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Seekers of the Ashen Crown


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I thought I'd just give an update where I'm at now:

My players got through all the roleplaying with Olakki, Gydd, Captain Kales, and Danae, as well as some other players I threw into the mix due to my characters backgrounds and some other directions my campaign is going in.

They DID not want to help out Kalaes. And couldn't stand the thought of giving up their sword to goblins. One of the players is a Valenar elf, so they really played this up. Should be fun, whatever they decide in the end.

The Valenar HATED Danae, and their interaction was priceless, to the point where they were throwing insults back and forth. In the combat in Gydds appartment, the fake Demise, told the undead to rip out the Elf's tongue as a gift for her mistress. I bumped up the wight to an elite and added an extra mob to this encounter to make it more difficult. All in all it was a great fight.
My Valenar player is looking forward to taking down Demise.

As for the Skill Challege I modified it so that only one person needs to act as the guide (Nature or Perception once per day) and everyone has to roll an endurance check. Group failure results in a failure towards the skill challenge but individual failure meant that for any combat that day the player would have NO HEALING surges due to the sheer exhaustion from traveling that day. This worked out good and made the single encounters they had to face dangerous to a couple of PC's. It made them change up how they played.

I didn't tweak the first emerald claw encounter, but I did tweak the Tukabar Toll and added an extra creature or two. I think I really should have bumped the Minotaur up to Elite as well. When there is only one combat in the day you really need to up the difficulty of encounters or they just aren't that challenging.

I added extra minions to the Final Emerald Claw ambush here and the combat was satisfying, but due to low rolling on my part not threatening. All in all I think the solo encounters need a tweak to make them interesting and the skill challenged needed a total rewrite to even be playable.

Next time they'll face the Bladebearers and then finally deal with the Wordbearers, but I will say there does seem to be too much combat filler. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the next dungeon, but I do forseee me chopping out a few encounters so that my players don't get bored and don't see the storyline progressing.

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More action reports!

So my players have finally finished Ashurta's tomb. They had little trouble with either of the Kruthik encounters (though part of that may be because I forgot to use the aura's... oops), and actually had an especially easy time time with the second one. I had modified the map a little bit just because of the space I had to draw in, which ended up creating a fairly narrow passage into the second room which the party used to their advantage. They lured the Hive Lord (and as a result all the other Kruthiks) into the narrow tunnel by using mage-hand to grab one of the eggs and pulling it into the tunnel. They then managed to get the Kruthiks rather bottled up and were able to deal with them fairly easily (though frustratingly several players didn't really get to do much for a while as a result so I'll definitely avoid too many narrow passages like that in the future).

They gathered up the eggs and he Hive-Lord's head (to prove they'd finished the job) and met up with Moloric and Olaaki. As they were leaving the foundry, and speaking with Olaaki they found out a little bit about the sword and the crown and goblin history.

In general things went well, the party talked to Professor Nephret, and did some personal stuff. When they got back to their inn at the end of the day there was a summons for them from the Citadel (which I've modified a bit and has a personal connection to one of the players).

I did run into one snag I'm still working out though. The party immediately realized that it would be bad for word to get out about their find, and so everyone they've talked to they've asked to keep quiet about what they've found. Luckily, I think I've found a few ways for word to get out.

First, there may just be a general knowledge that they went down into the depths, and then word will naturally get out that there is an ancient tomb down there. Put two and two together... those in the know can probably figure things out.

Second as they were meeting with Professor Nephret I had someone else from Shava House (I can't remember the name right now but the Emerald Claw spy mentioned in the adventure book) see and hear a bit of what they were talking about from a nearby balcony. One of the players noticed this and the group confronted them later, trying to intimidate them into keeping quiet, but clearly that's not going to work for an agent of the Emerald Claw! (Or whatever organization I decide they're working with. I'm not actually setting this adventure in Ebberon so I'm kind of adjusting things on the fly, though some elements I'm using and modifying, at least in name).

I'm looking forward to the meeting with Captain Kalaes, which should be especially interesting for the warlord character who has some personal history there.


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I'm a few encounters into six kings:

Things that I would suggest.

Modify the skill challenge, as written it doesn't make a lot of sense and is pointless (I discussed this earlier)

For each of the single encounters along the road I would beef them up to make them more challenging, even in doing so my party had no difficulties with any of them

For the Trial with Yerra and the wordbearers. I would definately change the rules of the fight. According to the adventure a combantant is considered defeated if they miss on the same round that their opponent hits (4 out of 5 of my players were missed in the first round and connected with their attacks, it made this encounter rather anticlimactic).

