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Sagiro's Story Hour Returns (new thread started on 5/18/08)

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Spatzimaus said:
Ah, young love. It's the classic story. Boy meets girl, boy goes into battle alongside girl, girl turns out to be horribly evil but they win the battle anyway, boy and girl settle down and raise a bunch of halfling-ish babies...

I thought that was Piratecat's game...

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Sagiro said:
Sagiro’s Story Hour, Part 248
The Final Step
“The honor,” he shouts, drawing his Greatsword and holding it high to the sun, “has been mine!”

He turns to face the Black Door, and through it he takes one certain step.

Now that's a way to end a chapter. Well done!


Hold the Peppers
KidCthulhu said:
To respond to those that think Yoba is evil, remember that for betrayal to be dramatic, you have to have trust. If every NPC we meet is an evil bastich, then we simply won't trust anyone. There have to be good people too, or the occasional sneaky ones have less weight.
Feh. KC's just trying to gain our trust with this so that it's dramatically meaningful when we find out she's lying...

OOC, Sagiro, while the groundwork for Het Branoi was obviously laid a long time ago, I'm curious how much you knew when in what degree of detail. Were the Slices always part of the plan, or was it just created as random, unspecified dungeon site? Was Sagiro's specific fate as pawn of the Red Eye always intended? Did you always know that this room right here was the fulfillment of Step's prophecy?

I'm always very curious about how these things develop in long term story arc'd campaigns.


First Post
Been reading a long time, good stuff.

I still hate Dranko though. He's so annoying and off-putting.

But bravo to all the other characters and fun situations! Good writing Sag!


First Post
Fajitas said:
Feh. KC's just trying to gain our trust with this so that it's dramatically meaningful when we find out she's lying...

I don't know if Yoba is evil or not, but I do know that the fact that I have been humming Copacabana for the last week and a half is proof positive that Plane Sailing is.

And holy crap, that was a masterwork cliff-hanger. I'm torn between cheering at the sheer artistry of it and gnashing my teeth in frustration at having to wait to find out what happens next.

Vargo said:
Aw man, now I'm all misty-eyed. How am I supposed to hold my reputation as some hard-nosed manly with all this sniffling? :p

Obviously you have to punch somebody. AND QUICKLY!

Sagiro, reading the chapter I realized I had some questions, but I'll ask them after we resolve the cliffhanger.


Droid101 said:
I still hate Dranko though. He's so annoying and off-putting.

Sorry about that. Sometimes he's kind of like the kind of bullying 14 year old you never wanted to run in to -- an overweening show off who seems to be more concerned with appearance than substance. He pushes some people to see how far he can bend them. That's intentional. On the other hand, I'm also very much shooting for the "diamond in the rough" mentality. His personality is tempered by his love for his God (although not necessarily his religion) and his endless loyalty and love for his friends. He sees himself as largely alone and unloved in the world, except for the small number of people who have learned to trust him (and vice versa.) That's a treasure more valuable than any magic item or jeweled crown.

He's not really as shallow as he pretends. It's a ploy, but sometimes it backfires. And if he doesn't at least have style, it's not for lack of trying.

Morningstar is certainly the most serious member of the group. She's the only neutral, and she's far more suspicious than the others. She, too, had hidden depths; she's deeply committed and spiritual, and more pragmatic than anyone else. It's fascinating role playing from her player.

Kudos to Sagiro for the writing in this part, by the way. I was there -- and it's bringing the adreneline rush and teary eyes all over again. If I didn't love and respect his NPCs so much, it wouldn't hurt so much when they face horrible danger.

And we all still miss Abernathy. I mean really miss him, and this is an imaginary character who passed away in a game more than six years ago. Weird.

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