Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is not only out on general release today, but it's also available on the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop. It includes the entire contents of SCAG (divided into DM and Player sections), image handouts, maps, and 37 new character portraits. It's $39.99, and requires an appropriate Fantasy Grounds license. "Get everything you need to adventure in the Forgotten Realms on the exciting Sword Coast, home to the cities of Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, and Neverwinter. Crafted by the scribes at Green Ronin in conjunction with the Dungeons & Dragons team at Wizards of the Coast, the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide provides D&D fans with a wealth of detail on the places, cultures, and deities of northwestern Faerûn." And, of course, if you haven't yet, head to your local game store and grab the actual book!

Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is not only out on general release today, but it's also available on the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop. It includes the entire contents of SCAG (divided into DM and Player sections), image handouts, maps, and 37 new character portraits. It's $39.99, and requires an appropriate Fantasy Grounds license. "Get everything you need to adventure in the Forgotten Realms on the exciting Sword Coast, home to the cities of Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, and Neverwinter. Crafted by the scribes at Green Ronin in conjunction with the Dungeons & Dragons team at Wizards of the Coast, the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide provides D&D fans with a wealth of detail on the places, cultures, and deities of northwestern Faerûn." And, of course, if you haven't yet, head to your local game store and grab the actual book!

Find it here.



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First Post
Excellent. FG's dev team has been on point with matching the actual release schedule. I've finally been getting around to fully transitioning from my Roll20 Mentor Subscription to FG, and stuff like this makes me feel more and more comfortable with that decision.

Although I know it isn't necessarily intended to be one, the pinned map, combined with linked content makes this more and more serviceable as a digital atlas for Faerun. Especially since it's quite easy to add your own pins to incorporate additional campaign-specific notes and information. Very excited about this.

I promise I'm not a shill for FG ;) I actually hated it at first, but the more I use it, the more I'm loving it. Large/multiple monitors are key with the current UI, though.


I crit!
I hope not. Can I print out any of that content? Can I cut and paste it into other things? If not, no thanks.

Don't get me wrong, I think fantasy grounds is a great product, I'm not nocking it.


I can't speak towards any plans that Wotc might have regarding PDFs. I'm not privy to that information at all. From our perspective, FG is not meant to replace PDFs. We just try to make it the best for what it tries to do and that is primarily focused at making it easier for DM's to run games online or at the table and for players to gather online. We are proud of what we can do today but we know that we have a lot of growth still ahead in functionality and ease of use.


I can't see spending that kind of money on those, and, on top of that, all the books. I have a hard enough time feeding my habit with the actual books.


First Post
FG for iPad

Would love to see this for the iPad... Is there any thought of making this iOS compatible, if not now, in the future. (Tech is 'flying', so specs improve drastically each year.)

I can see using Fantasy Grounds for my campaign, about to start PoTA with the family...

...speaking of: it would be great to give blue-tooth support as well, for when the family is away.

I agree about the PDFs though - would be nice to have WITH the physical book.

Great job, on what Ive seen, but no computer means I can't try it.
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