Beware of all the insubstantial creatures the players will face inside six kings, some encounters here can drag on and be rather boring because of it. Don't be afraid to remove an insubstantial creature or two and replace it with something else.


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My players are a little bit ahead of the expected XP budget (despite skipping an encounter in the tomb entirely), so I might consider just eliminating the skill challenge on the road entirely. It's also possible I may be throwing an unrelated (to the adventure but relevant to the wider campaign) encounter at them before they leave Sharn, so it shouldn't be a problem to lose the challenge XP (and I'll be watching and possibly beefing up the road encounters too as you suggest).

I might eliminate the skill challenge aspect of it but still make them make endurance checks and possibly lose some healing surges if they fail them... Still contemplating that.

Do you have any suggestions for ways to make the tournament with the goblins a bit more fun? I loooove the story idea of it and I think my players will get a big kick out of it but I want to make sure it's fun (so somewhat challenging but not too hard, and I want it to feel different from just normal combat).


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When my players left off last time they were about to enter the fight in Professor Nephret's apartment. As I'm preparing for the session I noticed this bit of text on the Rotwing Zombies: "If a skullborn rotwing zombie charges while flying and hits with a slam attack, that attack deals 1d8 extra damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares"

My question, and I'm sure I'll feel stupid and like it was obvious when I get the answer, is... What is a slam attack? How do I determine if they hit with one? And what is the 1d8 damage in addition to? I tried looking up "slam" in the Compendium glossary but got nothing. Is it a bullrush?


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When my players left off last time they were about to enter the fight in Professor Nephret's apartment. As I'm preparing for the session I noticed this bit of text on the Rotwing Zombies: "If a skullborn rotwing zombie charges while flying and hits with a slam attack, that attack deals 1d8 extra damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares"

My question, and I'm sure I'll feel stupid and like it was obvious when I get the answer, is... What is a slam attack? How do I determine if they hit with one? And what is the 1d8 damage in addition to? I tried looking up "slam" in the Compendium glossary but got nothing. Is it a bullrush?

Rotwing zombies are a creature in the Monster Manual. They have an attack called Slam instead of 'Claw'. They likely were thinking about that monster instead of this Skullborn version. In this case just substitute 'Claw' for 'Slam' in the Flying Charge thing, it's just an error.


First Post
Rotwing zombies are a creature in the Monster Manual. They have an attack called Slam instead of 'Claw'. They likely were thinking about that monster instead of this Skullborn version. In this case just substitute 'Claw' for 'Slam' in the Flying Charge thing, it's just an error.

Ah ok, that makes sense. I guess it's an issue of someone copying and pasting something and then no one noticing it needed to be edited.

Is there anywhere we can report things that should be errata'd or whatever? The compendium entry at least should be accurate.


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My group is now through six kings.

They were a level ahead of the curve starting in the dungeon, so I bumped up the encounter difficulty a little.

The fight with the skeletons was a breeze.

The fight with the wraiths and specters was a tough one, especially with the hazzard in that fight. I actually almost out right killed a player here. Be careful with this fight it's a tough one.

The stone ghost room was a cool description but the fight was kind of a drag due to the players low rolls, combined with insubstantial. For the record this place has WAY too many insubstantial creatures. This may end up frustrating your players, so be forewarned.

The barracks combat I handwaved as the players decided to help the dolgrim defeat the phantoms. But one of the players in my group has the Coat of Eyes (Eberron Artifact) and this proved to be an interesting role-playing experience. The Dolgrim leader led the players back to the group of fellspawn in the next chamber. The Dolgaunt leader demanded the player hand over the coat of eyes (which he can't it's fused to him). The Dolgrim that lead the players there suggested that their leader prove his right to lead by defeating the one wearing the coat of eyes in combat. A combat between the player and Dolgaunt ensued with the player being victorious. The Fellspawn then left the players alone and assured the Coat of Eyes player that he will spread the word of his coming.

The forge fight went rather well. The controller of the group basically immobolized the entire lot of creatures and the rest of the group smacked them down.

The fight with the goblins started off cool, with the goblins firing out of the darkness at them, but my players made quick work of them.

The final fight at the moon pool was a little anticlimactic. The players anhilated the Madcaster before he even got to act. :(

Anyway all in all Six Kings is okay, perhaps a few too many insubstantial critters early on, but I managed to turn what is a series of 8 combat encounters into a few role-playing opportunities to break up the slaughter.

At this point, I'm adding a story element to the game that is irrelevant to the plot of this adventure, but I used the moon pool as a springboard. So for the next few sessions my players will be playing some level 16 characters.


