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Scarred Lands! Burning Wheel! Numenera! It's a Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza!

It's a New Year Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza! For fans of the Scarred Lands, Numenera, or Burning Wheel, or an unholy mix of the three (The Scarred, Burning Lands of Numenera?), these three new Kickstarters are all set for some fairly epic success from the starting gate. All three are produced by veteran publishers already known for their high quality work, and based on existing well-loved settings and games. It looks like 2016 is starting off with a bang!

It's a New Year Big Name Kickstarter Bonanza! For fans of the Scarred Lands, Numenera, or Burning Wheel, or an unholy mix of the three (The Scarred, Burning Lands of Numenera?), these three new Kickstarters are all set for some fairly epic success from the starting gate. All three are produced by veteran publishers already known for their high quality work, and based on existing well-loved settings and games. It looks like 2016 is starting off with a bang!


We open play with the Scarred Lands setting, being Kickstarted by White Wolf founder Stewart Wieck. For D&D 5th Edition and Pathfinder, this setting was originally created about 15 years ago for D&D 3E. It was one of the first, and most successful, 3rd Edition campaign settings. Now, Wieck and friends are Kickstarting a 320-page full-colour hardcover book. For $45 you get a hardcover, or for $18 you get the PDF. There's an interesting note on the page about a free adventure, Gauntlet of Spiragos, which you can download for Pathfinder now, or "a 5th Edition version is forthcoming — we’re just hoping for an official announcement regarding 5th Edition games before we apply the finishing touches".


Next on the menu is a Numenera card game called The Ninth World. Numenera is, of course, the flagship RPG from Monte Cook Games, and this card game is being produced by Lone Shark Games and designed by Mike Selinker. You may have heard of him from previous games such as the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This game is, in his own words, "one part deckbuilder, one part Eurogame, and one part RPG" and is a competitive card game for 2-5 players. A pledge of $50 gets you the game.


And last in our little trilogy of epic Kickstarters is Luke Crane's Burning Wheel Codex. This is a supplement for Burning Wheel Gold, and includes life paths, magic, and rules commentary. "We shall create a tome of similar dimension and density to the urtext, Burning Wheel Gold. Its cover shall shimmer cerulean and gold. Its pages shall have the hue of gossamer and bone. Its ink shall be black. And it shall contain: the paths and ways of the Roden, Trolls and Great Wolves; an encyclopedia of traits and skills; an arcane library of magical ways; a libram of magic artifacts; and detailed commentary on nearly every aspect of the urtext itself." This one is steaming ahead already. For $25 you get a copy of the hardcover book.

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Yes, people need to pledge.

It's a little disappointing that they locked True Rituals behind such a high bar ($50K) when the fiction offerings are far lower, as indeed are rules on Epic Boon level play.

True rituals are far more unique and/or integrally important to the setting than either other thing in my opinion.

But of course that's all academic if the campaign hits $50K - so if you are on the fence about pledging, get off the damn thing and get your Paypal/Card/Wallet/Purse out...

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Sage of the Scarred Lands
Yes please! I'd like to come home and find all my stuff still there if that's possible. 50k folks! At little more than 16,500 dollars, it's completely doable. BUT only if you pledge!


I've already pledged for a hard copy of Scarred Lands, but I think they need to work harder on the Kickstarter. They need to be pushing out updates sharing bits and stories about what makes the world compelling and unique. More updates give their supporters more to use when they're reaching out on social media and sites like this. I feel like they think everyone already knows who they are from the 3.X days and they are trying to get their old customers back. They should be doing that and reaching out to new customers.

Take the stretch goals, they're updating characters that I have no idea who they are. That's some easy updates there. Every character that has been unlocked (and when they get unlocked), put up an update with a blurb on their story.

Tell me about the world, the nations, the peoples, the gods, the titans. Sell the setting. You don't have to give away the book, but make someone who has never heard of it before want to buy it to read it.

There is enough material and depth to this setting that they can produce a lot of enticing previews for the book. They need to do that so that the people sitting on the fence will jump in.


Sage of the Scarred Lands

I'm guessing they want me to do the selling for them for some reason. Maybe. Dunno. I mean I am the Sage. *shows of his badge*

Correct. If you pledge for a book, you get the book with the system of your choice as well as the (digital) stretch goals. Why do I have to either get the book twice in digital format (one of them in a system of no interest), or have to buy additional pdfs that may be of no interest at all (for a non-supported system) to get the same (digital) stretch goals. Sends the signal that digital backers are somehow lesser than backers pledging for a physical copy. Which is not like most rpg kickstarters (again, ime).

I totally get what you're saying, but I think $18 for a PDF of a campaign setting is still a pretty good deal. The problem is you're made to feel like you're being left out due to the fact that most of the stretch goals are only for the $30+ people. They probably should have set the bar at $18 or $46 (which is the print + PDF backer level).

Did you at least send money to help get me home Olaf? I'd like to go back there...

Yes, I just backed it at the $18 level (I'm curious about the setting, but not interested enough to pony up for a hard copy).

I also find it a little disturbing Nightfall that you have nearly 20k posts here on ENWorld when you haven't posted on here for quite a few years now!

Then again, I do remember the days when I'd visit the General Discussion forum and find that the last post on every thread on the front page would say "Nightfall". Just remember quality, not quantity when posting. I don't want to see you get banned for spamming all the threads again! :D

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