia Felinescou... 7 tables and the hare and Hair...

So when they run across Luka at the creek with his flock of sheep that they save from Death Dogs (on way back from the Beast) towards town pieces of what they heard fall into place.

They know Eugen is a knight/tax collector before they meet him and therefore from a entering town etiquette they cant just kill him or fight him there - but they have a sense of who he is.
Eugen sees them as a threat and is hostile and warns them of a villager tax on the 4th moon of Barovia... Through Eugen encounter they learn of Scartia - Taxes for Count Strahd the IX, the Burgomaster.

Eugen who is presented the sheep killed by death dogs takes one sheep away and of course eats it - becoming sick.. taking him out of play for 2-3 days where the curse allows him to recover.

The characters 2 of them “knights in Silver” from the Silver Marches in Faerun are lost... when Eugen wants to know where they are from and which Burgomaster they serve and how they came here... the characters are forced to work through the confusion.... and offer answers... it was classic..

The characters as they encounter more and more NPCs pick up bits and pieces of other Orasnu NPCs ... my players easily understand 15 NPCs by the 2nd day of being in Orasnu... they already have ideas on who to check out and where to go.

They stayed with Costel Barbu in thanks for rescuing poor Luka and actually defending him not only from the Death Dogs but Eugen and his cruel taunting...

They actually ask the question to the DM - why would the town leave a shepherd that cant even count sheep???? HAHA. (A mystery to solve.

1 character stays with Luka in the sheep pen... 1/2 hour of the map towards Leech Creek/Quivering Forest.

Barbu is a member of a religious noble house that generations ago fled Krezk/St. Markovia...
he’s used painting as means to deal with grief after the loss of Lukas mother 10-15 years ago.

His wife who passed away was also a “SORINA” feeding the souls that come back.. Don’t know if you know or not Sorina also happens to be the name of St. Markovia ... No one will get the recycled Soul affect yet but if they keep track this is the first hint at the pattern...

So I am already giving them touches of COS through distant Orasnu.
Costel is a barber/ healer but he is also a painter - which he has done to help him to recover from alcoholism when his wife died and he had to raise Luka.

Costel has paintings of his wife but at the back of his paintings are sketches of the chapel in Orasnu which was burnt down years ago. He also is hiding an aincient portrait of St.Markovia battling Strahd...

One of my characters stumbles onto the sketches which includes the sketch of a wooden symbol at the front of the chapel - a large replica in wood of the Symbol of Ravenkind but I never mention the name of the symbol...

A funny thing is when the characters get seated at the 7 Tables in there is a hanging lights off a large piece of wood— above the Center table of 7 tables - It is the recovered from the fire wood carved crest of the symbol of ravenkind. The villagers who are more superstitious than religious mention it was saved from the chapel fire and was the perfect chandelier to suspend lights from.

The allunion to the missing burned down chapel ... makes up for the missing religious house in Orasnu as does the tale of the mad friar who disappeared into the wilderness. This tale adds to the desperation in greater Barovia.

7 tables in my game has a high vaulted ceiling - I have maps by the way... similar to Blue Water Inn it has a vaulted common room with an overlooking balcony and upstairs rooms.

The characters are given many questions at the 7 tables inn - but I have plot hooks to keep them engaged. One character ethnically and mysteriously looks to everyone in Orasnu to be Vistani... so without reason the characters have to figure out what the racism is all about.

Scartia and Eugen are regulars at the 7 Tables whenever the Burgomaster is out of town and by serving them they get a reduction on taxes. Because Eugen is ill - Scartia checks out my paladins horse and invites him to take Eugens dinner which is a whole lot to extra meat! She does the quiz thing and after a pleasant encounter handled well by player - gets his very first drink of Purple Dragon Crush from the Wizard of Wines!

Gregori from the Hare and Hair asks him what clan he’s from and mentions the 2 Vistani clans by name. The Vistani haven’t come to town yet and he has questions - but its a case of mistaken identity and racial profiling. The character does not dress Vistani And does know what its about.

Every time they are asked about where they are from and how they came to Orasnu ( which has been repeated again and again about 8 times know. - the Silverymoon/Silver Marches things becomes an awkward thing.

While the Hair. Hare has a lot of hunting, trapping, fur supplies it does not have everything... and when the wizard is looking for spell components or spell book stuff he is directed cautiously to the Eyes of Midnight... 1 character sees Aria and witnesses the powder box exchange.