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(Although it's irrelevant to Seeker's I thought I'd share the set up for my little diversion)

When the battle with the strange undead aberrations ceases, the moon pool stops roiling but continues to glow dimly. As Grayos reaches into the pool to grab the orb, that the creature had dropped, the pool suddenly begins to glow even more brightly and then an a faint angelic voice can be heard.

"Remember Mathas, remember your past."

An image begins to swirl in the glowing pool.


The Hall of Progenitors -2600 YK (3598 years ago)

Inside a large golden dome, hundreds if not thousands of yards wide, The Hall of Progenitors in Argonessen houses the meetings of the mighty dragons of Eberron. In deference to the Progenitor Dragons: Siberys, Eberron and Khyber, fifteen of the most powerful sovereign dragons debate for months about taking action against a new threat…

Large pedestals encircle a glowing pool, where an image of a beautiful Elven city sits softly lit by lamps scattered about. The image shifts to a black foreboding castle. Upon its parapets armored sentries walk on guard. Inside the keep forces are plainly making ready for war. The image winks out, and all eyes turn to a powerfully built dragon, crimson scales reflecting the gold light from the dome.

"We do not know that this Erandis d'Vol can do anything with the Mark! When has interfering with the lives of the lesser beings of Eberron ever been the policy of this council? The red turns its massive head about the room slowly. "The Draconic Prophecy speaks of such a time. This "Mark of Death" could be what triggers an apocalyptic event, but we cannot be sure. We should wait and observe what happens, as we have always done." Some of the assembled nod their agreement.

"Councilor Roxyl, there is certainly more to this than you realize. There are reports that House Vol is using this Mark to create undead." The female gold snorts, wisps of smoke surrounding her head. "Must I remind you that Erandis d'Vol herself is an abomination to our kind? Half-dragon! She would create an army to lay waste to all of Eberron if we do not take action. Already she mounts forces against Shae Cairdal. She will not stop there, regardless of her losses. Each death will only make her more powerful. She'll come after us eventually! No, I say. We must put a stop to this now!"

The red turns away, reading the faces of the other dragons present. Letting out a long shuddering breath, he speaks.

"I believe if we take action in this, we meddle with our Prophecy. For thousands of years we have been watchers and scholars, recording all things. I do not believe this upstart has any ability to threaten us. However, I tire of talking. Months we have been here, at a stalemate, where words have failed to sway all. We shall have a vote. To each of you, I ask that you look at all sides of this and question whether or not you are making the correct decision."

Raising his voice, the question echoes throughout the chamber, "Do we take action against House Vol to put an end to the Mark of Death, and the House itself?"

One by one, the Sovereigns called out their responses…

The Yard (Same Day)

"Next!" I shout, as the next footman steps forward to strike the target. "Keep the top of your shield aligned with your eyes as you strike. Be wary of the retributive strike!"

The Yard is busy today, as I continue to drill the Siberys Battalion for an upcoming exercise. The foundries are also busy, I can hear, as they create and repair weapons and armor. The consistent pinging of hammer on anvil sets the pace of my orders.

"Lunge… block… bash! Stay low and keep your feet moving!" Pacing down the line, I make slight corrections in form. These are the finest knights in all of Eberron, and I am proud to lead them.

"Knight Commander! Knight Commander!"

I turn to see a page running towards me, covered in sweat and out of breath.


"Milord, I have an urgent message. You have been summoned to the Hall of Progenitors! The Seneschal has just sent word you are to report immediately!"

That's strange, I wonder. Never have I heard of anyone being summoned to the most holy of places on Argonessen. Contemplating the magnitude of such a thing, I decide to look my best. Closing my eyes for a moment, I summon my armor from a pocket plane of existence. A suit of masterwork plate, gleaming in the sunlight, adorned with marks and runes of dragonlore suddenly form over my uniform.

"Knight Lieutenant, continue the drill. I shall return as soon as I may." Turning, I begin walking across The Yard towards the large golden dome in the center of the city. Left to my thoughts, I can only think of what this might entail. My mind drifts to my wife, Crysania, who I miss so. Her work as the Argonessen Ambassador to the Aerenal nation has kept her away for long. But we both understand the importance of duties. We will meet again soon if the Progenitors will it.

Approaching the massive gate of the Hall, monolithic statues of Siberys, Khyber and Eberron stare lifelessly down at me. The Guardian Wing, the elite corps of dragons that defend the hall, watches me closely as I cross the expansive courtyard. I am met by the Seneschal as I arrive.

