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seasong's Light Against the Dark III (Sep 29th)

Update: 2/12/04


The temple sanctum's lamps guttered in the darkness. Illumination was mostly provided by Luccas' sacred pool and the ever present lantern archons. I rectified that, lighting the room to a daylight/like hot pink with a small application of Luccas' power. Darkness wasn't really an issue for me anymore. I was at home in the darkness or in Luccas' holy daylight, but tonight I wanted light to warm the room, to feel on my skin.

The faceless sarcophagus of dark pitted red metal rested in its alcove, a fresh cloak of black feathers adorning its lid and base. I stood a the foot studying it. It was my most valuable possession and I've checked on it almost every day for the last 5 years.

I started, craning my ears towards a random sound. The Olympiad's celebrations were raucous even here in Gru Gahk and the sound of their revelry in the outer rooms of the temple filtered in here. We as a people were celebrating; ourselves and our gods it was only right that we relax and be joyful.

I stopped that line of thought. I couldn't afford to feel safe.

"Look where it got you," I said to the metal coffin.

A couple of incantations later, a small group of vampire bats were nesting in the eaves of the room, watching waiting for a intruder to make an appearance, no matter how sudden. Allas and Xeras were sneaky and decietful and not above doing anything underhanded. The war with the Broken Knuckle orcs proved that.


20 years ago, Theralis had been going through changes, very drastic changes.

The Council was awash in change. Teoma, the gateway to the "true north" had petitioned us for protection. They had heard of the successes we had had against the Horde and asked us to come in an "advisory" capacity.

That "advisory" capacity became "last line of defense."

Technologicly and magickly, Teoma was more advanced than the Theralis valleys. However when it came to the military application of that technology, they could have been running around the battlefield naked with green switches for weapons.

The orcs would sweep out of the forest, usually lead by a "heavy cavalry" of several hundred giant wolves supported by mounted shamans. Instead of setting up a line of defense outside the city, the Teomans would retreat behind their high, impressive walls and summoned air elementals to enshroud the city and their mages would rain down fireballs and other energy area attack magics.

It worked fine against the early waves of orcs. They had tougher and tougher fights as the more advanced tribes moved into new territory. Their sense of security was broken when they started to encounter the probing fingers of the gorgons of orc-kind, the Broken Knuckle tribe.

They barely survived their first skirmishes and with a bitter taste in their mouths, they turned to the closest community who had successes repelling the stronger tribes. Those "hicks" down south...us.

We arrived with much fanfare and we looked very impressive. Prior to coming to Teoma, with Kyriotes help, I was able to persuade the Kithian Earth Elemental who guarded the remnants of the Imperial road to come north to use its strength to protect the new location of the Empire. In addition to bringing itself it also gave up its treasure-trove of ancient relics:force-field belts, enchanted swords, and most importantly, sandals of flight.

Officially I was a Captain in the Theralis army. Because of the insane Mobility I commanded via Uripedas, General Agina ordered that all the men in my command be equipped with sandals of flight. We descended into the city clad in our snow white tunics and brandishing our steel spears and heavy shields like something out of a romantic epic. Politicians were also with us, but they didn't fly. They teleported in with the support mages.

We endured several days of pleasantries before the alarm sounded. We'd spent those days talking tactics with the locals and established expectations. The number of arcanists were stunning, I figured that with them at our backs we should easily demolish the invaders.

The Theralis troops were at the walls waiting when the alarm sounded. What we found was troubling. All of the Teoman infantry were at the walls. No effort was being made to stop them before they hit the infantry line at the city walls. The giant snow white and gray wolves seemed to blur as they sped from the tree line. The Wind Wall was painfully slow as the elementals moved into position. My Eye, the artifact I took from the realm of the dead gave me my answer. The wolves, ALL of them, were under a Haste effect. Also, there were thousands of them instead if a few hundred.

I lapsed into cursing in orc. I sent an apprentice to get the Teoman arcanists up to the front lines. If they waited for the wind wall, the wolves would be in the city and Teoma would be a lost cause. With my elevation to captain, I had Uripedas fixed up with a new saddle. One a seat for me and two apprentices who would provide additional aid support for my spellcasting. I commanded them to their stations as Uripedas ensorcled himself with an Expeditious Charge spell (he wouldn't cast anything called Expedtious retreat). The soldiers took to the sky and my sergents went to earth to form the shield wall. I commanded the mage corp to bring the Teoman mages ,who were waiting for the wind wall to come, to the outer walls of the city so they could actually see their targets.

