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Seravin's Tales of the Night Below (Two Updates this Week - 07/24/07)


Exploring Religion


Kellron and Jared grunted with effort, lifting the massive oak beam that barred the double doors leading to the main courtyard of the temple. Straining, the two warriors carried the bar back far enough to allow the doors to swing freely and then dropped it without ceremony.

The crash of the wooden beam echoed throughout the empty foyer disturbing the stillness that had finally settled about the sanctuary and nave. The disturbace was short-lived though and the completely natural stillness settled quietly about the six companions.

The remaining captives were now in the custody of Captain Rusuk of Sword House; Baob and Ferd had just finished transporting them along with a message to the good Major. The message included a brief update on the defeat of the devils as well as a request for two more hours before the Major retook the cathedral.

The request, delivered by two angels in full glory had been well received and Captain Rusuk had acquiesced. It would take him about that long to question the freed captives, figure out a safe place to put them, and organize a force to retake the cathedral.

Grimacing, the two men stretched their arms for a moment and then reequipped their shields and drew their weapons. As Deverat and Finslayer were drawn Baob and Ferd each grabbed hold of a pull ring on the doors and pulled. The massive wooden portals opened easily but creaked under their own weight.

A short flight of stairs led down from the doors to the courtyard and from there to the main gates leading to The Square. At the bottom of the square stood a score of men dressed in the same tattered, blackened robes as the captives inside had been. They stood silently at attention, facing the gates.

The slight groan of the doors caused the robed men to turn as one, shuffling their feet slightly, to look at the entrance of the cathedral. It became instantly apparent that the men were newly dead, their blood barely dried around the ragged death wounds of their shredded throats. Seeing the emblems of the church of Sarath, the walking corpses began to shuffle up the steps.

Kellron and Jared rolled their eyes. As one, the two men snapped up their swords in a salute and bent their will to the destruction of the corpses. Two brief flares of silver fire later and the courtyard was empty, save for the empty, fluttering, blood-stained robes.

Kestral scanned the walls and the grounds. "Looks okay from here. There might be a couple bodies up on the walls, but I can’t tell from this angle."

Jared nodded. “I just wanted to make it easier for the Major. We don’t have time to do a thourough search of the grounds if we want to make sure the cathedral is safe to enter.”

With that, the six companions went back inside closing the door behind them but leaving it unbarred.


The exploration of Latina’s Cathedral was…sobering. The infernal essence that had pervaded and perverted the temple was gone and the incessant roar of the hell-flame had given way to an eerie silence. It was if the almost palpable malice had not really left but instead was merely sleeping.

Turning to the left-hand door just inside the nave, the heroes (for that is what they were being called by the rescued survivors) began exploring the eastern corridors and rooms of the not-quite deserted church. Blue-gray fog covered the floor, giving evidence that something was still not right within the once hallowed rooms. The fog, which began to seem more like smoke, defied gravity crawling up each person’s legs like the grasping tendrils of some massive, cancerous belker.

The first real find was a book wrapped in black leather with a heavy iron clasp. Deducing that it wasn’t church property, Jallarzi invokes a minor divination and determines that at least three transmutation spells of moderate strength surround it. The wizardess claims it just in case; suspecting it may be the spellbook of the mad caster they had just killed.

Moving further down the hall they all begin to hear the faint muttering of unintelligible voices in a nearby room. Kestral just shrugs, unable to make out the words. Deciding not to take chances Jallarzi begins a summoning spell. The magics rip and tear from her hands before she finished the spell however. A malformed bear appears with a soft
splortch. Instead of the rich golen fur of a celestial entity the bear is covered in what look to be black, segmented spider legs.

The alien bear looks mournfully at Jallarzi and makes a wet, questioning sound. Jallarzi tries to get the creature to respond to basic commands, but it is only with Kestral’s knowledge of languages that the wizardess is able to make the bear respond*.

Forewarned and now with an ally the heroes open up the door leading to the source of the talking to reveal a large meeting room reeking of some foul, acid odor. Half-sitting on the massive table and the chairs surrounding it were two…creatures. The things were amorphous blobs about eight feet across, and covered with eyes and mouths of all shapes and sizes. A number of the eyes extended from the blob-like shapes and swiveled to the door as it opened as the chattering from the many mouths increased in loudness and seemed to seep into their brains.