"Knight Commander Malas." The Seneschal gives a slight bow of his head. "You are expected. I assume your realize, of course, the honor that has been bestowed upon you. None other than myself and the Sovereign Brood have ever crossed this threshold. You shall be the first. Remember your place, and remember that the will of the Hall shall be done."

"Of course, Seneschal. Duty above all." I place a fist to my chest in salute.

"Excellent. You shall continue through this gate and enter the dome. At the end of the hallway, you shall place your hand upon the keysphere. Once you have done this, remain motionless and await the Hall." He beckons me forward.

I travel through the gate, and instantly the sound of my footfalls fade. There is no sound here, another thing I did not expect, though I suppose the Sovereign Brood would take extra precaution to ensure their dealings would never pass the sacred Hall. After a few minutes of walking in silence, I enter a long hallway and come to the keysphere. Unafraid, I place my hand upon it, and the sensation of my body being pulled into a free-fall disorients me until I come to a sudden stop upon a 5' by 5' stone pedestal surrounded by fifteen of the most magnificent and awe-inspiring creatures.

The Hall of the Progenitors

"I bid you greetings, Knight Commander. I am Councilor Byshka." The gold brings her huge head forward, close to mine, observing. "It has been long since I have seen one of your kind, Deva, I suppose our task to you is fitting. For it is a rarity that we become involved in the affairs of the races of Eberron, we choose the rarest of the sub-races to send out on our behalf."

My head remained bowed as I waited for her to continue.

"Though it came begrudgingly for some, this Council has decided to send you as both an Ambassador of this Hall and the Commander of our forces to aid the Aerenal elves of Shae Cairdal against the forces of House Vol. You will not be alone, however. A missive has been sent to all the marked Houses, though only 4 have responded. You will meet with representatives sent by Houses Cannith, Tharask, Lyrannder and Phiarlan upon arriving in Shae Cairdal. You must secure their support in the combat operation. Your objective will be twofold: Infiltrate the defenses of Illmarrow Castle with a small force while the main bodies of the Aerenal and Argonessen armies engage the forces of House Vol. Secondly, you must destroy the one known as Erandis d'Vol. She bares a new mark that could spell doom for all peoples of our world. When you are prepared, speak into this crystal and we will clear the skies for your assault. Do you have any questions?" A crystal pendant shining with a myriad of colors hovers just in front of my vision

"No, Greatness. I shall do as the Council bids." I render a sharp salute. Then place the floating pendant around my neck.

"Excellent. We have full confidence in you, Knight Commander. Focus on the task at hand, regardless of any distraction." I feel a strange sense of foreboding at that. "Good luck to you."

Once again the tugging sensation rips me from the spot, and moments later I am standing before the keysphere again. Without hesitation, I go to prepare for war.

Shae Cairdal (One week later)

With my forces marshaled in the bivouac just outside the city of Shae Cairdal, I go to meet with the leaders of the Aerenal nation, and the Houses pledged to the cause. Ascending a whitewood catwalk, I enter a large meeting hall, and see a gathering of elves whispering to each other in boxed seating, while a group of four others stand near a raised platform next to another elf mantled in the garb of leadership.

"Ah, Knight Commander, you've arrived at last!" The Elf turns from the four and greets me. "My people are greatly honored to have the strength of Argonessen here to support us in this endeavor."

Bowing slightly, I take a quick glance around the other four faces, then back to High Speaker Mobius.

"High Speaker, it is good to see you again. I trust my wife is keeping out of trouble?"

His smile fades instantly. "Ah, well, we shall... uh… speak of that afterwards, but for now, let me introduce you to these other esteemed members of our gathering. I present you Lucan of House Phiarlan, Medel of House Cannith, Keravnos of House Lyrander and Grumbar of House Tharashk. Each nod in turn as their names are called. "This is Knight Commander Malas of Argonessen. He has been named Champion of the Dragons of Eberron to lead us in this undertaking. There is not much time, I know, so I'll let Malas have a word with you. If you need anything, please notify me at once." With that, he turned to converse with a pair of elves nearby.

"Gentlemen, I thank you and your Houses for heeding the call. I am certain you understand this undertaking and the importance of removing House Vol and its machinations of domination. If not, I am here to bestow upon you all the gravity of our situation." I pause a moment, letting my words settle, and then notice the seated elves are now listening to me.

