Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage

I thought it might be nice to have a fresh thread, where people could post comments, ask questions, and make observations if/when they go back for re-reads. I can't promise to answer every question, but I'll get to as many as I can.

I imagine there will be some readers who were waiting for me to finish before starting. You can post about your read-through here, though you obviously may run across spoilers.

The best way to read the Story Hour is, as always, using StevenAC's excellent .PDFs.

Sagiro's Collected Story Hour

Thanks for reading, as always!


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First Post
It seems like a really banal question to start the thread off with after that lovely ending, but... I still have no idea who channeled "what makes dead," or what they channeled.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
It seems like a really banal question to start the thread off with after that lovely ending, but... I still have no idea who channeled "what makes dead," or what they channeled.

Belshikun was "what makes [the Adversary] dead." And Aravis was the channel by which Belshikun was able to bypass the Iron Barrier.


First Post
Thank you for the many years of work and for sharing your and your players' story with us, Sagiro.

Your Story Hour was one of a very few things that got me back into gaming.

...though I have now spent many more years following your Story Hour than I spent away from gaming in the first place.

You have constructed a monument, sir, and it honors our little pastime immeasurably.


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
To answer recent questions: no, the players did not come up with epilogues. We preferred to leave the game in a bittersweet state of ambiguity. As such, I also cannot tell you if the characters every escaped the Underdark. There's Belshikun's implication that Aravis survives long enough to create the Crosser's Maze and become the God of Knowledge (not necessarily in that order), but I don't think that implies anything definitive about the fate of the others.

I don't know if anyone saved their character sheets after the game ended. If any of my players are reading this, feel free to post them if you have them!


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Thank you for the many years of work and for sharing your and your players' story with us, Sagiro.

Your Story Hour was one of a very few things that got me back into gaming.

...though I have now spent many more years following your Story Hour than I spent away from gaming in the first place.

You have constructed a monument, sir, and it honors our little pastime immeasurably.

Thank you, Redwald. It has been my pleasure to write it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.


First Post
Come to think of it, I was curious about Kay's words in the tunnel -- that she was with "other yous" that kept dying. There wasn't any time to discuss it, but clearly that could be a whole novel in itself. Is there any more that can be unpacked about that?

Seeing Kay's character sheet, especially, would be fascinating -- to see where her class stats "would" have ended up had she stayed in the game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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