Out of the forest's panoply, a storm giant emerged brandishing a large bow.

"He's mine," smiled Merideth, who transformed into a raven and streaked away, claws crackling with the emerald energies of a Harm effect.

Urepidas was airborne soon afterward, but I was absolutely lost for what to do. Thousands upon thousands of enlarged wolves poured from the trees. A few scattered fireballs and lightning bolts landed in their midsts but they were unfazed, protected against the most common effects used by the mages. Realizing the futility of trying to energy-ball them into submission, I commanded Urepidas to fly to the edge of the battle field closest to the city.

Up until now, I was never desparate enough to "overload" a spell. Most of the time such a casting would fail, but even if it succeeded the drain would rapidly reduce my endurance on the field.

While I was wasiting time thinking, the wolves were coming and my men were still forming the shield wall while the Teoman troops looked ready to bolt. I needed to give them time, so I committed myself, praying to Luccas to help me.

Several years ago, I invented a spell, Screaming Blizzard, a cone effect that was a produced a combination of sonic and cold damage. I applied my meta-arcanist disciplines to Widen the effect...twice and for good measure I Empowered it. (The DC was miserable but it was possible with a good roll under the skill/feat based system Seasong developed. However it HURT a lot because the drain resistance DC was much higher also.) A 60 foot cone became a 240 foot cone. Urepidas swept from the sky, his midnight form a blur as the howling mass of power cut accross the front ranks of the lupines.

The charge slowed amidst howls of pain and confusion. Winded, I commanded my companion to do another run, and another, and another, until my orc-born strenth was at it's nadir. However, I did my job, the charge broke. My final sweep was accompanied by a fusilade of force and cold balls from the Theralis mages who had gotten the bulk of the Teoman mages into place. I joined their assault, raining force-spheres into the retreating ranks.

An unnaturally loud scream tore my attention from the battlefield to the Storm Giant who was wreathed in an aura of green lightening as Merideth's Harm effect siphoned off his precious life energies. I laughed for the first time that day watching the huge creatue bat fearfully at the circling crow as she delivered the finishing blow.

The wolves regrouped with the orc infantry and came charging out of the forests, but much more cautiously. However we repelled them. Teoma thought it went well. They were crushed when we told them it was only a scouting party. Merideth and I had seen the Broken Knuckle make war. The shamanic support was not present and there were only a few thousand fighters and wolves. They weren't the main force, not by a longshot.

Teoma moved they should become a protectorate of Theralis. However, after a short religious skirmish with Allas' people, we annexed Teoma and with our sister city Aglionis, the Empire of Kithios was reborn.

We moved quickly after that, sending military units into the ruined cities of the original Kithian empire. The idea of using the military to excavate the ruins was a reaction, something Theralis as a whole should have been doing since war started with the fleeing orc tribes so long ago. Traditionally, grave crawling had been left to arcane spellcasters and whatever groups of "adventurers" they could cobble together with promises of access to magic and hidden wealth.

At the time, Kyriotes was the undisputed master of delving into the wrecked pieces of the past. To most people, the ruins were reminders of the arrogance of our forefathers, those who slayed the dragon that kept and protected their land and paid for it in blood when the dragon's death curse commanded the ground to swallow up the offending occupants. For Kyriotes, they were keys to personal power and prominence, for him and his "school" of magic. He studiously excluded arcanists who were not former pupils and typically took with him around 12 fighers and a retinue to handle his baggage train. My and Merideth's surprise had been genuine when he, with uncharastic humility, asked if we would join him on one such expedition.

Of course we said yes.

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First Post
Got lost, have questions/comments:

1. Coffin? Bet it's Merideth.
2. Kithios earth elemental stuff look like high tech? forcefields, lightsabres, boot jets? Yes? No?
3. Mixed tense verbs, couldn't figure out action in Gate to the True North.
4. Uripedas too cute. "Expeditious charge" = perfect.
5. Like to know system stuff, but keep it separated? (refer to spell DC parenthetical)
6. Empire of Kithios was reborn? More detail on that? Came out of left field, yo.
7. Kyriotes: didn't he diss Merideth? AND Greppa? Why say yes?
8. Very excited. Caught up to this very late, reached end, noticed date, almost cried. Glad to see some signs of life. Hope they don't falter again.

