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Search for the White Rose [IC]

Surprised that he was chosen before the centaur and several other of the human volunteers, Grun stiffens his back and grunts his acquiescence at the seneschal. Collecting his pack and moving to head through the door to the south, the half-orc priest farts loudly once from the weight of his pack. Completely unaware of his ill social grace, Grun saunters on squat legs with the others newly appointed by the seneschal, and continues his estimation of the castle's stonework.

Once inside, Grun stands motionless as near to the center of the room as he can and continues to silently take in the stone walls, ceiling and floor.

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Going over the seneschals conversation with the guard in his head, Bregan mostly ignores the rest of the people in the new room. Highly confidential, eh? Yeah, I've heard that before...

Making sure to not walk in Grun's wake, he enters the door to the south, pausing on the threshold to stare at the seneschal for a moment before going in. Once inside he takes a quick scan of the room and picks a spot a few feet from the door to lean against the wall.


Edvik looks around at the room for a moment, taking in the seated me and the maps around. He listens intently to Coel's briefing, offering a brief bow to General Brandt as the man is introduced. When the two teams are announced, Edvik begins to understand the purpose of the interview outside. They need all the help they can get, but some help is more important than others.

He pauses as he hears himself selected for the second team, and briefly weighs his options. His ancestor found his path to greatness through the army, and this a covert mission? If they were to fail, their names would be forgotten, but success, and the people would once again cheer the name of Edvik. Besides, a smaller group offered more chances to be seen and recognized.

All of this consideration passes in a brief flicker over his eyes, gone in an instant. He offers a final bow to the General, and then wordlessly follows the senechal out of the room. He considers the others in the room with him, and offers each of them a nod of his head.



Guest 11456

Grynth Shylok : Male Half-Orc Druid 5


PhoenixAsh said:
Perin's expression seems to cloud as he listens to the centaur and the human's conversation, and he seems to seize almost gratefully on Grynth's words and his badger's... badgering of his dog. An astute observer would note he seems a touch flushed before addressing the half-orc. "Aww, don't worry, Sage is harmless. Unless of course he decides ta be otherwise, than he's a terror." He chuckles a little and steps a bit closer to observe the half-orc's badger, "Molly, eh? She's your companion?"

"Yes! A most fierce one, that one."

PhoenixAsh said:
Perin stays close to Grynth as they are ushered inside the castle, and once inside he pipes up again before they enter the war room, "Those black birds outside, they aren't acting quite natural if'n you ask me. They're right smart birds and I'll wager they're trying to scavenge up more than trash or carrion out there."

"Really? I guess I should be more observant."

Dining Hall/War Room:

Grynth follows the others through the south door.


Ekoss takes a second and looks at the maps once more. Trying to see what progress has been made… or lost. With a nod to General Brandt, he picks up his staff and begins to follow Senechal Coel.

As he stands Ekoss lets out a slight moan. “Grmmf.”

His face is covered in a grimace as the pain of his leg flares up. Going from standing to sitting is sometimes difficult for the young wizard but he does his best to hide it. Fishing around in his robe pockets, he finds a small packet of pain-relieving herbs. He pops them in his mouth and begins to chew. Ekoss ignores any concerned looks as he walks into the south door.

Grun watches Ekoss finger and eat his bit of herb and studies the wizard from across the room, trying to discern a potential souce of the human's pain. The limp, in particular, is notable, and Grun wonders to himself as to the human's ability to flee from danger. Likely got sommat up his sleeve a bit extra other than an herbal poultice. Had to've dodged a giant's boulder or two to've made it this far. Shrugging, and wondering about the human's value to the team, Grun shifts his attention to the seneschal, the better to assess who it is that he's dealing with.

Grun looks at the man's stature, how he stands, the set of his shoulders. Trying to memorize the man's features so that he can later be identified--these humans often all look the same--Grun focuses on the seneschal's garb, hair color, age, eye color, and any outstanding sigils or jewelry.

