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Search for the White Rose [IC]


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Perin smiles at the offered meat pie, and cheerfully hands over the 3 coppers to purchase one. After he takes a bite, however, his expression immediately wrinkles, "This passes for food in this city?", he thinks, washing out the taste from his mouth with a quick swig from his waterskin. Once the vendor isn't looking, he let's the meat pie fall in front of Sage and the husky devours it quickly.

He observes the impatient display of the lead figure, and the sly demonstration of the second. After a quick glance around, he urges Sage forward and address the Seneschal .

"Good mornin' to you sir, or afternoon rather," he smiles, quickly correcting himself. "The name's Perin, an' I'm here to try and keep trouble from callin' back at home. Figured I could do a sight better at it here than waiting for it to come knocking there.

There's not a halfling where I come from who could give two black eyes to a goblin quicker from 50 paces,"
he pats a well cared for sling slung to his belt. "I can fend for myself in the wilds through winter with what I got here in my pack and a little know how, and can follow near any trail if there's one to be had.

I can keep myself hidden well enough too, though I admit a trick like that,"
he nods at Bregan, "is beyond me. I'm mighty impressed, by the by" he says candidly.

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Grun grunts at Bregan in surprise. "Where'd ye come at, little un? You look easy ter squish." Grun grunts again in consideration. "Mebbe ter fast, though."


Ekoss takes a moment and gazes up at the towering castle and the grey skies beyond. Sweeping change is in the air, he can feel it. These are important times and Ekoss is glad to be apart of it all. He takes a deep breath, grins to himself and nods to the centaur as he passes.

While standing in line, Ekoss is surprised by the gnome’s display of stealth and he finds himself giving a slight bow of respect. When the wizard gets to the front of the line he looks down at his spell component pouches and crimson robes, then makes eye contact with the Seneschal. Ekoss’s eyes and body language seem to say ‘Isn’t it obvious what I do?’ When the Seneschal simply arches a eyebrow at him, Ekoss bows and says…

“Ekoss Barasune. War-Wizard. I wish to defend the good folk of Myrbar from the oppression of the Shadowmasters.”


Edvik waits until some of the others have already approached the seneschal and announced their presence. He grimaces slightly at the dark gnome's abilities, unhappy that he failed to notice anything until it was too late. Eventually he starts forward to introduce himself.

"I am just a swordsman. I volunteer because a soldier has no use without a war to fight, or a king to serve."

He adds to the last statement with a nod indicating the seneschal's badge.


Guest 11456

Grynth Shylok : Male Half-Orc Druid 5

Grynth had heard the town crier's call and was planning on heading toward the castle. But, he knew that Molly couldn't resist the broken watermelons strewn across the street. After all, you shouldn't waste good melon. So Grynth spent the better part of the next hour waiting for Molly to eat her fill. Then he heads toward the castle with the plump badger close behind.

As he arrives at the castle he hears the last of the man's announcement. “...you are brave enough to stand against them, follow me, and you will be given your chance!” Then the last bit about skills. Being the last to arrive he waits his turn to enter. Once it is his turn he steps forward. "I am on a vision quest for Obad-Hai. The great earth father has bid me to find the White Rose to save the world from the Shadowmasters. I seek assistance in this endeavor."

Grun rounds on Grynth with interest. "White rose?" Blowing a grunt out his nose along with a parcel of phlegm, the priest of Moradin knits black eyebrows together as he takes in Grynth's half-orc heritage. Turning back to the human man with the badge, Grun grunts out, "You know this white rose?"

The seneschal looks slightly surprised at the half-orc being a priest of Moradin, but lets Grun pass through without any comment, other than “Be welcome”.

He has an expression verging on shock, however, as Bregan tosses him his own badge. At the gnome’s words, the seneschal looks a bit closer at him and nods as if satisfied. “I’ve heard of you,” he comments. “We were hoping that you would join us in this fight.” The seneschal doesn’t give any indication he realizes the irony of welcoming one whom had been looked upon by the rulers of nearly all kingdoms with distrust for so many years.

He welcomes Perin, Ekoss, and Edvik, into the courtyard with respectful nods. However, at Grynth’s mention of the White Rose, a look of surprise and suspicion flashes across the senechal’s face so quickly that you aren’t sure it was even there. He waves Grynth inside as Grun asks, "You know this white rose?".

“Let us hold all questions and discussion until everyone’s inside, please. I’d like to go over the debriefing all at once… I am sure that your questions will be answered then.” He turns to the gateway, awaiting the next volunteer to step forward.

Grun's suspicion is plain for all to see as he passes a look from the seneschal back at Grynth. With a snort, Grun clasps his iron-shod quarterstaff and, tapping the ground in front of him, enters the keep to await this "debriefing," silently musing in his native Dwarvish, "What would the human want with my breeches?"


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Perin Olhandle - Male Halfling Ranger 5

Perin does not linger by the gateway or the seneschal, instead moving past both with a quick nod. He dismounts Sage and leads him over to a relatively out of the way part of the courtyard. He takes the time to unbuckle his saddle and remove it and all of his riding gear and saddlebags. Setting these carefully in a small pile, he scratches the husky's back where the saddle and gear matted his fur. Afterwards he speaks quickly in Halfling to the animal,

Halfling:[sblock]That went well enough, I think. Stay.[/sblock]

With that Perin moves to follow the half-orc into the Keep, pausing to look up from the doorway at the impressive height of the castle. "Must have taken a mountain of rock to make this," he opines.

Mista Collins

First Post
Harlan Mueller, human fighter 5

Stepping forward with his gauntlets tucked behind his back, Harlan leads his horse forward. "My name is Harlan Mueller, son of Hagin, son of Genevieve. I have been raised by a family dedicated to fighting battles and studying war. I have studied the art of negotiation and I lend my flail and my horse to the cause."

Once his introduction has been made, Harlan strides into the courtyard with a look of pride on his face.

Seeing the halfling taking care of his mount, Harlan walks over and extends his hand. "My name is Harlan Mueller, the legs of your companion look fast and strong."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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