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Sealed In Blood - Chapter 1, Party B

Chapter 1 - The Pit Fiend and the Pendulum

Evil seeped through every crevice of Luz'Noc's malignant form. He was different from the common pit fiends, not only in mind but in body. Covered with midnight-blue scales, his skin seemed frail as it clung tightly to the mighty bones he possessed. He possessed the molten-red eyes of a true creature of the lower planes, and an aura of majesty that befit a pit fiend. Yet somehow, he was...for a back of a better word, ancient...he was...Primeval.

Less than a day ago (or at least what would be considered a day in the Astral), his retainers had returned, successful and yet unsuccessful, as he had planned. Time was synchronized perfectly for his next move, it had to be, if he was to make his wishes happen. Upon the alternate prime of Paranthas, he knew what was happening, but his information was limited. There, dwelt powerful fiends, many with access to the ninth valence of spells, and several with more powerful dweomers than those. However, they too were well coordinated-each and every one of them were protected by a Mindblank spell, their own plan had required it.

However, there was small, but great flaw in that plan-and Luz'Noc knew it. Only the most powerful wizards could afford to memorize more than one Mindblank spell per day, and he only needed a wizard who was capable of gating him in. Still, the spell lasted a whole day, and the wizard who cast it could renew it the next with little harm. Only one problem, the small flaw in the fact that it still takes six seconds to cast, and during that six seconds Luz'Noc would strike. He contemplated this within his meditation chamber.

Now, a powerful demand had just been made, within moments it was answered. A portal opened up, and a bright flash consumed Luz'Noc.

(More posts on their way, do not post until I say so)

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A brilliant orb filled with multiple, shifting hues of red floated in the middle of them, hovering just above the heads of some of the most corrupt and powerful beings in the multiverse-and yet they are bound to another's service. Xert, the arcane angel knew of some of its magical properties, but all of its powers yet remained unknown to him-he felt a sort of hunger overwhelm him for a moment-Luz'Noc had several toys which had kept the fallen angel tempted over the years.

"How long must we wait?" Speaks one among their number, the one who appears as a tiefling but is in actuality a member of the draconic species. The orb glimmers and changes into a blood red color, but offers no response. Something...feels wrong, and they all knew it-a sense of vertigo accompanied by a strange tingling feeling. In particular, Nameless had felt some strange sense of freedom-something he had not felt in a long time. It was mysterious-as most astral weather is, but not entirely uncommon. Yet they had their orders, and they were not allowed to leave the chamber, except for one, Liriel.

The room they were in was circular, and brightly lit. There was only one door out, and in front of it was Liriel, an imposing, silver-haired drow female. Of course, considering the people in the room, looks were very deceiving, and almost always false-even at second glance. It was her job to act as a "caretaker" for the fortress while the Master was away-a sort of localized assassin, if you will. She swept out of the room to investigate the disturbance, striding through the cold, dark corridors of the astral-based building. Perhaps merely a minute later-although what *is* time on the astral? The orb began to spin more rapidly, glow, condense, and finally-expand. A portal had been opened, and all left in the room were drawn to it, for it was the nature of their binding. Coincidentally, Nameless did not feel the same pull as the others, and as they disappeared into the orb, he is left with a choice: Will he stay behind or will he follow?
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A lone figure greets them, although it is definately not their master. He looks strange, with lightly tinted blue skin and slightly pointed ears, suggesting that he is partially of fiendish descent at least. One of his more noticable qualities is his sea-green hair, which is slicked backwards and upwards into a spike. A more deceptive feature, and thus one that warrants the most attention out of the more keen members of Luz'Noc's servitors is his grey cloak, which has a black gem upon its clasp and reeks of powerful magic.

"Greetings, I am the sorcerer known as Khansuel. The Master has appointed me to inform you all of your tasks...and rewards." He says as he greets them. He gives Xert a look with his sharp, purple eyes and rapidly imparts a telepathic message to the angel. "From here onward, the one known as Zardunicxthlyn shall inform you of what you must do." In the split second that the man stops talking, Mysliwy gives a crude innuendo about how much Xert is a suck up to some of the others. The light, blue-skinned man simply smiles and continues onwards, "And now, I shall impart to you the rewards the Master will impart you, should your task be completed successfully."

(Note that all of this is transmitted through telepathy, and that no other member of the party knows what the other gets, unless they wish to share it with them...)

Melchiah: A contingent telepathic message has been placed in your head by me. Simply by fulfilling the mission will the current location of one of the pieces of The Armor will be revealed. It will be guaranteed that after you receive that piece of information, the piece will remain in the same spot for at least 3 days and 3 hours.

Xert: As you have previously requested, the Master will give you a legendary Scroll of Thesk. You know that this is a powerful, minor artifact that shows you where any one, single spell that you choose is located at.

