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seasong's Light Against the Dark III (Sep 29th)

Indigo Veil

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Hello, all. ^_^

Hank, Greppa's player, has allowed me to hijack this thread for a moment to inform you guys about another game the two of us are participating in.

A little background, and some warning: this new game, "Nailed to the Sky," is one of experimental horror (read: -not- kid friendly), since seasong drew his inspiration for the campaign from a book about the history of torture and executions. (Mmm, taystee...^_~)

A (very) few of you are familiar with "Queen of Shadows"--also not kid or granny friendly--which had rampant lesbianism, an intimate torture scene or two, and some minor BDSM, with aspects of those power dynamics running throughout the entire campaign. Those elements will be much more immediate in "Nailed to the Sky," and the campaign promises be a lot more intense.

Caveat number two: "Nailed to the Sky" isn't your typical "dungeon crawling, you-meet-some-random-dwarf-or-cleric in-some-bar-somewhere, and-you-decide-to-go-a'venturing" type of game. (If that's what you're looking for, this new campaign most probably won't be to your liking. ;))

I figure that if you've continued to read this Theralis storyhour after seasong gave up on writing it, you either (1) like the way seasong builds his worlds, and want to continue seeing the PCs interact with their volatile surroundings, or (2) there's something about the way Hank plays and portrays Greppa that keeps you coming back for more, as seasong slips sidebars in only occasionally.

In "Nailed to the Sky," Hank and I play ourselves, and I will be writing the story hour for it (at least until Hank catches up with "Light Against the Dark"). In my experience, seasong's worlds rarely disappoint, and this setting is volatile in the truest sense of the word. If the campaign does disappoint, it's probably because my own meager skills as a writer failed it. ^,^;

If you're interested, you can catch it here: http://pub21.ezboard.com/fseasongsmusefrm20.

Thanks for reading. ^_^


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Okay, Greppa, I'm posting some quick Aria-time style summaries here. You can fill them out or start where I catch you up to, but I need this reference as much as the readers need material. ;)

Summary of Events to Catch Greppa Up

With the Light of Luccas on our side, the battle with the enemy went far better. The battle field was no longer darkest night punctuated by flashes of lightning and summoning circles, and the enemy no longer amorphous shapes in the shadows.

Still, it was hard to push Theralese soldiers back into that gap. Morale had been thoroughly broken, and it seemed unlikely that this battle would end well.

Until the spiders came. True to his word, Hsethmah's legions of eight legged warriors poured from the cracks and dark places, and swarmed into the orc army. It ended swiftly after that, and the next morning was spent cutting orcs from webbing and putting them to work in Theralese grape fields.

Although armed guards were present, it swiftly became apparent that orcs were accustomed to slavery - that they had, in fact, built their culture around it in some ways, and the heroes, no longer so young, confirmed this for the Council.

With labor freed from the vine, the ranks of the military were swiftly swollen, and remaining orc invaders were harshly dealt with. Ravens would spy on the orcs at vast distances, spiders would creep into their camps in the night (leaving little but webbed slaves in the morning, save for a few dragged off for a snack), and the Theralese Shield Wall would beat the enemy into submission in the light of a ruddish sun.

The heroes, meanwhile, had many things to take care of. Amalan came and provided land in their name, as promised, and granting land to newly formed families, wealthy merchants, vineyard investors and others took a great deal of the heroes' time. By the end of a whirlwind two years, there was a small but thriving community on the southwest slopes of Theralis that had previously been virgin forest, and the first grape vines were beginning to crawl their way along trellises.

It was also the home to the first temples to Luccas and Corvidae, and Greppa and Merideth, in particular, found much of their time taken up by the routines of priesthood.

More to come - gotta check some order-of-events with Greppa


Yeah, like bump and stuff! :p

I was extremely relieved when you brought Meridith back - she is definitely one of the main enjoyments of this storyhour. :)

It's great how the changeover to a new allegence has occurred; I can't wait to see Greppa and Meridith in their new clerical roles! :D

(crosses his fingers that lavish praise will at least get a response)


Talix said:
Yeah, like bump and stuff! :p

I was extremely relieved when you brought Meridith back - she is definitely one of the main enjoyments of this storyhour. :)

It's great how the changeover to a new allegence has occurred; I can't wait to see Greppa and Meridith in their new clerical roles! :D

(crosses his fingers that lavish praise will at least get a response)

Okie dokie, I will try to have something up tonight...I don't know how much because a whole lot has happened. I may do it in a journal format.


First Post
Could you at least summarize where things are now? Is everyone still alive? I take it Greppa hasn't died...? I know Athan was going through characters... :)

Dammit, I saw the thread had jumped and hoped there was actually a post here :(

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