One of the dwarves from the party meets another dwarf and while they are both dwarves - and can speak dwarvish - they speak in very different dialects and are describing different places - the dwarf is a previous NPC stuck in Orasnu ... and he has all kinds of info to talk about soulless folks from Orasnu - and he’s staying at the Hare and Hair.

The Dwarvish Rogue Umbar connects with the Dwarvish priest ... and when Umbar is looking for blacksmith help the player who has the Dwarvish priest character mentions that the woman with him ( a rogue and a locksmith) is skilled trades woman.

Umbar convinces her in a private talk with gregori about the powder box that the Burgomaster is hanging onto and it just so happens that the previous night the Burgomasters place was broken into front and back. (Zombies try to gain entry downstairs and the guards have to respond - the players actually help with the hoard - but Arik breaks in the unattended front.
This gives my locksmiths a chance to scope out the building while 3 guards in front and 3 guards in back have to repair locks from both doors.

So the characters have only seen from the front and never have actually entered the building to investigate.
... So characters in a party split are working this from 2 angles....

Because the party has 2 good furs and 3 rotting furs that they cut from a bear encounter - that are starting to smell because they haven’t been cured - they are directed to see Arak - who looks like a hunter/furrier - when 2 characters go they find no one home but check out Laslos cabin and get the clues.. None of this is a give me... and the characters have both rumours and an actual reason to go.

The other building that gets investigated or seen is the blacksmith shop owned by Oleg. Who they met with Babick at the first building into Orasnu - the town volunteer guards. The blacksmith shop is being let out to the dwarf who is the best that can be found in town.

Umbar having heard of werewolves has fashioned all kinds of silvered arrows and crossbow bolts and silver daggers.... he can build armor and has shields for sale (Gregori does not)

So the characters have pieced toget her quite a bit. They are still trying to figure out who is the “G” in the powder box note.

So from now on its not going to be Glovia any more but Lady Felinscu from my mouth.

I had to give the bandit thugs at the burgomasters house some names - but when approaching the 7 tables inn for supper they begin harassing a distraught Arak and I brought quite a few zombies out of the woods for a master encounter Involving the whole party.

When Arak runs away the paladin on horseback runs him down but does not kill him before he runs into the woods.

After the zombie attack the townsfolk mob to burn down Arik/Laslos house while party is trying in vain to deter them.

Based on the heroic intervention of the party... the Paladin and a fighter have been called to the Burgomasters manor to a meeting - where Scartia and the Burgomasters Knight Body guards Alex and Andrej Swillovich are... and the Burgomaster recognizing talent heroism and the opportunity offers them 2 posts - the Paladin gets a new fabricated post - high sheriff which gives him the town guards Babick Oleg and a few more... and gives him freelance power to investigate and defend the town - put down insurrections and find the stuff stolen from the house.

The fighter ( still wearing the Garb from the Knights in Silver) is put in charge of the thugs) guarding his manor. The previous bandit captain is furious with the appointment. The title comes with the house across from the Burgomasters Residence and the previous captain is pissed. Expect conflict backstabbing and drama.

Both jobs are offered as short term measures and mention that come summer spring they will be needed to escort the delivery of Taxes to Count Strahd Von Zarovich - herds, gold and grain. The new positions from the Burgomaster don’t elevate them past Eugen and Scartia who actually report as exechequers and tax collectors to Strahd ... so the who’s in charge is complex.

Lots of room for role play and lots of inter character conflict - how can you rob the Burgomaster when you good and lawful friends are guarding it???

Giving the Paladin High Sheriff not only enhances the story it makes investigating, rescuing, defending his job... If he gets wind of stolen goods at the Eyes of Midnight what is he going to do? ( I’m actually making the wereraven in the jail a known thing just arrested and badly beat the night before.. the high sheriff will likely end up being sympathetic and will feel responsible to make sure he lives... it will also be a dilemma because the Burgomaster Randovitch will insist that he save the food in the town hall first! He will have the keys to the jail cell and if they don’t rescue the prisoner the paladin will have it on his conscience... His oath is justice and the question will be was that just?

Just wait until the Burgomaster has him arresting people for not coming clean on their taxes...!

I Really think Orasnu is the right speed and pitch to start Barovia... and prep them for even faster play through COS. They have rumours of the village of Barovia and the rest of the world of Barovia - its like dipping your toe in the water first. Then they are mentally ready to do COS

I love Orasnu... and I am going to destroy it nearly at the end. It will rival and may even threaten the Werewolf Den in COS. With Wererats, Were Boars and werebadgers... who overthrow the Burgomaster as the characters leave (or die fighting them) or just slightly after.

