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[SCI-FI-esque] Sign ups (Full) The World of Avalon


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“Seven days we journeyed through this moonlit hell, where the shadows lived, and breathed, and killed. Zim Hackett is dead, he died last night in the Gap foraging for those rare earthlife mushrooms that the Avalon colony must have seeded before they went the way of Roanoke.”
     Xang Le Chung --Geologist aboard the Gavester

I am looking for a group of players to play in a world that is just now forming out of my mind. I just finished Destiny’s Road by Larry Niven, and adding that together with a few other favorite sources I have the basics of a unique advanced world.

You will be playing the part of a descendant of Settlers, though this long after the time when man first set his feet on the world of Avalon most of you refer to the settlers on as such, and there strange and unique tools as Settler Magic. While the setting is very much based in science fiction to you and to most of the NPC's that roam the world of Avalon it is not overly much different than a more traditional setting (I.E. beast drawn wagons, armor, swords, and even the very agricultural based society one might find existent in a more middle ages like setting, though one will find many uniquely sci-fi traits etched upon the world.

A few game related things for those who are interested in playing.

Avalon as the waterlogged world eventually became know lies far away across the cold blackness of space from the homeland of its people. When the first colony failed to report back, fear had driven all thoughts of colonizing what must be a most wretched place. It had been a tragedy that had muted even that of the Merth wars ( The Mars/ Earth Wars). But while back home people mourned over what had appeared to be there own modern Roanoke vanishing, those who had come to Avalon aboard the colony ship Camelot had in truth turned native. Rather than seeking the guidance of a government more than four hundred light years away the Camelots had decided to go it alone. It was six hundred years later when the fastshiip Gavester emerged from trispace to survey, and perhaps to ascertain what had happened to the first colonists, but by the time of there arrival earth had lost its claim as the homeworld of man, existing only as a penal colony for the Terran homogony, and many of the thousand Gavester colonists cared more for making a home far from the trespasses of government.

The Camelots by this time had evolved into something more than human, but with the vague appearance of man. When the xenobiologists of the Gavester encountered them for the first time they made no connection between what they saw, and the original colony.

Subrace Statistics
Kahme-lotsa (Camelots) ---As PHB Half Elves though they are taller, and there favored class changes to Ranger, or Psion. Also they get a choice of the following weapon proficiencies Shortbow, Longbow, or the Zalibur (see WEAPONS below) also there automatic language is Kahme, and Brantish

Brantish while not encountered until much later on in the Gavesters expedition inland from the Touchdown harbour (now known as Touchtown) Brantish appear human but of very small stature. They are the descendents of Arla, and Hanno Brant who along with all of there kin left the rest of the Camelot colonists and went roving off into the world. Statistically they are as the PHB Halflings thought they get an additional +2 to Int. It is unusual that there size varies so far from that of there ancestor (Hanno Brant was said to have been quite tall. Some of the Gavesters scientists speculated that the larger gravitational pressure down within the Black Gap had stunted the growth of the Brantish folk. Also some have found very odd Brantish folk believed to be the mixed offspring of the Shirra, and of the Brantish.

Settler Stalk Those who came with Gavester, and kept to the coastal lands are of this subrace. (As PHB Humans)

Shirra Even more alien in appearance to the men of the Gavester, the Shirra could, it would seem, be able to vanish into the air, or work miracles found only in the holy book. Shirra are the descendants of those who have ranged far and wide across the many lands of Avalon ( As PHB Elves thought they never touch conventional weapons insisting rather to use the innate powers of there Mind, and blood (either interoperate this as Psionic or Sorcerer ) They are a nomadic people forming into tribes, that wander far across unknown lands. A Shirani male is always accompanied by his shofar (familiar whether or not you are a Sorcerer, Wizard, or fighter a Shirani starts with a animal companion of sorts, thought it can be compared to a Wizards familiar) the Shofar connect mentally with there masters, and all are a overgrown species of the common cat (For stats most are considered a leopard)

Variant Race

The Glund As dwarves, though the stonecunning is specific to the colored head plate the Glund is born with. ( A Glund is a squat reptilian like humanoid native to Avalon, and very primitive as far as intelligence goes. If anyone wants to play a Glund we will go further into to detail but they are mostly hired on as laborers Favored class Barbarian

Zalibur- a ancient weapon first brought to Avalon by the Camelots, the Zalibur is a pulsating weapon shaped as a bow but is more the likes of a pulse weapon its following game statistics are

Name: Zalibur
Cost: Can not be bought (You must pick it as your proficiency, and then give a good heirloom story for this weapon as it is passed from one generation to the next, and only a slim few know how to make them but even the process is a difficult journey to begin.)
Damage 2d8
Crit X3
Range 120 ft
Weight: 3lbs

It is sometimes possible to see a party of Kahme all wielding such a weapon as it is one they cherish after all it is from those they call the bringers *

* Referring to the Camelot Scientists.