"The Aerenal will be the first target of House Vol, but it certainly will not be the last. The target we shall be removing from power is Erandis d'Vol. This name has importance, especially in this city. She was, created… for lack of a better term, to bridge the understanding between these people and the dragons for which I serve. This was considered an abomination in the eyes of many. To think that the matriarch of the House of Vol would take part in such a thing is appalling, yet… it happened all the same. Now it would seem that Vol would extend their power from a lesser House to try and take control of not only Shae Cairdal, but the rest of Aerenal. If rumors are to be believed, House Vol planned for their daughter to use the Mark of Death, as it is known, for some nefarious purpose. Some in power and with greater knowledge than I possess believe that it ties with the creation of foul undead. If this is true, it is certainly possible that any war could end up making House Vol more powerful with each death."

The gathered elves begin whispering rapidly between each other. I put a hand up, and they grow quiet once again.

"I have been charged to bring a force against the House, and remove Erandis d'Vol from power by any means necessary. In support of this, Argonessen has given me the power to call upon dragons to clear the skies. I shall take a small party and assault Illmarrow Castle by airship while the main armies of Argonessen and Shae Cairdal provide a distraction from the ground. At no point with the main body close with and engage the enemy. This, hopefully, will prevent House Vol from thwarting our plan, and keep casualties to a minimum."

"Now then, I cannot do this alone. Nor was I asked to. The call went out to all the dragonmarked Houses for aid. Only four of the Houses responded. Before you stand these chosen members. They shall Champion their houses in this task, and may it be recorded for future generations that their Houses took to the side of justice."

Turning back to the House members, I raise my gauntleted fist and intone, "First Fathers of the Heavens, give strength to our swords, and knowledge to our leaders as we embark upon the unknown. Let the Light of Order brighten our path, until our task is done."

Lowering my fist, I whisper, "Prepare yourselves, friends. We leave at dawn." I clap Medel on the shoulder as I walk past, and guide High Speaker to the back of the room, to talk.

The elves behinds us shuffle out of the room through various exits, and after a moment, we are left alone to speak. The members of the Houses move in a group to the catwalk just outside, speaking I can only assume about the task ahead of them.

"Mobius, I sense you are keeping something from me. Is my wife well?" I relax my grip on his arm.

"Malas…I… am sorry. Your wife… she was… sent to House Vol a few weeks ago to discuss the encroachment of the Vol upon our city. Though she went as an Ambassador of Peace, we have heard nothing from her, or her entourage. I fear the worst, but hope for the best."

"Why would you send her to them, Mobius? She was sent here as an Argonessen Ambassador, not as your Ambassador to do with as you wish. There is no reason she should be there now!" I lower my voice slightly, as I realize I am shouting.

My mind suddenly becomes singularly focused on her face.

"Crysania…." My voice cracks.

"Malas…you don't understand. I would not send her into danger. She volunteered to do so. I… couldn't say no. She would not take no for an answer."

I know this in my heart. She was ever a steadfast and strong woman. Even so, the shadow of doubt rests across my heart as I turn from Mobius without a word to return to the bivouac site and my vigil.

I would not sleep this night, nor would my companions…

The Assault

The great thundering of the wings of dragons fills my ears, along with the gusts of wind from the swift airship barreling through the skies. To the starboard, an enemy airship falls in a smoldering ruin after being hit with blasts of flame from nearby dragons. Below us, ground forces move in unison, arrows fill the skies from both sides of the conflict, too numerous to count, though they fall well short of either army. It appears as if the ground Commanders have things well in hand.

Turning to my combat-ready companions, I yell.

"Make ready!"

The airship descends rapidly towards Illmarrow Castle.


The vision fades. All of a sudden there is a bright flash of light in the chamber, and suddenly everything goes black.


You feel the wind flowing through your hair as if you are falling, and then you hear an explosion. You open your eyes. Where are you? Who are you? Something is not right. You're standing on an airship diving towards a castle. To your left flies an enormous gold dragon, it turns it's head towards you and gives you a toothy smile.

"Good luck my friends, tonight the line of Vol ends!"

The gold dragon swoops away and joins a flight of the giant beasts.

The captain pilots the ship dodging explosions and other flying creatures heading directly to the top of the main structure. He looks towards you.

"I won't be able to stop; when I get close you'll need to jump. Prepare yourself. Now, go! GO! GO! GO!

Almost as if you're not in control of your own limbs, you leap from the ship and land on the top of the stronghold. The ship turns away and starts flying away when a large skeletal dragon swoops up and grasps its bow with its enormous jaws. The pair then plummets towards the ground below.

Behind you, you can hear explosions, screams battle cries and the roar of dragons and ahead of you a dozen elven warriors charge towards you…

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