Because I have old enemies that got stuck in the mists at the same time of the players... these are a Wereboar and a Werebadger who are going to be taking over the hunting and fur trade in Orasnu... They are going to reform the Blackbloods in Barovia one citizen at a time starting with the farmers off the map... and the Swillovich brothers... By the time the Vistani get through to trade and the next full moon in 9 days the characters are going to have to run.

Getting ready for the Marionette is high suspense for this DM... I have a Swarm of Ravens curious about the party... I have the weather set up for after the Lazlos last attack on the town after the reading... a wind and thunderstorm.... that breaks into full just after they climb Feditov Road and just as the wind picks up 2 swarms of bats are going to harass the party... 3rd round the raven swarms will fight them off.

In the lightning flashes they are going to have their first view of Castle Ravenloft... and Barovia from the top of the cliff near the Feliscenus and also a previe of the Feditov estate..... super foreshadowing going on here.

I plan on some references to Blinks I in the Marionette as well as to Pidlwick IIs creator.

Going to make sure my players get A scroll of Animate Object from the adventure as well as Glovia spell book...

I do find the lack o magic weapons in the books discouraging. So I have 2 times for sale at Fillars that no one can afford... a short sword +1, a magic arrow. I also have Laslo/Aria wielding +1 Longsword... Its good to see the characters struggle.

the only magic items they have with the are a Magic staff +1, a ring of counterspell 3 charges, and a piece of rope from the last adventure that they havent ascertained. The magic rope will assist with climbing but when they actually figure out how to use it - it can attack and entangle creatures intelligently. Handy for capturing and interrogating...

Thanks for directing me to your thread here from Reddit COS
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All right, I made a New Year's resolution to finish up this thread, and it's now almost July, so I might as well get cracking. Besides, it will help me to look over where my party has been as I run Curse of Strahd.

DDAL04-08: "The Broken One"

I decided to run "The Broken One" before "The Innocent" (DDAL04-07) for two main reasons. The first was practical--it required less modification. The second reason was that it gave me a chance to introduce the vampire character, in the guise of "Father Onegin" (a priest), at the burgomaster's dinner which starts off the adventure.

The dinner is important for getting out information. Since none of the schemes to aid the town are actually going to happen, it's important not to let the PCs get too excited about finding a solution. I picked one suggestion for each guest to offer, making sure to give Eugen Adi the nasty one about killing off the sick villagers. I also made sure to describe how Eugen was eating twice as much as anyone else at the table. When someone suggested hunting for game, he said, "Game's been scarce. Too many ... wolves and things about, hunting it."

One suggestion I added, coming from Scartia Krutz, was appealing to Marilena Fidatov for help. The burgomaster emphatically nixed that idea: "No! I will not beg help from that witch, and I forbid you do so either."

I had intended to do more with "Father Onegin," but I sort of forgot on the night that I actually ran it. I would have liked to bring the conversation around to the topic of the Barovian witches and have him be the first to drop the name "Esmae Amarantha," maybe even mentioning a bit of her backstory. He could also have dropped some of my revised backstory for the Falinescu family, since that's about to become relevant. Plus, I also considered making him the one to give the ring of spell storing to the PCs, thereby cementing the idea that he was a good guy and making the eventual revelation of his identity more of a surprise. As it happened, though, I decided just to cut out the ring. The party's cleric already had remove curse anyway.

The investigation of what happened to the sheep went well. The PCs successfully defended Luca from the villagers without killing anyone.

The letter to Costel Barbu seems out of character for the vain and selfish Lady Marilena. I decided to replace it with an unfinished letter from Costel to her, which the PCs could find in the house:

Most Revered Lady Marilena,

You may not remember me, but some years ago I had the honor of treating you for a toothache, which I had the good fortune to be able to relieve for you. At that time, as you may recall, you graciously offered to extend a favor for me if I should be in need of one. If it pleases your generosity, I am in need of such a favor now.

In the town where I currently live, I have a practice as a barber and healer. Recently, I was consulted by one of the townsfolk who I believe is under a very dangerous curse which puts

To my surprise, the players decided to spare Eugen Adi once his curse was removed, instead of killing him. He was taken off to the town jail. Later, in the absence of the burgomaster, Scartia Krutz decided to send Eugen to escort the tax tribute to Castle Ravenloft and explain to Lord Strahd why the amount of livestock was short. My group is currently playing through Curse of Strahd, and I'm thinking of having them run into him in the dungeon there.
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