Kingdoms will come soon if anyone shows an interest.

Excepted material (upon approval) can come from the following RPG Sources (unless you feel like typing the Idea rules you would like to use in which case anything I can agree with For instance I don't own Deadlands yet, nor Everquest, nor Oathbound)

-Any ENworld Source (as long as I its legible, and its balanced, and well it fits the setting) provide links
- Some Issues of Dragon, or Dungeon (depends upon if I have it, if not be prepared to type the info for me)
- The Core Books (PHB, DMG, MM I)
- The Wheel of Time ( Core Source only)
- Spycraft (Very iffy here, but if you have a good reason for what you want to use, tell me)
- CoC (Again UPON approval)
- Traps & Treachery 1
- The Stronghold Handbook
** Sword & Fist
** Hero’s of High Favor DWARVES (for feats or Glum Runes, or well if you can explain a usage let me know)
** Your own, I encourage my players to be creative so if you can show me what you want in a well written, and balanced form then by all means show it.
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Inez Hull

First Post
Sounds interesting, count me in - if you don't mind a PbP newbie. Are you going to run with D&D or D20 Modern? I haven't read any Larry Niven, will this matter? I read sci-fi in equal parts to fantasy so I'm really interseted in playing fantasy with a sf edge.


First Post
I will be playing it D&D, though the Modern SRD can count as a Source Material :)

As for being a newbie PbP player it doesn't matter really ( I am a Newbie PbP DM at this moment)

And no you did not have to have read the book to get the story or anything. I am just really inspired by the world he created.

Here is my total bibliography.

Eternity Road by Jack McDevitt (SCI-FI FANTASY)
Starmans Son by Andre Norton (SCI-FI FANTASY)
Pern Series by Anne McCaffrey (FANTASY SCI-FI)
Harmony Series by Orson Scott Card (SCI-FI)
Shannara by T. Brooks (Mostly his hints at a future society lost by a great war) (FANTASY)
Destiny's Road by Larry Niven (SCI-FI, FANTASY)
The Stars are Ours by Andre Norton (SCI-FI)
---Starborn (Part 2 of above) by Andre Norton (SCI-FI)
The Engines of God by Jack Mcdevitt (SCI-FI)
Ender's Game and subsequent series by Orson Scott Card (SCI-FI)
The Bardic Voices series by Mercedes Lackey (FANTASY)
Jandar of Calisteo by Lin Carter ( and the series that surrounds the book) (SCI-FI Hero in a Strange Lands Sub Genre)

Some of the Basic Kingdom/ National Division lines

Touchtown Touch town is the hub of all Settler society at the cities heart the giant spire like stub of Gavester pokes up toward the heavens from which it came. At its base, a thick well made stone building covers the many cables, and power lines that still fead Touchtowns 37 street lights. Children in Touchtown who are lucky enough to live near a City Elder are entitled to go for schooling from the ages 8-21. Founded on the principles of the holy book men where veils whilst walking through the broad avenues, and only women can earn the title of freeholder, or Elder. At its landward side the ghetto known as Outlander's Hold stands stark and prison like. Guards watch the Outlander "airlock" to ensure that the Kahme-lotza, and other denziens of the mainland stay where they are wanted, out.

The whole of the Settlers Stalk can trace there geneology back the 1,000 years to the First Walkers, those who stepped from the Gavester into an alien world. The City is ran by a council of the First Walkers direct descendents.

The First walkers, and more modern Surnames

The Hacketts- Zim Hackett was the first to die at the hands of the Black Gap dwellers known as Brith ( a Brentish word), His Daughter Lorna Hackett took hold of his land and built for herself a stucco villa of designs she had seen in a data disk related to the roman empire it is still one of the most grand structures other than the Fastship in Touchtown, the Matron of the Family is Emleah Hackett a shrewd women by most folks talk.

