Sammaster in FR


Hey this might be a really dumb question and I'm sure I overlooked it somewhere, but can anybody tell me if Sammaster has been presented with stats in any of the d20 Forgotten Realms products. Any help would be appreciated lol, sorry.


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First Post
I found this but it doesn't look very official :p

It look slike there may have been an AD&D FR supplement called Cult of the Dragon which had his info, but I'm not seeing anything 3e...but I haven't looked in the new Dragons of Faerun yet.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
Off the top of my head, I can't remember. You might want to ask these worthy Sages however... That's a good FR resourse for anyone. There is a pretty constantly updated (for the past few years) thread of Ed Greenwood answers in the download section there, and also novel authors post there regularly too!


There might be more info on him in Dragons of Faerun. At any rate, he's definitely a very high level wizard with maybe some archmage levels who also happens to be a lich.


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
I just looked in Dragons of Faerun and there isn't any details on his levels that I saw, may have missed it though.

It did list the stats for the "guy" Sammaster used to have as his "Second Speaker" and had recently raised as a Bane Lich to fill that same role. He is a Banelich (MnF) Cleric 25/Divine Emissary(or Disciple can't remember already) I'd say since he was the second in command that Sammaster was at least higher than 30th...


Hey thanks guys, appreciate it. Yeah I looked through DoF and didn't find his actual stats although his croonie was very high leveled, I figure Sammaster is very powerful. The links given will help also though so I'll slap him together. Yeah I thought that was kinda dumb in DoF to discuss Sammaster quite a bit, explain the dracorage, but not give him his stats?? Oh well, thanks again though guys, hehe :D



Sage of the Scarred Lands

I think Nemesis noticed that...

Others probably didn't since they probably don't have Dragons of Faerun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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