Per Jim Butler in a similar thread in the Publishers forum:
"For those of you that have inadvertently made multiple orders, I'll be deleting those extra orders so you'll only get charged for one.
I'm not entirely certain why some of you are having problems with the ordering, and others are not experiencing any problem. If you click the place order button, check your email before ordering again."
ecliptic: a majority of the books are 3.0 (Doomstriders is 3.5). However, don't let this stop you from purchasing them! There's a lot of great background material that is version neutral, and the crunchy bits that need to be tweaked are easy to do. Heck, in my own game I still use 3.0 monsters and the players never know the difference. And you can't beat $5.
Banshee16: *hypnotic voice* you must buy Oathbound *hypnotic voice*
To everyone who has placed an order: Thanks!