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[SERENITY RPG] Redridge and Beyond


Epic Commoner
Rust -- A small terraformed moon about 150 hours fly time from Hera. The Browncoats had a few small bases here during the war but the Alliance made short work of them on the way to Serenity valley.
Today Rust is trying to rebuild the few Iron processing plants that were destroyed durning the war. The moon is also dotted with small settlements that try to eek out a living mining what ever precious metal was brought to the surface during the terraforming process. It would be to costly for The Corone Mining Consortium to set up any operation but The Mining Guild has shown some interest.
The two largest settlements are Port Iron and Redridge.

Port Iron has the only “major” space port on the moon. Any metal that leaves the planet is supposed to go threw here so the Alliance can tax it, mark it and register it before it is sent off to the factories elsewhere. The Mining Guild is also here making sure the miners, refiners and there dock workers make a fair wage and are treated right. After all is said and done the profit is slim to none. Most miners hire out independent vessels to help get the metal to the factories.
The Alliance only has 2 ASREVs to patrol the moon so its pretty easy to avoid them. The posting is considered menial and Magistrate Clyde Owens is none to pleased being stationed here, he is however been getting richer since the gold strike in Redridge was discovered 20 months ago.

20 Months ago gold was discovered in the river and around the canyon near Atmo Processing Plant A13. 2 months later the population of Redridge was 100 and 3 saloons had opened up. Today there are roughly 500 people living in and around Redridge mining gold, running shops or just hiding.

Mayor Clive Ainswort
h basically runs Redridge. When the miners Assay their finds he takes 5% for bribes to the Alliance and the Miners guild to keep them out. The magistrate loves the extra money so he has left Redridge alone as long they don't cause too much of a rukus.
Ainsworth also runs the only landing pad in town. He charges a heft fee for landing. The only way to get the miners gold off world is to use The Blue Sunset. The ship comes to town every 6 weeks or so, the ship itself takes another 5% of the total to cover costs and pays the miners in Alliance credits. The miners then go to town and spend their money gambling and whoring.
Ainsworth himself owns the North Star Saloon, a bar, whorehouse. Sometimes you can get a game of poker there. Other saloons are the Brown Dog, a Browncoat hang out, and The Jewel of Osiris, an Alliance hangout.
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Epic Commoner
Its night time in Redridge, the booze has just started to really get flowing. Most of the gold found today will soon be found in the coffers of Ainsworth and his cronies, then tomorrow the whole thing start over again.

Sebastian Tayne the town companion is talking to a couple of the local prostitutes, which is no secret Donavan Tate; the owner of The Jewel of Osiris, does not like. He is probably talking about the profession may be giving pointers or getting advice. They are probably walking to his room on top of the boarding house.

Demetrie Faulkner is at the bar talking to "Gren" Grenadonto about the war more than likely. The both seem to get animated, Gren talking about this time in his gunship he was bombing some fortified position, Demetrie starts telling about some time his unit pinned down this large force on Athens.

Ester is sitting in the bar, listenin and watchin like she normally does. She has some of that rotgut they call whiskey sitting in front of her, she hasn't really started drinking an doesn't look to be in the mood for a fight....yet.

Gordon Carter is just walking town making sure nobody get to hurt. He don't usally get involved in the bar fight but when the pistols come out he is there to make sure no one is shot. 'Cept he notices Jesse Smitts and his 3 friends walking towards the Brown Dog. They say they got lucky this week, they seem to be drinking their good fortune away.

John Ford is across the street from the Brown Dog. Looks like that gorram generator is on the fritz again at the general store. It doesn't look good, you may have to resort to praying to get this thing working butyou are still trying.

Victor Hitchcock is standing outside leaning on against the door of his clinic. Just taking a breather after taking his "medicine". You see Jesse Smitts and his group walking towards the Brown Dog. You look at your medical bag, you think you think you may be needin it very shortly.

