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Sales of upcoming Greyhawk Ruins will determine it's future

+5 Keyboard!

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Ranger REG said:
So? Last I checked, WotC isn't spotlighiting regions beyond the Forgotten Realms's Faerun

OBTW, the world of Greyhawk is called Oerth.

I am quite confident that GVD is aware of Oerth, Oerik, and the rest of Greyhawk's place names and planetary titles. You can check out some of his Greyhawk contributions at Canonfire! Case in point is this sample. Search the Canonfire! site using keyword "GVDammerung" for more of his articles.
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While I have no intention of ever running a Greyhawk game and will likely never play in the setting, I hope the setting will get more support after this product. Settings like Greyhawk and Mystara make it very easy for me to convert material directly into my campaign setting. Those older settings have a certain feel to them that the Realms and Eberron don't really duplicate.

Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I think republishing the LGG in hardcover, with the timeline advanced to account for the canon changes by Living Greyhawk, would be sufficient for a lot of folks. LGG is long out of print, after all.

I still see it in stores. I don't see a reason to advance the timeline. As Gygax said, advancing the timeline should be done by each campaign, not by the publisher.

mattcolville said:
But coming out with this coy, "Weellll...IF it does well then MAYBE we'll do some more stuff" is a complete smokescreen.

It's a marketing ploy. The used the same marketing ploy on an FR product, I think Silver Marches.

Thornir Alekeg

mattcolville said:
This whole thing strikes me as incredibly...silly.

If WotC wants Greyhawk to succeed, then they should work to make it a success, like any other company. Support it and promote it.

Obviously there are a few people at WotC who want to see more GH stuff, while the majority of the people in charge disagree. Those first few people occasionally get thrown a bone. Ok. But coming out with this coy, "Weellll...IF it does well then MAYBE we'll do some more stuff" is a complete smokescreen.

The reason there's no more GH stuff is because the people in charge don't like GH. If they liked it, they'd support it and promote it and make it a success. If a lot of people buy GH the people in charge...still won't like GH.

So, maybe this is the way the people in charge plan to finally put Greyhawk to rest within the company. "Sorry guys. We gave you a shot at it, but it just didn't sell well enough. Now, would you please stop living in the past and get back to work on that new project we asked you for?"

Thulcondar said:
Greyhawk, centered around the Flanaess, is perfectly fine as a campaign setting. Any DM worth his salt could run a campaign for years on the borders of Perrenland, or in and amongst the machinations of the Great Kingdom, or in the Yeomanry alone. The intentional vagueness of the Flanaess (and Greyhawk as a whole) is not a limiting factor; it is the framework upon which a good DM can hang his or her work for years to come.

11 years so far with 3 groups in the Bissel-Highfolk-Perrenland region over here. :)


First Post
GVDammerung said:
Greyhawk lacks the potential of an Eberron or Realms. Both of these are worlds. Greyhawk is really just the Flanaess, a small part of one continent and the fringes of little more.

There were a bunch of Dragon articles 5 or 6 years ago about what was on the other side of the GH supercontinent. Had some nice ties to Vault of the Drow too.


First Post
haakon1 said:
11 years so far with 3 groups in the Bissel-Highfolk-Perrenland region over here. :)

8 years in Gran March/Keoland here; as well as 2 years in a "set in Greyhawk" 'homebrew' island-chain area based on a reversed map of Hawaii. The geographic size of the setting used isn't important.



Zendragon said:
Please let someone pull the plug on Greyhawk. I didn't like it on 1987 and I still don't like it now.
I know this is just my opinion, and some people still love it. I would just like to see more energy spent on a new, non-Eberron setting. I hope 4th will introduce something new. Back when Forgotten Realms was coming out, there was excitement. Eberron did create some excitement, but I don't feel it ever delivered. Come up with something new and interesting.

Then just ignore it and walk on by, no need to pull the plug just because you don't like something.


Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I think republishing the LGG in hardcover, with the timeline advanced to account for the canon changes by Living Greyhawk, would be sufficient for a lot of folks. LGG is long out of print, after all.

Not for me. I want new illos, prestige classes like the knightly orders etc. Basically, I'd like to see an FRCS (which I feel is more complete than the Eberron book) for Greyhawk. The PHB doesn't have the full list of deities, nowhere is their a description of Greyhawk itself or the state of the various kingsdoms outside of the LGG and it reads like watching DRIED paint, boring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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