Seduction = Bluff or Seduction = Diplomacy

How do you handle seduction attempts in your game?

  • Seduction = Bluff

    Votes: 46 59.7%
  • Seduction = Diplomacy

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • We handle this with a house rule -- Seduction skill or something else

    Votes: 9 11.7%
  • Seduction? We don't need no seduction. Seduction is for wimps and wussie elves

    Votes: 9 11.7%


First Post
In Dragon No. 303, there is an article by Eric Cagle about "Saying the Right Things" in which the skill Diplomacy is used for seduction.

But in Sword and Fist, seduction was offered as one of the new possible uses of the skill Bluff.

So which is it? Or more to the point, which do you think it should be? What do you use in your game?

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Clockwork Golem
I think it'd depend on the situation. Bluff if useful for outright flatery and bald-faced bravado, diplomacy for etiquette, courtship and other more polite forms of charming.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
I said Bluff...

Seduction *I* define as attempting to achieve intimacy with someone without the "proper" reasons (such as love, enjoyment of another's company, etc). It is essentially an underhanded ploy to get into the sack.

On the other hand, the same COULD be done with honesty and integrity using Diplomacy. I don't think of this as "Seduction" per se.

I use seduction as it's own skill. If the PC has 5+ ranks in Bluff then they recieve a synergy bonus of +2 to their seduction roll. Rarely use it but I felt Bluff by itself didn't cover it and Diplomacy was no where near the answer.


HellHound said:
I said Bluff...

Seduction ...It is essentially an underhanded ploy to get into the done with honesty and integrity using Diplomacy. I don't think of this as "Seduction" per se.

That's the system I use; I said 'Bluff' in the poll, since the term 'seduction' refers to the underhandedness you mention.


First Post
I think it would depend on the intent of the seduction. If the character was merely seducing out of a desire for anything other than the affection of the mark, then it would be a Bluff skill. If, however, if the character really wanted to attract a potential mate through seduction, then it would be a diplomacy check.

Working with the rules as they stand, I think it works well (enough), :cool:

- Rep.


A suffusion of yellow
Reprisal said:
I think it would depend on the intent of the seduction. If the character was merely seducing out of a desire for anything other than the affection of the mark, then it would be a Bluff skill. If, however, if the character really wanted to attract a potential mate through seduction, then it would be a diplomacy check.

Working with the rules as they stand, I think it works well (enough), :cool:

- Rep.

I see Bluff as a active use of charm in order to illict a particular action

Whereas Diplomacy is use of charm to engender a particular social response.

ergo Seduction is Bluff as its purpose is to cause sexual arousal in the target a byproduct of which might be friendliness

Diplomacy would aim for getting a friendly reaction first


Yeah, that's the problem with skills. I'd just toss the PC a bone and let him use whichever skill he prefers. Or you could pull a Call of Cthulhu BRP and have him roll against the average of the two skills.

Hmm... EQ RPG has the Disguise skill... :)

aka. Washu! ^O^


First Post

I use a CHA check and certin "professional" NPC's would have it as a class skill ie: the descrete companion from traps and trechery

that said I would allow seduction to be taken as a feat or skill by a PC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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