Jesse Smitts gets to the door of The Brown Dog, drunk. His 3 friends don't look sober either.
"We ain't wanting no trouble." Scotts, the bartender for The Brown Dog says.
"I'm just here for a drink you mi tian gobn."
Scotts pours a drink and hands it to Jesse not taking the bait.
"So there pretty boy you said you were Athens. I was on Athens and you yella bellied browncoat scum pinned down nothin. As I recall you took your tail and ran to your ships. Was easy to find ya to. We just followed the trail of urine!"
Jesse and his friends all laugh. The bar goes pretty silent.
"This whiskey tastes like dog piss." as Jesse spits on the floor.
He pours the rest right by the feet of Gren. Gren and Demetrie both notice the gun on Jesse's side.
"You know why we beat ya, cause were better than you thats why. You nothin but bunch of gorram pig farmers, thinking you could take on the Alliance. So why don't you buy me an my friends some drinks and a thank you for saving your sorry butts."
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First Post
Demetrie looks over at Gren briefly, making eye contact without taking his eyes off of the gang in front of him. There is a mixed look of tension and nervousness about him, but a split second later, it fades and he looked at ease.

""I'll refill your drink for you, but it'll take a good thirty minutes or so before I'm ready to refill your glass. After all the peein' myself running from Athens, I only had enough in my bladder to fill your first round."
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Evil Ujio

First Post
Esther focuses on the rotgut in front of her; she shakes her head with a sigh. The rim folk had a strange way of handling things away from the civilized Core. Everything was rough and tumble, never for show and always for go; it amused her. Not that she ever looked like she was amused; more or less she just liked being left alone or throwing a mean knife hand into a yokel’s sternum.

That small internal joke brought a smile to her pretty face just as the local goons tried to express themselves as intelligent and well adjusted human beings. Esther watches the scene with a slight smirk, so slight she looked well bored.

She says softly, “You don’t like this urine, should try this rotgut they call whiskey,” she says swishing her drink.


Victor looks back inside his clinic and is troubled. Should he get a chair, bring it out on the front stoop, and sit down? Or should he just wait for the fire works? Jesse Smitts was just some grunt Purple Belly who hadn't really done a darn thing in the war.

Victor had sewn him up on occasion eventhough he couldn't stand the Alliance scum. Although, he ensured that the stitches would heal grotesquely. He chuckled at that fact. Every chance he got, he did his best to do his worst in fixin' up them Purple Bellies. Funny thing was that none of them seemed to call him on it. Maybe it was that they were just to drunk to notice yet. On more than one occassion though, Victor had wanted to pull his pistol and bash their face in. He never really understood why he felt that way, but was glad that he didn't follow through.

His leg hurt, or at least his phantom leg hurt. He knew that it would take time for the pain to subside and the feeling to go away, but this was getting ridiculous. It had been almost 7 years.... Maybe he had better take another pain killer. If these boys broke out in a fight, it could be a long night. The doctor turns and moves inside his clinic again. He pulls one of the pills from it's bottle and pops it in his mouth. He then grabs a glass of water and washes it down. He had finally made up his mind. He grabbed the chair and hobbled outside with it. Placing it on the stoop, he sat down and lifted his right leg over his left. He then breathed in deeply taking the fresh night air in.

John shakes his head tiredly when he sees Jesse Smitts and friends head into the Brown Dog. Although he fought for the Independents during the war, he has no particular prejudice against anyone except those that like to bully others. Jesse and friends are certainly bullies without much in the way of learning upstairs. At least that's the way John sees it.

He turns back to his work on the generator, not wanting to get mixed up in any brawl. He'd been up for nearly twenty hours working odd jobs around town, fixing what was broke. The generator was proving to be ornery, causing him no end of misery. He hoped he wouldn't end up having to perform last rites on what would possibly become a violent night.


First Post
Gordon stood by the door after following Jesse in. He watched in silence, hoping things wouldn't get out of hand. He couldn't help but crack a smile at Demetrie's response to the bullies. Sighing, he found a seat in the corner.