Before anyone could react one of the blobs spit a black gummy substance at Kestral, momentarily blinding her. The other blob flopped to the flagstone floor which dissolved into a morass of mud almost instantly. The battle was brief but hard-won, with the summoned bear being slain almost immediately. Fortunately no one lost their senses to the maddening din the creatures created.

The next room was equally dangerous. Another meeting room it was empty of creatures though the walls were covered in clear-seeming slime. In the center of the room hovered a multi-colored sphere of light that pulsed at random intervals. Jallarzi recognized it as a small and probably unstable
gate. Deciding to not take chances the half-elf backs everyone up and invokes a fireball at the far edge of the room.

Amplifying the blast, the gate adds energy to the blast. The blast of fire should have stopped short of the room’s door. Instead the flames blast from the room, licking the hem of Jallarzi’s robe. If they hadn’t stepped back the half-elf’s own spell would have engulfed them.

Discussion follows for no one is willing to let the minor-gate stay in place for others to find. Jared is the one who comes up with a solution. Invoking a holy-white aura, Jared manages to dispel the gate, with Baob teleporting him away at the last moment before the gate implodes; sucking the contents of the room, the slime, and the fog in the corridors before it disappears with a quiet pop.

It was in the cathedral’s library that they discovered some clue of what the invaders had been doing for the past few days. Searching the open books Kestral discerned that they all discussed church relics. Questions to Baob revealed that the High Priestess Raptoran most certainly would have been entrusted with a scroll of The Invoked Promise** which would be used in only the most dire of circumstances.

Now even more concerned that a relic of such power might have fallen to infernal hands the group hurries their searching of the first floor rooms. Within the kitchens they find a grisly stew containing blood and other things. Elsewhere in Raptoran’s private chapel they find a small stash of arms and potions, apparently not found by the invaders.

Aware that their time was running out the heroes descended into the crypts, intent on making sure that the church relics had gone undisturbed.


*Jallarzi didn’t know Celestial. Kestral did and I think Jared might have too. Certainly the avorals knew it. This would come up again though with summoned critters outside of combat. Kestral would give the caster the phrase for “do what she says” and would then order the creature as needed.

**aka a scroll of
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Well, I've moved house, helped two other people move, and now have 1 rank in "carrying things that are useful in building a house". Oh...and I was sick most of last week.

It was a busy summer and it's not quite over but I wanted to get at least one post in this month. I'll be away from the computer for the next three weeks, but will hopefully have a new update by mid-September.

The next post should finish the clean-up of the cathedral and then it's on to the fallout which causes Kestral to decide to join the church of Sarath.


Imruphel said:
Great to see you posting again, Seravin. I look forward to more. ;)

Joshua Randall said:
I've been remiss -- consider this is blanket "encouring comment and desire for more story hour goodness".

Thank you both. It was enough to kick me in the butt and get going again (Kestral's player helped too).
Life is still busy and I've been wrestling with the next bit. Not quite writer's block but close. Quite frankly it just didn't seem interesting to repeat what happened - so I came up with another point of view.

So here's the next bit with more to come sooner than later.


Another Point of View

Aesiphon waited and prayed.
As one of the Defender’s Own, Aesiphon was knowledgeable of the virtues of duty, courage, and compassion. She didn’t so much understand the virtues as embody them. An angel and divine guardian, Aesiphon had protected the most holy relices of Crown’s Vigil for over a decade without mishap. The Defender’s presence filled the vault and the church above with warmth and strength, and provided all the sustenance that the angel required. Meditation and reflection substituted for rest. The guarding was her duty for another decade and a half and she could not imagine, much less think, of doing any less.

Even now with those virtues in conflict.

The desecration of the cathedral above was a sword blow that had driven all warmth away, like a soldier on the battlefield whose lifeblood ebbed away. Omniscience was not given to Aesiphon but she had learned all the sounds and sighs of the great cathedral that she basked under. The loss of each priest, the taking of each life, had stabbed at her and the call of compassion cried out for her to comfort them. Duty demanded that she not be distracted and protect the relics.

