• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

September what are you reading?


First Post
Let's see... At this point I'm working my way through the Lord of the Rings trilogy having finished The Fellowship... in August and am working my way through The Two Towers at the moment. I'm making decent progress during the commute so I'll likely move on to The Return of the King at some point this month.

On my nightstand, I have the 5e PHB and am making slow progress with that. I'm falling asleep much more quickly these days and am still in the early parts of character creation.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
At the moment, I'm reading The Rise of the Iron Moon, by Stephen Hunt, third in his "Jackelian Series", which is fantasy with some steampunk elements.

They aren't the best books, especially in that some of his worldbuilding... isn't realistic in the slightest. There's socioeconomic and political structures that just wouldn't work. But the things that wouldn't really work are at least still kind of fun.


New Publisher
Elizabeth Moon.....Oath of Fealty. Then I will read Paul Kemp.....A discourse in steel. The first Egil and Nix book was fun.


I just read To Your Scattered Bodies Go and am working on The Fabulous Riverboat. Been a real off season for me this summer otherwise. :/

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I finally got around to finishing A Storm of Swords. I was going to hold off on A Feast for Crows until after the next season of the HBO show but . . . I . . . just . . . cannot . . . wait . . .


I'm currently reading the latest Pathfinder Tale: "Reign of Stars" by Tim Pratt. It's okay so far, though I'm barely into the meat of it. (Plus, 'okay' should be taken in the context of it being game fiction - it's never going to be the best novel ever!)

'Okay' pretty much sums this one up - it's not the worst of the Pathfinder Tales ("The Wizard's Mask" by Ed Greenwood has that distinction), but it's not the best either ("The Redemption Engine" by James L. Sutter). It's just... okay.

Next up will be the Ninth (or is it Tenth now?) Doctor novel from their 50th Anniversary set - "Only Human" by Gareth Roberts.

This, however, is really good - the best novel to date from their 50th anniversary collection.

"Bleak House" is still next, and I haven't cracked open either of the 5e books yet.


Steven Gould's Exo (fourth in the "Jumper" series) came out yesterday on Kindle. I devoured it first thing in the morning, and then in the afternoon I read it again. :D It's wonderful.

Gould's Jumper, Wild Side and (to a lesser extent) Helm are all books I've read many times. He has a gift of writing science fiction without neglecting the humanity of his characters. They all have their own joys and sorrows, agendas and interests. Not all of his books are home runs (I dislike Griffin's Story, since it is the novelization of a travesty of a movie adaptation of Jumper) but a lot of them are.

Concurrently, as we speak:
  • The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft on Kindle, as compiled by CthulhuChick from public domain stories. Of course, because her interpretation of public domain did not include co-authored works, it isn't really the complete works, but... y'know. It's still a lot of stuff. And I have most of his co-authored stories in another anthology anyway.
  • Mistborn. I got about halfway into this and then lost my momentum while traveling. Still intend to finish it soon, however.
  • Ghouls of the Miskatonic. Should have finished this already, but I've been very busy this week and haven't managed to pick it up. Will probably finish it next time I sit down with it. I can't have more than about an hour's worth of reading left to do in it.
  • Servant: The Dark God Book 1. The self-published version, not the one that a terrible editor mangled and had published by Tor a few years ago. On Kindle.
Still haven't read the newest Dresden novel or Monster Hunter novel, so those are high on my list to do after I finish at least some of the titles that I'm in the middle of now.


First Post
[*]The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft on Kindle, as compiled by CthulhuChick from public domain stories. Of course, because her interpretation of public domain did not include co-authored works, it isn't really the complete works, but... y'know. It's still a lot of stuff. And I have most of his co-authored stories in another anthology anyway.
Hah, I've read her compilation, too.
What's the anthology of co-authored stories called? I'd be interested in that,too.

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