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D&D 5E Sample adventure to test 5E in high level (15th) play. Any takers?


Patron Badass
"Lord Hermes, if I may...I'm curious. This 'Well of Many Worlds'...you say its an artifact that has the possibility to bypass or destroy the barriers of Carceri, but what is its exact function?"

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"Lord Hermes, if I may...I'm curious. This 'Well of Many Worlds'...you say its an artifact that has the possibility to bypass or destroy the barriers of Carceri, but what is its exact function?"

It is a magical device that can open a portal to another place and another time. Its destination is random however, which is its only limitation. Its possible that it's this random nature of the device that allows it to be used in the manner in which it is currently being used by the Mad Titan Krios.

"How did they break free from the Tablet's restrictions? Perhaps it could be reversed, or the gods could replicate it to be able to intervene themselves".

The Titans, not being Gods themselves, are not bound by the restrictions of the Tablets of Fate or the edicts that prohibit Gods and their Chosen from direct involvement in these matters.

What Krios seeks to do is to prove false that which cannot be proven false. In his effort to escape imprisonment, he seeks to violate a inviolable rule. In so doing he risks destroying the very order on which the Cosmos relies on to exist.

If he is not stopped, and soon, the entire Plane of Carceri will cease to exist, once again reunited with Olympus. Not only will this have profound implications on the outer planes, alter the course of the Blood War, and restart the Titanomachy, it will also shatter the Great Wheel itself!

The consequences would be dire indeed.

He gain motions towards the orrery; as he does so it seems to speed up, the orbs and rings all moving in strange orbits like a clock.

As the orbs speed up, oscillating orb (that you now know represents Carceri) pulls the attached ring out of place - with a grinding of gears the Orb collides with another Orb, this one with a sapphire blue crystal attached. The two Orbs collide, and seem to flow into each other like molten metal, the olive green crystal replacing that of the sapphire blue.

Suddenly, the entire orrery starts to oscillate and sway uncontrollably, like an out of control pendulum, orbs crashing into other orbs (and some into the large Orb in the center, that must represent the Prime Material).

If Krios is not stopped, then in around 6 hours time, reality as you know it will reshape itself. Trillions of beings across the multiverse will perish.

What say you bold heroes. Are you up to the task of stopping him?


Patron Badass
Galvich smirks and tightens her grip on her draconic staff with a passion.

"Of course, lord Hermes. I have surpassed countless trials to arrive here, and I shall surpass countless more. Its as my father says 'I have a gift, and with this gift, I should use it to stand and protect.' Well, I don't plan on disappointing."

Galvich's smirk escalates to a determined grin. She scans the room and asks

"So, what's our first move? We're expected to get this done, so it should be done post-haste. Wouldn't want to keep the gods waiting."


"So, what's our first move? We're expected to get this done, so it should be done post-haste. Wouldn't want to keep the gods waiting."
"6 hours, not a lot of time!" (really wishing I'd done that heroes feast!)

"Lord Hermes, what is the closest we can come to the Titan's location? Does Carceri have any special properties we must be aware of as we traverse it?" (if that seems a bit direct, it's hopefully delivered well enough not to offend the god).


Ellina speaks up for the first time. "So, just to be clear about what's expected of us, you want us to sabotage this device?"

Religion = 10 Total. Poor Alvin has probably never heard of this guy specifically.

Alvin strides forward when they are first introduced to this Hermes fellow, and while it's not lost on him that this person was titled Herald of the Gods, he still thrusts forward an arm to offer a hearty handshake.

Accepted or not, he takes a step back to listen to the tale. In truth, some of it goes over his head entirely. He knew about the Great Wheel at least, for what hero who has taken so many risks and fought such great evils has not? A question forms upon his lips, and just when he's about to ask it the spinning orrery spirals off course and causes several orbs to crash into each other.

"Alright, I think I understand the stakes here." He utters, his question answered.

"The banquet went a little long, but I'm certain we are up to the task. Do you know the best way to break into this place? And what do you suggest we do with the device when we find it? And are there... any prisoners there who might be willing to aid us?"
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Religion = 10 Total. Poor Alvin has probably never heard of this guy specifically.

Alvin strides forward when they are first introduced to this Hermes fellow, and while it's not lost on him that this person was titled Herald of the Gods, he still thrusts forward an arm to offer a hearty handshake.
No, you have not heard of him, and he accepts your handshake with a warm smile.
Accepted or not, he takes a step back to listen to the tale. In truth, some of it goes over his head entirely. He knew about the Great Wheel, for what hero who has taken so many risks and fought such great evils has not? A question forms upon his lips, and just when he's about to ask it the spinning orrery spirals off course and causes several orbs to crash into each other.