Worse had come soon after; three presences that defiled the building just by being there. Dark things smelling of death and blood and terror. Aesiphon had smelled their like in the past, before she had taken up this recent duty. Fiends. Devils. Creatures of Tresh. The call of the Defender then burned within Aesiphon’s heart, demanding that she confront the creatures and defend the building. Again, duty demanded that she stay and protect the relics.

Conflicts like these can lead to madness. Duty versus duty is a terrible strain. Fortunately, Aesiphon was also blessed with courage. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to wait when every fiber calls out to charge.

The smell of blood and the stink of terror filled the halls. The cries of pain and gibbering madness echoed in every nook and cranny. The dead walked and an alien presence began to warp the very walls.

All the while Aesiphon waited and prayed.

As the fourth dark presence began to make itself known, a General of the Pit, hope came and banished the darkness. Bright light washed over Latina’s alter; again and again until suddenly the door between worlds was shut in the very face of the general. Sarath had sent his champions.

The three creatures of Tresh were then banished; first one, then the second, and finally the third. It happened almost as fast as it took to notice and understand that the darkness was fading. The weight upon the desecrated building lifted, despite the still alien presence. With the banishment came the battle song of Deverat, he who was the Song of Angels and the war cry of two guardian angels.

Deep in the waiting meditation Aesiphon tracked the song and the war cries and peace begin to fill her heart again. The alien presence that had crept in was banished next. The song of the lesser relics hidden in the small chapel soon followed as they cried in joy at being found by worthy champions.

Aesiphon smiled.

Then there was the creak of the stairs as Sarath’s own made their way into the crypts. The walking dead were laid to rest in twos and threes as the champions wandered the halls. Finally the champions found the hidden door that they had passed and came into the outer chamber of the vault with its altar and the statue of the Defender.

Preparing herself, Aesiphon entered the statue and gazed upon the champions of the cathedral. The one in the lead wore the regalia of a warrior-priest of Sarath. The dark-haired man was surveying the room with caution. Only a little behind was a warrior who also wore the symbol of Sarath, and bore the Song of Angels. Behind them were two women, a white-haired half-elven bearing the grace and power of Avia and a human woman with as much presence and bearing as any mortal that Aesiphon had ever watched over. Behind them were two guardian eagles.

Seeing nothing amiss in the hidden chapel the two warriors took the relics liberated from upstairs, a sword, a shield, and a pouch, and laid them upon the altar. The two warriors then saluted the statue of Latina and all four mortals bowed low in respect as they muttered a short prayer to the Defender to protect these items from any stray interlopers.

Courage had been rewarded and duty had been fulfilled. It was given to the angel to know that the lost priestess would be found and cared for soon. Grace more certain than knowledge filled the angel Aesiphon and she raised the statue’s arm in benediction as the blessing flowed through her to the champions of Sarath.
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Marching Orders

Earlier this morning…
“I warn you, Captain,” sneered the thin, little man dressed in the latest court fashion. “It would serve you better to learn from the mistakes of your superiors than to emulate them. Your general is exiled north and your colonel is all but convicted of treason. You would do well not to give the Duke any reason to believe you shared in her conspiracy with the Raptoran woman.”

Years of discipline kept the snort of derision from escaping the senior-captain’s mouth, though his contempt for the man before him was visible to all with the wit to see it. Instead the tall captain, still wearing his dented and stained armor, stared stoicly at the young merchant who had brought him orders with the Duke’s seal.

Ker Quentin Merith was not known for being a brilliant judge of character but in truth he was more discerning then he was given credit for. Right now he only cared that the captain before him dare not voice his contempt. Quentin believed that the captain feared the power he wielded, and Merith decided that he liked the feeling of power. As one of the prominent citizens advising Aruk he was finding more opportunities to weild that power; such as now.

In the wake of the Raptoran conspiracy His Grace was relying on trusted advisors to be his eyes, ears, and voice within the city. Aruk had entrusted him to bring His Grace’s orders to the Sarathians and to ensure that they had not gone rogue.

Captain Dax Rusuk*, senior-most captain of the order of Victorious Dragons in Corlean and currently the officer in charge, counted to ten in dwarfish before he allowed himself to reply. Standing in The Square, surrounded by the bustle of the soldiers and the guards, he should have been directing the next assault on the Cathedral (and wasn’t that sentence full of irony); not dealing with a jumped up little weasel of a merchant.

