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Scarred Lands! Burning Wheel! Numenera! It's a Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza!

It's a New Year Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza! For fans of the Scarred Lands, Numenera, or Burning Wheel, or an unholy mix of the three (The Scarred, Burning Lands of Numenera?), these three new Kickstarters are all set for some fairly epic success from the starting gate. All three are produced by veteran publishers already known for their high quality work, and based on existing well-loved settings and games. It looks like 2016 is starting off with a bang!

It's a New Year Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza! For fans of the Scarred Lands, Numenera, or Burning Wheel, or an unholy mix of the three (The Scarred, Burning Lands of Numenera?), these three new Kickstarters are all set for some fairly epic success from the starting gate. All three are produced by veteran publishers already known for their high quality work, and based on existing well-loved settings and games. It looks like 2016 is starting off with a bang!


We open play with the Scarred Lands setting, being Kickstarted by White Wolf founder Stewart Wieck. For D&D 5th Edition and Pathfinder, this setting was originally created about 15 years ago for D&D 3E. It was one of the first, and most successful, 3rd Edition campaign settings. Now, Wieck and friends are Kickstarting a 320-page full-colour hardcover book. For $45 you get a hardcover, or for $18 you get the PDF. There's an interesting note on the page about a free adventure, Gauntlet of Spiragos, which you can download for Pathfinder now, or "a 5th Edition version is forthcoming — we’re just hoping for an official announcement regarding 5th Edition games before we apply the finishing touches".


Next on the menu is a Numenera card game called The Ninth World. Numenera is, of course, the flagship RPG from Monte Cook Games, and this card game is being produced by Lone Shark Games and designed by Mike Selinker. You may have heard of him from previous games such as the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This game is, in his own words, "one part deckbuilder, one part Eurogame, and one part RPG" and is a competitive card game for 2-5 players. A pledge of $50 gets you the game.


And last in our little trilogy of epic Kickstarters is Luke Crane's Burning Wheel Codex. This is a supplement for Burning Wheel Gold, and includes life paths, magic, and rules commentary. "We shall create a tome of similar dimension and density to the urtext, Burning Wheel Gold. Its cover shall shimmer cerulean and gold. Its pages shall have the hue of gossamer and bone. Its ink shall be black. And it shall contain: the paths and ways of the Roden, Trolls and Great Wolves; an encyclopedia of traits and skills; an arcane library of magical ways; a libram of magic artifacts; and detailed commentary on nearly every aspect of the urtext itself." This one is steaming ahead already. For $25 you get a copy of the hardcover book.

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I'm still confused but I'm glad atleast Matthan is in for the HC. Now we just need to unlock the True Ritual level. :p ;)

Oh, I pledged on day one. No prior interaction with the setting, but I remember reading posts by you over the years saying how great it was (didn't remember your name, but remembered your sig) and thought that anything that inspired that level of devotion had to be worth a look.

As for the confusion, I think he is seeing stretch goals in two types. Physical stretch goals that effect the physical product (and not the pdf) like better paper stock, stickers, ribbon bookmark, etc... Since they are physical and include shipping or develop the physical product in some way, it would not work for that stretch goal to be given to a digital only backer (you can't ship just a ribbon bookmark). Digital stretch goals are anything that is unlocked digitally and involves no shipping cost. So if a new chapter is unlocked, then that would effect the digital pdf as well as the final book. If a free 3E pdf is unlocked as a pdf, he would like that to be included in a digital only pledge ($18 for this KS since that is the smallest amount that gets you the funded book). In his view (and he may correct me if I'm misunderstanding) since his support has helped the project reach the stretch goal and it is viable for it to apply to him (there is no shipping cost), he would like to benefit from it. Does that help the confusion?

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
*feels bad that his handle is forgotten but is glad the signature remains* Well I'm glad you pledged Matthan.

I get he wants a benefit Matthan. I just wasn't sure what OTHER benefits he'd want in relation to hitting stretch goals. I'm still not sure what else he'd like from Stephen Wieck and the rest though. Signed artwork?

He's saying that he wants everyone who is pledging at the pdf level to get the unlocked pdfs from the stretch goals. For example, the Tome of Beasts kickstarter gave out some pdfs as stretch goals that were given to everyone at the pdf level and up (I believe).

As for the confusion, I think he is seeing stretch goals in two types. Physical stretch goals that effect the physical product (and not the pdf) like better paper stock, stickers, ribbon bookmark, etc... Since they are physical and include shipping or develop the physical product in some way, it would not work for that stretch goal to be given to a digital only backer (you can't ship just a ribbon bookmark). Digital stretch goals are anything that is unlocked digitally and involves no shipping cost. So if a new chapter is unlocked, then that would effect the digital pdf as well as the final book. If a free 3E pdf is unlocked as a pdf, he would like that to be included in a digital only pledge ($18 for this KS since that is the smallest amount that gets you the funded book). In his view (and he may correct me if I'm misunderstanding) since his support has helped the project reach the stretch goal and it is viable for it to apply to him (there is no shipping cost), he would like to benefit from it. Does that help the confusion?

Correct. If you pledge for a book, you get the book with the system of your choice as well as the (digital) stretch goals. Why do I have to either get the book twice in digital format (one of them in a system of no interest), or have to buy additional pdfs that may be of no interest at all (for a non-supported system) to get the same (digital) stretch goals. Sends the signal that digital backers are somehow lesser than backers pledging for a physical copy. Which is not like most rpg kickstarters (again, ime).


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Maybe the reason is they don't have much else to offer because they're just starting out and only have TWO developers/authors to work on this instead of like say, 20 which is what one Kickstarter I saw that almost didn't get funded even though it had more to it.

Just saying.


Registered User
Wow, this brings back memories.

It's funny because a few months ago we were reminiscing about our Serpent Amphora campaign and the great memories from it.

I'd half-considered transferring bits into Realm Works and starting up a 2nd tale, but real life keeps me busy.

Still, this is very interesting.

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