2. Kithios earth elemental stuff look like high tech? forcefields, lightsabres, boot jets?

Nope, they are extremely high quality magic items. Not Artifacts, but they are essentially "ancient magic technology." The belts are force-effects that provide damage resistance. Not damage reduction, although Seasong's website will explain the crunchy stuff. The earth elemental was mentioned in one of the earlier posts and should be in the archives. It is a huge earth elemental, essentially a Level 9 summoning, we ran into several years ago. The Ancient Kithians used them to guard the Kithian highway system.

3. Mixed tense verbs, couldn't figure out action in Gate to the True North
Teoma is the "Gateway to the True North" as St Louis is the "Gateway to the Mississippi." There are many more established city states many months travel north of the Theralis valleys. Teoma is the closest to Theralis being about a month's walk away. Greppa's unit was sent because they all had unlimited use 3.0 Fly items. We could cover a lot of ground. Once my mage corps had been in Teoma, we could teleport in politicians and support staff.

5. Like to know system stuff, but keep it separated? (refer to spell DC parenthetical)

I think that I will repost the URL for seasong's LAtD crunchy stuff, so, if interested, readers can do the calculations.


Check the magic and feats section to get the appropriate stuff.

6. Empire of Kithios was reborn? More detail on that? Came out of left field, yo.

Kithios was mentioned in previous posts. Check the archives. If they aren't active anymore, I'll do a quick fill in.

7. Kyriotes: didn't he diss Merideth? AND Greppa? Why say yes?

8. Very excited. Caught up to this very late, reached end, noticed date, almost cried. Glad to see some signs of life. Hope they don't falter again.

I will work to get caught up since I have a body of games to draw on, it should be somewhat regular. However, it is a lot of stuff and development so events and actions that are unclear or illogical will gain more clarity as the story is related.
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First Post
Greppa of Tartwater said:
Nope, they are extremely high quality magic items.
My bad.

Greppa of Tartwater said:
Teoma is the "Gateway to the True North" as St Louis is the "Gateway to the Mississippi." There are many more established city states many months travel north of the Theralis valleys. Teoma is the closest to Theralis being about a month's walk away. Greppa's unit was sent because they all had unlimited use 3.0 Fly items. We could cover a lot of ground. Once my mage corps had been in Teoma, we could teleport in politicians and support staff.
This is why I like this SH. Big political background, but very provincial feel.

However, question was about action, not location.

Greppa of Tartwater said:
I think that I will repost the URL for seasong's LAtD crunchy stuff, so, if interested, readers can do the calculations.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Seen rules/site before. Never noticed that Theralis just a sub-directory!

What else am I missing?

Greppa of Tartwater said:
Kithios was mentioned in previous posts. Check the archives. If they aren't active anymore, I'll do a quick fill in.
Know what Kithios is: don't understand "rising again". Are they a new enemy? Or an ally?

Sorry to bombard you with questions - came onto scene late, never got chance to bombard Seasong :)

Indigo Veil

First Post
tauton_ikhnos said:
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Seen rules/site before. Never noticed that Theralis just a sub-directory!

What else am I missing?

Seasong's active campaigns live on Ezboard at http://pub21.ezboard.com/bseasongsmuse. Lotsa background information on various settings, but few of them are written in narrative form. (Mostly the board just serves as a way for seasong's players to communicate between sessions, but you'll find background info, character ideas/introductory stories, and player schemes, if you're into that sort of thing. :D). Light Against the Dark is the only campaign that has, to my knowledge, been posted here.

...but since it seems like you've already been through the archives, you might have already looked at Ezboard. If you haven't yet, I hope the link helps you find what you're looking for.
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First Post
First, I apologize. I levelled two critiques (3 and 5), and honestly, that's not fair - you have a life, you're not making money, and it's pure generousity that brings these bits of text to life here. So I'm sorry.

tauton_ikhnos said:
1. Coffin? Bet it's Merideth.
2. Kithios earth elemental stuff look like high tech? forcefields, lightsabres, boot jets? Yes? No?
3. Mixed tense verbs, couldn't figure out action in Gate to the True North.
4. Uripedas too cute. "Expeditious charge" = perfect.
5. Like to know system stuff, but keep it separated? (refer to spell DC parenthetical)
6. Empire of Kithios was reborn? More detail on that? Came out of left field, yo.
7. Kyriotes: didn't he diss Merideth? AND Greppa? Why say yes?
8. Very excited. Caught up to this very late, reached end, noticed date, almost cried. Glad to see some signs of life. Hope they don't falter again.
Okay, read this in morning, not so clear. Sorry.