The senior captain, already a good six inches taller than Ker Merith stood a little straighter, all put pushing his dented and dirtied armor into the merchant’s face. “If you’re through I have a Cathedral to take.” His brown eyes were hard as he spoke. He was deliberately trying to intimidate the little man and he was past the point of caring whether or not he should.

“Do NOT ignore me, Captain!” Ker Merith’s voice was almost shrill. The head of his family’s trading concerns in Corlean, Quentin Merith had gained very little respect in a city dedicated to its soldiers. “These adventurers are to be captured at once. This is a direct order from His Grace. The matter of the Cathedral will take care of itself.”

Captain Rusuk stared dumbfoundedly at the merchant. His Grace would never have said that no matter the rumors of conspiracy. Crown’s Vigil was the heart of the city and would not, could not, be left in unknown hands. “The cathedral has been violated…” He started.

“Yes, yes. I heard from your more excitable soliders. Surely you were not taken in by some Library-made apparition?” Ker Merith was all but sneering again. “Angels?” He snorted. “The adventurers almost certainly conjured up the images, one of them is a wizard.” He shook his head. “According to Ker Aruk’s sources the orgin of all this madness is these mercenary adventurers and it is your duty to capture them. His Grace agrees with Ker Aruk. Things will sort themselves out after that.”

With that last sentence everything clicked into place for senior-Captain Dax Rusuk. Ker Aruk was the Duke’s newest advisor and rumors said he was gathering a coterie of syncophants (or advisors of prominent influence if you asked them). With a growing sense of dread Captain Rusuk wondered just what kind of influence the Duke’s newest and closest advisor really had. He then wondered if he might be going mad. Colonel Megara in jail, a Tresh-born presence in Crown’s Vigil, and now His Grace giving orders that made no sense. Then he remembered the visitation of the guardian angels that had brought the survivors out of the Cathedral.

Looking into the eyes of the conniving and venal merchant before him, Captain Rusuk chose his words carefully. “Very well, Ker Merith. If we are able to capture the mercenary adventurers we will bring them straight to…you?”

Ker Merith frowned and studied the older-looking soldier in front of him. There was no duplicity but the man was leaving something unsaid. “That would be right, Captain. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.”

“Then we’ll be about things then. I expect to be in the Cathedral within the next hour.”

“What…!” Sputtered the merchant.

“The mercenaries are almost certainly in there so we’ll have to capture them once we’re sure we’ve cut off all avenues of escape.”

“In the cathedral!?” Ker Merith was suspicious but he was starting to see where the captain was leading him.

“Yes, in the cathedral. The angels…the apparitions rather, said they were in there. Even if that was not true we have had a few people escape that have also described them as inside.”

Ker Merith hesitated. He wasn’t sure how Ker Aurk would like this but he had his orders. The Sarathians were to capture the mercenary adventurers at all costs. Quentin knew better then to fail Aruk, and the Duke’s advisor hadn’t explicitly said that the cathedral was off-limits, just that it shouldn’t be the focus for the Sarathians.

“Very well, Captain. Proceed. Find these mercenaries at all costs.”

“I can assure you, I have every intention of finding them Ker Merith.” The captain managed to keep the grim humor out of his voice. “In the meanwhile, would you like to wait in Sword House? Or would rather join us?”

“I’ll wait in the Colonel’s office.”

Captain Rusuk paused a moment then nodded again. “Very well, though I would caution you against looking through her effects. It’s standard for an officer to ward official communications with powerful and possibly deadly wards.”

The look on Merith’s face was worth it thought Rusuk as he turned and walked away.

*Some of my notes indicate that Major Rusuk was actually the senior captain, not a major as I remembered. I’ve updated previous posts to reflect this.


Bringslite said:
Just finished the thread. Great work! Very engrossing. Can't wait to read more. :)

Thank you, and welcome to the boards! I'm glad it was engrossing enough to encourage you to post your thoughts. I'll try to not disappoint.

I'm still working on the next post and hopefully will be able to put it up sometime next weekend.
Life is starting to slow down to a more normal pace and I'm hoping to spend more time on the SH in the coming weeks.

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