Sense motive +3. Does the seneschal seem honest? Knowledge (religion) -1. Grun does have one trained rank in this skill but because of his Int penalty, the check goes at -1. Does the seneschal sport a particular religious symbol? How about the men around him? Who do they appear to worship?[/sblock]

[sblock=Grun] Sense motive 16+3=19 – The seneschal seems honest. He doesn’t have the mannerism of someone trying to hide anything. You do think you have a good idea of the man’s appearance, good enough to distinguish him from the other humans.
You doesn’t see any obvious holy symbols on anyone; you try to spot any that may be hidden (such as under someone’s shirt), but still don’t note any. (Spot 5+3=8). Knowledge Religion 17-1=16 – you don’t recall seeing even many Temples out and about in town, either, but you do recall one to Pelor. You don’t believe that this city is terribly religious. [/sblock]

The seneschal looks at Grun, with a somewhat disgusted look on his face, which he quickly smoothes away with the ease of long practice. He shuts the door behind Ekoss and moves to the head of the table that takes up most of the free space in the room, and seats himself. “Please make yourself comfortable.” He gestures at the chairs surrounding the table and pauses a brief moment; he consults a paper off the stack in front of him, scanning it and flicking glances at each of you as you arrange yourselves.

He replaces the paper – face down – on the stack and meets each of your eyes in turn. “I will be blunt, as we have little time. You are all no doubt wondering why you were chosen over the rest. Suffice it to say that there are reasons – some of you have been recommended,” he locks gazes with Bregan momentarily, “and others have distinguished themselves, or have simply been one of the few of needed talents that volunteered.” His eyes cut to the cleric momentarily. “The why is unimportant at this time; I would prefer to focus on what needs to be done.”

“As you may have overheard, the Shadowmaster army is only a short time away from marching on the city. There is little we can do to stop them. Our best guess is that they will reach the city in a month, worst-case scenario. As such, we will begin the process of moving civilians out of the city soon – but that is not what you will be concerned with.”

He looks at the two half-orcs. “Earlier, you asked about the White Rose. That is, indeed, what you – all of you – will be seeking.” He pulls another piece of paper from the stack in front of him and frowns at it. “We have some information on it. It is little enough, and mostly rumors and legends, or passing mention in our oldest texts – but we have hopes that it may exist.”

“It is an artifact that was used in the first war against the Shadowmasters, but it is supposedly much older than that. From the existing texts, the White Rose’s use in the first war was very confidential - there are hints that it could be turned against us if the Shadowmasters gained control of it. Many of the existing tomes chronicling that time have either been edited to eradicate mentioned of the artifact, whether at the time of being written or after the fact, and many more tomes have been lost in the years since.”

Coel sighs and lays down the parchment. “The White Rose was supposed to affect magic – under the direction of the wielder. Supposedly, it could warp the magic into doing whatever the wielder wanted to any magic in the vicinity. With it, we could negate the Shadowmasters’ advantage, as they rely heavily upon magical might to support their armies and wage war. If we could turn their magic back on them…” He trails off. “Surely you understand the significance of such an item.”

The seneschal rises and walks to a tall cabinet that sits on the wall opposite the door you entered by, and behind his chair. Opening the doors reveals a modest selection of beverages, from water to wine to stronger spirits. Coel pours himself a glass of a dark amber liquid and turns back to the group. “May I get you anything?”

Mista Collins

First Post
Sitting at the table and listening carefully to everything Coel has to say. Once he is finished Harlan speaks up. "Indeed, a mighty task you ask us to perform. I assume the Shadowmasters will have people looking for this artifact also, if they are not already." At the offer of a beverage, Harlan will have the same as Coel.


First Post
Declining the drink Bregan folds his arms on top of the table and speaks up. "Should we assume that you have some idea of where the White Rose actually is?"


First Post
Perin hauls himself into the chair, shifting awkwardly as Coel speaks, acting anything but comfortable.

"Brandy, if you got any, please," Perin pipes in, at the offer of a beverage. He nods enthusiastically at the words of Bregan and Harlan, while looking around suspiciously to see if there are any windows or alcoves that a stray blackbird might have slipped into.

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