The Chungs- One of the first to mount an expedition into the Gap
Xang Le Chung, of New Harmony ( A world far away from Avalon) before he and the others of the Gavester left the Terran homogony Chung had been a famed Geologist, and a skilled mountain climber. His return from the Gap marked his fall from leadership in Touchdown Harbour, four of his men had died including the Planetologist Zim Hackett. Chung released his holdings to his wife, and went inland never to be seen again.
Lady Chung set into motion the present day council of elders

--------Le Quong

The Mortisons-

The Bolingers-

The Yurikashi- (Later the Yamamoto)

The Holoways-

I will detail the remaining houses later. sorry its late

Gap's Edge A solitary town on the edge of the Black Gap, a long crack in the crust of the world within the shadows the Jungle known as Gnarledeath Thorne awaits the unsuspecting wanderers, thus Gaps Edge guards the entrance into the Gap southward. By Flyers they connect with the Pinnacle homes of the Kahme, and the Kahme city of Lorial Rovan.

Farland Watch High up in the Xianquol mountains the temple of farland watch founded by the buddhist Chung on his journey outwards from his shame, no more than a shrine, and a wooden shack the Farland Watch now serves the Settlers as a lookout against the drovers*

*Drovers are another form of Shirra more humanlike in form who run caravans from Shirrani lands to Touchtown

Blackgate The last of the Settlers Holdings is Blackgate named after a natural formation of lava rock jutting monumentally over the coastal plains long ago they were carven into the shape of the Gavester the small town that surrounds it lives off fishing from the Gangar river that cascades down out of the Kianquol mountains straight through the pillars, and on towards Spirits Bay.

There is a little bit about one kingdom for the night


This sounds very interesting.
Now, I'm thinking of making a shirra. Can I use the Mage class from the Elements of Magic book by Natural 20 Press?


fiercely creative world, I'm sure it will bring out a lot of unique character ideas.

I wish I knew more about the sci-fi series, so I could be inspired to create a PC that would properly take advantage of the ideas you've laid out...

edit: What area would it be most likely to have an Zaliber specialist from? Is there a particular place in your world that would have need of an archer that looks out over the land, defending the homesteaders vigorously, perhaps a bit zealously - maybe he'd be a patriot, feeling responsible for those entrusted in his 'care'.

Probably Khame race, right?
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Vor'en Kurn

First Post
I'd like to join in as well, although I also have not read the relevant book. Oh well. If I may, I'll be playing one of settler stalk. I'll be able to detail the backround a bit more once I've heard more of the world (from what I've seen you must have done a lot of work on it!), but he'll fare from a wilderness area, preferably one on a hostile border.
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First Post
This sounds interesting. I don't know much about this scifi series though so I'm not sure where to begin to make a character. :p


First Post
By Dalamar

This sounds very interesting.

Now, I'm thinking of making a shirra. Can I use the Mage class from the Elements of Magic book by Natural 20 Press?

As long as you can email me the specifics (I haven’t bought it yet). Otherwise I see no problem. I will be going over each races kingdoms here in a little while ( I am still recovering from New Years, I had a closing shift a my second job so I am trying to catch ZZZ’s)

By Reapersaurus

fiercely creative world, I'm sure it will bring out a lot of unique character ideas.

I wish I knew more about the sci-fi series, so I could be inspired to create a PC that would properly take advantage of the ideas you've laid out...

edit: What area would it be most likely to have an Zalibur specialist from? Is there a particular place in your world that would have need of an archer that looks out over the land, defending the homesteaders vigorously, perhaps a bit zealously - maybe he'd be a patriot, feeling responsible for those entrusted in his 'care'.

Probably Kahme race, right?

Yes the Kahme are the ones who still have the scientific know-how to make, and to effectively use the Zalibur. There are two Kahme Covenholds that are specifically for the training of Zalibur “Knights” who do exactly what your asking (I.E. looking out over the land) However these Covenholds are strongly competitive, and actually can come to attacking one another So its a big decision on which hold you come from (as it may affect attitudes from NPC’s or the like)


NO worries about the Sci-fi books you’ve read or haven’t read, I am not basing my world off someone else's novels, just listing my inspiration.

More Kingdom Notes

As was stated before

---The Kahme live in three types of cities
-----The Wanderhold- or Holds for those who travel the world
-----The Covenhold- or Religious Hold, it is at the Temples of the Bringers where the ancient weapon the Zalibur is still made, and its use trained. (There are twelve in the part of the world I will focus the beginning game on which I will highlight below.
------The Havenhold- Where women raise there children, and young boys learn the ways of the outerworld.

