Save on Holiday Shopping By Getting the Bards and Sages Newsletter


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With the holidays rapidly approaching, Bards and Sages is ready to help you stretch your gift dollars a bit further. Thanks to the company’s special partnership with, subscribers to the Bards and Sages Monthly newsletter can save on gift certificates, movie tickets, sporting events, and much more. Plus get access to exclusive special discounts at online stores like Target, Smartbargains, and others.

Each month, The Bards and Sages Monthly provides information on new writer markets, book reviews, and industry news to hundreds of subscribers. This free newsletter also delivers special coupons and contests for subscribers only. And all subscribers can access the program through the company’s special member ID number.

To subscribe to the newsletter, simply visit the Bards and Sages homepage and enter your e-mail address in the subscription box. You will immediately be taken to a special page that provides you with the information you need to take adavanrage of the WorkingAdvantage program.

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