"Alright, I think I understand the stakes here." He utters, his question answered.

"The banquet went a little long, but I'm certain we are up to the task. Do you know the best way to break into this place? And what do you suggest we do with the device when we find it? And are there... any prisoners there who might be willing to aid us?"

I know of the only way to break into the place. And the only way to leave.

Ordinarily to get to Carceri, all one would need is Plane Shift or similar magic. Unfortunately, with current disturbance surrounding the plane, such direct means of planar travel is impossible. However it would be possible to Plane Shift to the Astral Plane, and from there find an appropriate color pool to enter Carceri directly.

I have thus taken the liberty of arranging transportation for your party in the Astral Plane to such a color pool. A pirate by the name of Captain Grogbeard awaits you there. He captains an Astral Galleon by the name of Kyuss' Folly. All you need to do is to arrange transportation to the Astral Plane, meet up with Grogbeard, and then travel through the color pool. Such travel to the Astral should be a trivial task for a Sorcerer such as Galvich @Asisreo I am sure.

Once there you will need to locate the Arcane Engine, and destroy the artifact.

Leaving the plane however will not be so easy. The plane is designed as a prison, and normal means of dimensional travel short of a wish or divine intervention simply do not work on Carceri. There is however one other means - the Boatman of the River of Blood Charon is an old friend of mine (he smiles, and his eyes light up with a hint of mischief) and... he owes me a favor.

Take my Caduceus
(he offers you his golden rod). It is a token of my favor and your ticket out of the plane. Whomever bears the rod and his companions will be allowed a one way ride out of Carceri via the River of Blood by Charon. Find the Boatman on the river, and he can take you to one of the other lower planes; from there your Sorcerer can Plane Shift you back home in the usual fashion.

As for any other aid you might encounter, I advise extreme caution. The plane is home to many beings of great evil, all who spend time on that accursed plane are eventually corrupted by its nature.

"So, what's our first move? We're expected to get this done, so it should be done post-haste. Wouldn't want to keep the gods waiting."

Here are the co-ordinates on the Astral plane where Captain Grogbeard and Kyusses Folly awaits. (he hands them to you). Im sure you can arrange for travel to that Plane when your companions are ready to embark.

Ellina speaks up for the first time. "So, just to be clear about what's expected of us, you want us to sabotage this device?"

Sabotage or destroy it, yes. As to how you might do such a thing, I am not entirely sure.

"Lord Hermes, what is the closest we can come to the Titan's location? Does Carceri have any special properties we must be aware of as we traverse it?" (if that seems a bit direct, it's hopefully delivered well enough not to offend the god).
Hopefully he is not present at the Arcane Engine. Such a foe could very well be beyond your groups powers to defeat.

As to the plane of Carceri, it has three major hurdles. Firstly it does not permit exit via normal means. My Caduceus however will permit you all exit from the plane when you locate Charon on the River of Blood. Secondly, it has a corrupting influence on those who visit the plane. Your party should not be there too long to risk exposure, but over days the Plane can twist the body and mind of those that linger there. Thirdly, the inhabitants are extremely hostile to all life, and most are evil beyond measure. Your fighting skills and cunning will be sorely tested.

Finally, it remains without saying, do not come into direct contact with the River of Blood. Such a thing would be very unwise.

Paladin, do you take the Cadeceus, and Sorcerer do you take the Astral Co-ordinates?

Also, any other questions?

Alvan takes the Cadeceus when it's offered, and inspects the thing with sincere curiosity. After a moment, he dips his head in thanks to this Herald of the Gods, and then asks a question with a somewhat hopeful tone.

"Thank you for this. I promise to do everything I can to stop this Arcane Engine, get us back safely, and return this to you. I suppose the biggest question I have left is... can this Krios be reasoned with? Is there anything we can say to give him pause? Even for a moment?"

Alvan takes the Cadeceus when it's offered, and inspects the thing with sincere curiosity.
It seems to hum with the divine magic of its bearer.

Intrinsically you know that if you attune to it you will be under the effects of a freedom of movement and longstrider effect, plus 1/ day you can use an action to cast Sanctuary (DC 20) targeting yourself.

"Thank you for this. I promise to do everything I can to stop this Arcane Engine, get us back safely, and return this to you. I suppose the biggest question I have left is... can this Krios be reasoned with? Is there anything we can say to give him pause? Even for a moment?"
Hermes pauses.

Anyone can be reasoned with. Although I fear he may be too far gone. Let your own best judgement be your guide.

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