Conner Hellflame: As promised, the contract with the Efreeti will be severed and the equipment you lost from the transaction will be returned.

Kip Ix'til: A specially made body will be prepared for you, it is most exquisite, as you will see. A mental image and design notes of a large, humanoid shaped Mithril Golem without any magic immunity-and thus possessable. It is similar to a figurine of wondrous power in the fact that it stays most of the time in a miniature form and may be used a certain number times per week to grow into a golem.

"I also notice one among your number is missing...the unnamed one. Why is he not here, will he be coming soon?" The figure looks impatient, and perhaps even worried behind a calm facade.
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The dwarf looked intriguedly at the portal, stroking his red beard.
"By Moradin's hammer, what strangeness is this?"
He hustled over to the portal and stepped through it, not sure what to make of it just yet.

Nameless appears in front of the group, and the figure's tension seems to disappear, "Dimensional travel does not work in this plane very well, though the reason for it being so is because of enchantment, and it is not a natural trait. Your task has been assigned to you and the winged one shall tell you of it." He motions to Xert. "I have given all the information the master has seen fit for me to give, so I will depart."

The figure hovers above the ground, and flies away without another word.

The world that surrounds the party seems one befitting of a prime, a single sun in the blue, cloudy sky and acres of green all across-with what seems to be large city standing several miles away from them. The figure that informed them heads the opposite direction, although his destination is unknown for the most part.

(Email has been sent to Golden Eagle, once he posts, everyone else is free to post.


Liriel strides out of the room and is soon joined by a silver haired wolf walking beside her, as a hawk perches on her shoulder.

As they walk down the corridor Liriel speaks to her companions

" The disturbance came from below, we should go to the teleportation area, curse Luz'Noc and the restricted movement within this stupid fortress, and to make this more difficult he never told me about the layout of the lower area. Maybe something more interesting than the normal pointless killing will come of this..... "

Liriel heads to the nearest teleportation-possible area and transports herself and her companions to the lower level.

Nameless: A ritual shall be your reward, and once cast upon you that will make it impossible for anyone but yourself to dispell the form you choose to wear.

Xert's face twists into a look of consternation as he pauses to understand the message given to him, "For clarity, I will repeat exactly what the messenger noted to me. According to him, Luz'Noc says our mission is to 'Open the Door of Nise but not to close it.'" He thinks some more, as if trying to recall something.

"I have never heard of any thing in my studies of this Door, nor do I know where to begin-the messenger was very uninformative." Something whispers to the angel, but the rest do not hear it as it resounds within the fallen celestial's soul, tempting, coercing.

"Perhaps we could look in that city for information quickly, or find someone in there that knows where we can find a place that has information on the door?"

(Ok, begin!)


First Post
"Cities no like Kip, Kip likes cities though.", Kip notes with a odd look in his eyes to noone in particular.

"Sneaksy will be, sneaksy are we. Kip hides amoungst his friends.", Kip seems to indicate the grass field that the party is standing on.

With a flick of wrist Kip fads somewhat translucent then seems to disappear entirely. The grass seems to waver toward the city and back again.

OOC: Kip will pass to the ethereal plane and possess the grass in the field for an instant to indicate to the party he is ready to head toward the city. Then will release it and walk along with the party ethereal.

Janos Audron

Hey, you, and Melchiah looks directly at Kip, seeming to ignore the fact that he is on a different plane, get back here!

The man who speaks is an odd sight: little horns, and two dimly red glowing eyes in a small mass of moving shadows, hiding his face.

He is not armored but he is wearing a buckler, a bow strapped on his back and a claw bracer on his right hand, where sparks of blue and purple energy constantly arc between the 'fingers'. Two strange tattoos can be seen on the backs of his hands, extending on his lower arms and then disappearing under his black robe.

He is small, about three feet tall, but he claps his batlike wings and he flies up and he looks in your eyes, when he continues:

First of all, I think we should get to know eachother. To be an effective team and to complete our task to the satisfaction of the Master I think it is a good idea that we know the strengths of one another. I have had extensive training as an archer and I am well trained in various war tactics. I have some magical talents to back up my fighting ability.

Second, my name is inconsequential. It can only be abused by those who have mastered powerful spells. You can call me 'Fiend', for that is what I have become.

Third, I can provide an effect to communicate telepathically which will last about two hours. I think this is of great strategical importance since we will be able to both communicate should we become seperated and we will be able to coordinate our attacks.

So, how should I call you and what are your areas of expertise? And who of you allows me to forge the mental bond?

[OOC: I use Know Alignment (Su) on each of you. This is *not* blocked by Mind Blank, unless Sollir rules so. Sollir?]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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