In or near the lands of the Settlers;

Kavrahs Holdings One of the First of the Kahmian Wanderholds to be established in the Settler’s lands. Kavrahs holding is now large from the profits gained by trained with the Settler Stalk. It is a walled city with a population of over 30,000, and mixed ( 75% Kahme, 15 % Settler Stalk 5% Glund, 5% Shirani )

Jivars Hold Within the Holdings of Kavrahs the religious hold of the Jivari coven sits forbidden to any of the other races from entering the Kahme here train in the arts known as Zal-enbranath or “Song Swords” where they train in the use of the bladed Zalibur ( and learn its creation)


This is the weapon style of the Jivars, a complex series of sweeps, and slashes with the alternate form of the Zalibur (known as the Bladed Zalibur, for the blades that adorn its arching edge) It is one of the most honored styles of the Kahmian people said to have been used by the Bringer Thomas Jivarsen himself.
Prerequisites Race; Must be Kahmian, Base attack bonus +5, Perform (Singing) 6 ranks
Benefits Singing while using this style focuses the mind of those who have trained in this style. While continuing the humming chant of the Jivars a character receives +2 to his attack bonus, and a +2 to his armor class.
Special abilities If a character meets the following abilities requirements he gains them as stated
Song of Lightning a character with 12 or more ranks in his perform skill may use the song of lightning once per day. To use this ability the character must have trained at the Jivars Covenhold. Characters with this special ability are able to focus their minds through this song, enough so that they can actually since the motion of muscles, and the breath of wind upon there skin. A character who uses this ability gains +2 to both his spot, listen, and sense motive checks. His speed increase to one level faster than his norm. (for example a Kahme moves at 30ft with this ability it goes to 40ft, and 80ft while running)
Whirling Attack A character with a base attack bonus of +5 gains this feat
from the PHB

The Sons of Carr The sons of the bringer Anthony Carr, the Camelots Captain, have begun this Covenhold in the Wanderhold of Morrengeld south of Phispana along the Gap.


Taught by the Sons of Carr in their Covenhold at Morrengeld Wanderhold this a highly trained style of precision over grace. It is a martial school, training those that are no nonsense how to fight with the treasured Zalibur weaponry.
Prerequisites Race; Must be Kahmian, base attack bonus +1
Benefits you know the ways of the Zalibur enough to use it wisely and well in complex situations. characters trained by the Sons of Carr gain +2 to there weapons attack, and damage as they have learned to hit more often and harder when they do.

They are trained to create a Zalibur.

Phispana The Only Havenhold of the Kahme in the lands of the Settlers Phispana is closed to outsiders other than by flyers out of Gap’s edge. Phispana rests at the top of one of the largest pinnacles rising up out of the gap. many of this cities 12,000 souls are artisans, or musicians who train at the schools of the Founders, and then head back into the Kahmian lands as Bards of there peoples lore. at its center one of the old Camelot’s landers rests serving as a source of power for the cities 42 street lights, 4 computers, and 2 tugs (tractors). Its antigrav lift can be found in use at the factory, a big building near the Mayors home that manufactures wagons for the drovers.


Shirani live in only one place within the Settler lands and that is Tulare, a smallish village just outside Touchtown where the drovers come to transfer trade goods for sea fish. The Shirani here worship the Wayward Spring, a bubbling hot spring where Moliss Shivandar the First Talker met Samuel Holloway and thus the agreement which led to the founding of the drovers. Around 2,000 settler folk live among the throng of Shirani (pop 12,000), and Kahme make up a one half of the population
as there is a small religious following here of theirs as well.


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First Post
Here are my players
1. Inez Hull
2. Dalamar
3. Reapersaurus
4. Timothy
5. Vor’en Kurn
6. Kittanvorr

We will start your characters off at 3rd level,

All core classes (including PsiHB) are exceptable in addition to the Armsman, the Noble, the Wanderer, and the Woodsman from WoT. The Merchant from T20 Lite, The Brute, the Enforcer, the Face, the Tough, and the Soldier from Cyberstyles prime rules. Also if you have a core class you think will fit that I didn't list give me the details either here or by email


You get to use the point buy system (32 Pts.) for your abilities, and HP is Full HD for first half for second and third.

No magic major magic Items, Settler Magic sources can come from Spycraft, T20 lite, Cyberstyles, or if your character wants a Shaver I am sure they are in my world so I will allow some small requests.

All characters start with there goods (around 2,500 Creds worth) +300 Creds ( A Cred is equivelent to 1 Gp, or 1 Dollar US.)

So lets see those characters (feel free to list names of places outside settlers lands I will incorporate them into the world)

There are some guns in the world I will except weapons out of cyberstyles, spycraft, CoC, or D20 Mod

Post your Characters Here
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