First Post
Sebastian Tayne walked slowly down the hard packed dirt road in the center of 'town'. He almost seems a jewel in the rough, compared to most of the other citizens of Redridge. Though I guess that's what you'd expect from a Registered Companion. His light silk over coat is unbuttoned exposing a matching silk vest, and pen striped shirt with a banded collar..also silk of course. His long athletic legs also covered in matching silk..the suit dark brown in color almost shimmers in the bright sunlight. A pair of bronze tinted glasses coveres his eyes, frames seeming to match the suit. Certianly out of place in this town..speaking of out of place..a sword. A long thin blade hanging from his left hip. He walks slowly with a unnautral grace. Almost as out of place are the two women flanking him. Their appearance seems to fit the town better then his. They are both wearing loose fitting dresses, that look like they haven't been sufficently cleaned in some time.

"Now..ladies we all know the conditions that you are forced to work in...and Mr. Tate has his own ideas on how his business should run..but still there is no excuse for him to keep things like that. Now if all of you girls would just stand togther..."

The girl on the left starts to shake her head not even giving Sebastian a chance to finish..

"Ian, I sure know what ya gonna say..and we alls know that Mr. Tate ain't gonna allow that..besides we're simple folk there...simple girls that just wanna be able to make an honest living"

Sebastian frowns...he know how the conversation is going to go.. Just like the last half a dozen times that he'd approach any of the town whores. Whore he really didn't like that term..he'd been called that a few times himself..but in this case it fit. He turns his head at movement to his left. Just catching sight of Jesse Smitts and his gang. What were they doing heading to the Brown Dog. Everyone in town knew that was a haven for browncoats. And they were as purple bellied as you could get in this town. Standing witness to a fight was the last thing he needed. As it was the magistrate barely tolerated him being in Redridge. So only one thing to do. A large smile fell across Sebastian's face, emcompassing both of the 'ladies' at his side.

'Ladies, seems we've arrived at my lodging...you know I've got a bottle or two of wine from my families vineyards on Persephonie and I'd be honored to share it with you. I would enjoy the company..and we may even be able to come up with a way to make things more liveable for you and your um..sisters'

He smiled at them again..obvious that he'd used that charm a time or two to get what he'd wanted. As he walked into the boarding house he though about his appointments that day. It didn't matter there was time, besides it wasn't everyday he had a chance to talk to the head girls of both brothels in town at the same time. And well it just wouldn't be right if he let those poor women suffer anymore then necessary. After all pleasure was a Registered Companion's job.


First Post
yangnome said:
Demetrie looks over at Gren briefly, making eye contact without taking his eyes off of the gang in front of him. There is a mixed look of tension and nervousness about him, but a split second later, it fades and he looked at ease.

""I'll refill your drink for you, but it'll take a good thirty minutes or so before I'm ready to refill your glass. After all the peein' myself running from Athens, I only had enough in my bladder to fill your first round."

"Gentlemen and I do use that term very loosely, I will be more than happy to buy you a round of drinks, as long as we toast the good men we lost in the war."

"And by good men I of course mean anyone who was on the right side, the people who fought for freedom, not bullied dominance."

"So ya ready for that round now?"


Epic Commoner
"Funny there pretty boy. Did you make that gorram pretty hat of yours outta of the flag you browncoats used to surrender!"

"Thats enought there Jesse I....." Scotts try to say.

"You don't talk to me you do shiong la se la ch'wohn tian*, I speaking to my friend here!"
(*explosive diarrhea of an elephant)

"I know good people who died none of them was browncoats, I know 2 more that shoulda gorram died!"

Jesse Smitts Rolls for Intitaive as he goes for his pistol, rolled a 7

Demetrie --You are suprised by the action rolled a 6 to spot it

Gren-- You notice him reaching for his pistol (rolled a 10 Alertness + Perception) You can react before he gets his gun out.

Gordon-- Your gut feelings don't fail you often, and they still didn't. You sensed he was going to do something stupid (Alertness +2 steps Rolled 8)

Ester-- At the end of the bar you noticed this yokel going for his piece (Alt + per 10).

Everone else is outside and not close by but will react after this intial round.

So what are you actions. If you want to something before Smitts your intitive will have to beat his 7. Intiative is Agility + Alertness.

Voidrunner's Codex

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