Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)


Caught up! Only 396 parts? So close to an even 400 (especially when you consider that there are parts 390)!

I took the summer of 2000 off between school and work and, bored, I somehow learned that a new edition of D&D was coming out (I hadn't played in years) which led me to Eric Noah's rpgplanet website. Still bored, I discovered the Story Hour forum and for reasons I cannot explain clicked randomly on Sagiro's Story Hour and began reading. I cannot believe that was 14 years ago!

As I've mentioned here before, I once randomly met Sagiro at a event in Boston, where I lived at the time. That was probably 12 years ago and I'm still reading (until now). I clearly made a big mistake not asking to sit in on a session, or at least asked for his (non-forum) contact info!

Hats off to you, Dorian. I eagerly await the cable television show based on your novels.

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Hello Sagiro

I was interested if possible in seeing the map of Abernia that your players must have seen. I understand that it is probably just hand-drawn, but would you care to share? Currently on my fourth read-through of the Story Hour and trying to visualize the map is hard :)



Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
(Posting this here, in addition to the "Now that it's over" thread, for the benefit of people subscribed to this thread but not the other.)

Hey, would you like to a) help me test my stub website for the book, and at the same time b) sign up to get an e-mail from me when the book goes live?

If yes, go here: The Ventifact Colossus and fill out the form. If something goes wrong, or it doesn't seem to work, post here and let me know.

I also do solemnly swear that I will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, or share it with anyone.


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Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
(Cross-posting with my "Now that it's over" thread, since there are probably more old readers subscribed to this one)

It’s finally here. I have pressed the “launch” button, and now anyone can go to Amazon and buy The Ventifact Colossus – Book One of The Heroes of Spira. Any by anyone, I mean you!

This would obviously never have happened if not for my many enthusiastic readers right here at EN World, and I will always be grateful to you – especially those who kept pestering me to turn the Story Hour into books. So, thank you!

Here are the three main things you can do to show support, if you are in the mood for such:

1. Buy the book! The e-book for Kindle is $3.99, and the print book is $13.95.
Here are the links:

e-book link on amazon (US):

print book link:

If you do not live in the U.S., you can search your own country's Amazon page for "The Ventifact Colossus."

At this time, the book is only for sale on Amazon. If you are unable to access Amazon from where you live, we can probably work something out where I buy the book myself and have it shipped to you, and you pay me via PayPal.

2. Tell other people about the book, especially if they enjoy fantasy novels. (And – big surprise – it might be of particular interest to table-top gamers!) This is a big one; as a self-published author, I have no PR firm or marketing team. Word of mouth will be key, and by “mouth” I mean YOUR mouth.  Note: it is entirely reasonable for you to read the book first, and only recommend it if you enjoyed it.

Also: I have a URL for the book, along with a form people can fill out to receive updates about my progression on the series.

3. Review the book! (After you’ve read it, of course!) It doesn’t have to be a long or involved review, though it certainly can be if that’s what you’re moved to write. I want your review to be honest, even if you don’t like the book very much. The best places to leave reviews are Amazon and Goodreads.

Happy reading!

-Dorian Hart, a.k.a. Sagiro


Hi Sagiro

Saw your post and got your e-mail on Saturday - first thing I did today after showing up for work... bought the book! I look forward to it already and eagerly await the read!

P.S. I wrote to you some time last year, asking if you happened to have any maps from the campaign/countries. Are there any in the books - or would you still be kind enough to look into posting/mailing them?


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
Hi Sagiro

Saw your post and got your e-mail on Saturday - first thing I did today after showing up for work... bought the book! I look forward to it already and eagerly await the read!

P.S. I wrote to you some time last year, asking if you happened to have any maps from the campaign/countries. Are there any in the books - or would you still be kind enough to look into posting/mailing them?

Hi radich,

Sadly, and to my great frustration, I cannot locate my old campaign maps. I suspect I misplaced them during a remodel of my study (I probably set them aside in some unusual place, thinking to protect them), and now I can't find them anywhere. Because of that, as well as due to issues of time, cost, and technical constraints, there are no maps in the book.

My hope is to either find or recreate the maps of Charagan and Kivia and include them in Book 2. It's even possible that I'll make them available on-line before that, but for now, at least, we're both out of luck on that score. Sorry!


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Owning this storyhours series - Priceless!

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Steeliest of the dragons
I'm very excited to have ordered my copy. Eagerly awaiting.

Kudos, congrats, and best of luck again, Sagiro (Mr. Dorian Hart ;).

Thank you for showing us all how it's done.

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