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Running the Realms... with airships


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My group's current campaign is coming to an end, and our DM has decided to take a break, and enjoy being a simple player for a few sessions. I picked up a copy of Airships some time ago, and after viewing Pirates of the Carribean a few too many times, the obvious idea came to mind: Run an airship pirates campaign.

Of course, that's simply a general theme, not a real setting. I'm a 'seat-of-the-pants' DM without a lot of free time, so elaborate campaign planning and world creation simply weren't an option. During an AIM chat with the current DM (demiurge1138, in case anyone is wondering), we came to the consensus that since airships so drastically change the setting in which they're placed, it would be easiest to take a setting, add airships, and then conclude the logical developments that would occur. Naturally, I chose the setting I was most familiar with: The Forgotten Realms.

Here's the brief campaign summary I offered my players (I've got many more notes, especially on the roles of various dieties, but most are only half developed, and far from final)

Faerun, 1451 Dalereckoning

The secret of airships escaped Halruaa some time ago, but that fact is no secret. What is less than known is that in 1385, Halruaan mage-archeologists uncovered ancient Netherese floating platforms... some of which still had power left in them. They learned from them new, highly efficient ways of providing levitation and propulsion to large objects (not all magical), and revamped their fleet of airships immediately. With this aerial force, Halruaa quickly subjegated the Chultan peninsula, but not without notice. Calimshan traders acquired a ship, and quickly reverse engineered the technology. Soon, the secrets of airship design had spread all the way up the Sword Coast. Once it hit Waterdeep, airship travel opened up to the Realms.

The changes wraught in the following years were broad and sweeping, but stemmed from the simple application of technology to situations already near the edge of control. Shaundakul, god of wind, ascended to the rank of greater diety, while Umberlee is noticably weakened. Mulholrand quickly overcame the last vestiges of Untherian resistance, and a minor coup in the Sembian government by Countess Mirabella led it to a far more militaristic stance. Sembia and Cormyr currently hold an uneasy cease-fire, after nearly a decade of minor border wars and skirmishes. Neither side has fully committed itself, but conflict remains on the horizon.

Waterdeep and Amn were the first two major trade cities to being producing airships, and have grown considerably (especially Athkatla) with the opening of new markets and goods. Both house massive shipyards dedicated to building airships, and most airships in the realms can be traced to one of the two cities. Of course, this competition has been somewhat less than friendly. While neither city has openly blockaded or attacked the other, the two fight fiercly for the control of regional markets, and (supposedly) have hired privateers to attack their competitors' ships. Currently, Amn supplies airships for the Sembian military, while Waterdeep sells to Cormyr. The current truce between the two has put a temporary moratorium on arms sales to either of the two nations, so Waterdeep and Amn are turning their eyes further to the east, where further riches may lie. Oddly enough, Calimshan has taken a very relaxed role in this new order of commerce, and while it has converted many of its docks to producing airships, the inexpensive availabilty of almost every good imaginable has contented most of the citizens of Calimshan.

The Silver Marches region withstood a major orchish invasion in 1403, and while it successfully defended itself from the threat beyond the spine of the world, the attack devastated the region. The rebuilding process has been slow, and the orcish horde still lies in wait beyond the Spine of the World, a threat not yet realized.

The Red Wizards of Thay jumped upon the trade opportunity that airships provided. Thayan airships, manned by Red Wizards crafting items (for a price) can be seen throughout the Realms. More importantly, Thayan weaponry graces the decks of almost every airship. Thayan bombards and fire missiles have become the prevalent weapons in airship to airship combat. Of course, the western nations are only now beginning to realize that they are dependent on Thay for their weaponry.

Anauroch and Elvenmeet have been suprisingly quite over the past 23 years, and now a few are suspecting that great doings may be occuring in these isolated lands.

And that's where the campaign starts: Faerun is once again upon a turning point in history, on the verge of plunging into chaos and strife, but also ready to enter a new age of wealth and prosperity. The planned plot is best summed up in three words: Politics, Pirates, and Possibilities.. I'm interested in seeing what others have to say about this setup, and what I forgot to add.

Oh, yeah, I should probably add the standard disclaimer (to the material that follows): If you're one of my players, STAY OUT!

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First Post
I would change it to Haluraa, they have had airships for years....... Those airships are also also written up in 3e's Magic of Faerun, page 159. :)

A few people from Zakhara also stole a airship once from Haluraa, but I don't recall which Zakhara sourcebook it's in.

Dark Jezter

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D&D Player: "Hey, you got your Final Fantasy in my D&D!"

FF Player: "Hey, you got your D&D in my Final Fantasy!"

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
More interested in seeing perhaps Dragons dropping from such things. ;) Especially draco-liches in flying castles. ;)

Mystery Man

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Nightfall said:
More interested in seeing perhaps Dragons dropping from such things. ;) Especially draco-liches in flying castles. ;)
One small niggling little nittpicky item...

Dragons can fly (just FYI :p), what would they need to drop from an airship for?



Mystery Man said:
One small niggling little nittpicky item...

Dragons can fly (just FYI :p), what would they need to drop from an airship for?


dragons are also very vain. why expend the energy when you can ride the shoulder's of other lesser beings. ;)

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