1. I'm just guessing, don't need confirmation. I think the coffin is going to be Merideth. She's the only current character idealistic enough for Greppa's line, "see what it got you". Whoever it is, I'm antsy, but I can wait as long as I know story is continuing :).

2. Force fields aren't something I'm accustomed to seeing in D&D. You mentioned them only briefly, and if Kithios was an advanced, ancient, lost empire, it was feasible that we were seeing high tech or something. I misread - like I said, my bad.

3. Gate to the North, I understood that you fought orcs, but then I had problems following the action. Specifically, I got lost around this paragraph:
The Theralis troops were at the walls waiting when the alarm sounded. What we found was troubling. All of the Teoman infantry were at the walls. No effort was being made to stop them before they hit the infantry line at the city walls. The giant snow white and gray wolves seemed to blur as they sped from the tree line. The Wind Wall was painfully slow as the elementals moved into position. My Eye, the artifact I took from the realm of the dead gave me my answer. The wolves, ALL of them, were under a Haste effect. Also, there were thousands of them instead if a few hundred.
I felt like I was reading a French Art War Film, which may have been your intent. I remember that the battle Athan showed up in was a very confusing panoply as well.

Anyway, it looks like, "they fought orcs, they won, the orcs were only a scouting party" was the only important bits. If wind walls that move or the inexplicable Eye become important, I suppose they'll be explained at some point, and if the details of where things were and when becomes important, I'm sure you'll re-explore it in more detail at that point.

4. Just a compliment. Expeditious charge is perfect :)

5. I understood the system stuff. I've read that portion of the site. I was commenting that having it in parentheses in the middle of the story broke my immersion. I know it is a D&D site, though, so stupid of me to comment.

6. Your writing tends to float from one bit to the next, dropping tantalizing details without giving the whole picture immediately. You mentioned litany of political events (who Theralis annexed and allied with) and then "Kithios returned", I assumed it was also a new bit. So, to make question clearer: is it a subtle reference to Theralis as the new Empire? Or has Kithios really returned?

7. My understanding seems off - the Kyriotes I read about seemed to be a total ***. Here, Greppa and Merideth, who both got dissed by him, seem to respect him? Eh, you don't want to answer, you won't answer :(

8. Again, compliment. Sorry if it came off sounding bad.

Indigo Veil

First Post
Something I should have mentioned before, I guess. The only campaign that's written in narrative form on seasong's Ezboard is Queen of Shadows. I wrote most of that, and the beginning's a little rough (seasong started out writing it before I took it over, and as the campaign progressed, I switched styles). It's also NOT D&D (the only campaign that's D&D related is this one; he had an idea for another, but it hasn't started yet), has very little fighting, and the log is very, very long (over 196,000) and needs editing (haven't edited it yet because I'm lazy and busy with other things besides), BUT it -is- complete, and remains the only campaign on Ezboard to be so. ^^;;

You're welcome to read it if you wish, but if you're really into game mechanics or D&D related settings, it's probably not going to be to your liking. ^_^

Indigo Veil

First Post
tauton_ikhnos said:
Really into game mechanics and D&D related settings. Does not make me uncultured barbarian :).

Will read some this weekend, thanks!

<laugh> I didn't mean to imply any such thing. I just don't usually recommend the campaign here, because it doesn't tend to be the thing people here are into...which is fine, and doesn't mean that anyone is uncultured, be they barbarians or not. ^_~

If you do plan to read it, however, I'd like to suggest starting on the page I made for the campaign (link is in my sig), because the stuff on the ezboard is a little out of order chronologically (seasong and I began this campaign while I was on vacation in New York, when ezboard was more an experiment in communication than anything else, so we posted responses to each other in different threads), and I tried to set up the web page to help that a little. Feel free to shoot me emails with questions or comments if you feel so inclined. ^_^

Thanks for your interest. I hope you enjoy it!

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