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[SERENITY RPG] Redridge and Beyond


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(Gordon explains the job to Demetrie, and, assuming nothing out of the ordinary happens, continues on to find Esther)

Upon finding Esther, Gordon gave a knock on the side of the makeshift shelter.

"Hello there. Don't want to be a bother, miss, but Mr. Davis sent me to gather up a few people for a job; he wants us at the North Star. Seems something bad happened at one of the mines."

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Evil Ujio

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Galethorn said:
Upon finding Esther, Gordon gave a knock on the side of the makeshift shelter.

"Hello there. Don't want to be a bother, miss, but Mr. Davis sent me to gather up a few people for a job; he wants us at the North Star. Seems something bad happened at one of the mines."
The first thing Esther does is glare at the intruder for a moment before she sighs, “North Star, alright I will be there.” She gets changed, washes her face, puts on her pistol and knife and then heads to the North Star, she grabs a seat and waits.


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Sebastian pull on his dark blue over coat, and turns to leave his small set of rooms in the bording house. He sees a flash of a screen to his right, and walks over to the desk that holds his dedicated source box.

"Send Wave"

The terminal's screen turns a deep blue color as the program loads.

"Good morning Ian, who would you like to send the wave too?"

"To a Mr. Alias Branch, at the Companion Chapterhouse on Bastian"

The computer processes for a moment then chirps in responce. "Wave is ready to send begin recording"

"Hey Al, its Ian. How is everyone at the Chaperhouse, I trust you and Deloris are doing well. As you know I am still in Redridge. It seems that I may have upset the local government here. I was woken up at the crack of dawn and told to attend a meeting at on of the drinking establishments. The magistrate here dislikes me...seems he and the men that run the brothels don't like the fact that I have a hard time with how they treat the girls. Well It may be nothing...but if you don't get a wave from me in a few days can you send someone to look in on me. I hate to spend the rest of eternity on this oh so lovely piece of rock. Thanks Al"

Sebastian punches a few keys at the terminal, then steps away. "Send Wave". Sebastian head out once again barely making note of the wave uploading and being sent out to the Cortex. He reaches for his belt, straps it on making sure that his blade is loose in the scabbard. The door closes behind him and he makes his way down the creeky stairs and out into the early morning light. Before long he finds his way in front of the North Star, and pushes his way inside. He makes a quick note of the other people there before settling into a chair close to the door.


Epic Commoner
You all arrive at the North Star Saloon, there are few poeple snoring at the tables around the bar. Cole Davis comes down the stairs at the far end of the bar, he walk to door marked 'Private' and motions all of you to enter.
The room you enter is actually decorated better than the bar outside. There is wood paneling on the walls and floor is actually looks like it has seen some polishin. There are 4 felt topped tables with padded chairs that are actually quite comfotable. A large monitor is hanging on one of the sidewalls. On the screen is say "Lost Connection", cortex connection is spotty here.
Donavan Tate is standing in a corner, wearing his nice suit, smoking one of his ever present cigarettes. A sinster smile on his face when he sees Sebastian Tate walk in. Its no secret they do like each other.
One of the serving girls walks in and puts a pot of coffee down on the table along with some cups.
“Help you self to some coffee and take a seat.” Says Cole “If you haven’t heard already there has been a mining accident. Some of our fella citizens have up and got them selves stuck in a mine. While that’s true that aint the whole story. It seems the Mining Guild are the ones that shoved them into the mine and collapsed it on them. We got this wave a little over an hour ago.” Cole goes to screen and touches some buttons on the screen, a file begins to play.
“We are sorry to hear that you have had an accident at one of your mines. If you contact the authorities we can come and help and rescue. It would be a real shame if all those people died. We calculate that they have to about noon before they run out of air.”
“Now if we call the Guild in for help that will just give them legal authority to set up shop here. Some strange law in the books about miner welfare and such.” Cole says as he gives a sneer to Donavan Tate.
Tate just smiles “I don’t know anything about this good sir, I am just as surprised as you.”

(Sebastian and Victor: Seeing how you are both Highly educated individuals this sounds about right to you.)

“Well we don’t want no Guild meddlin in what we got goin here so Ainsworth is asking that you go to the mine and get rid of the Guilder up there. In the past there are probably 6 of them or so. They probably flew in on a shuttle. Ainsworth will be mighty happy and will reward you all with 250 Platnum, plus some bonuses if we get that shuttle.” Cole says looking round the room.

“Now some of you may be wonderin why we woke you up. Doc there might be wounded up there and your expertise will be most appreciated. You fixed that boy up fine and he should be alright, I leave someone to watch over him. Sebastian as you can see our doctor here has some trouble walkin, and well we need someone to drive him up there. You can be his little helper.”
Donavan stifles a chuckles “Bout time you helped out in this town instead of lying on your back all day.”
“Okay, Preacher. Ainsworth is asking that you bring back 3 chest that are hidden in a panel on the floor in the main mine house. There is a panel under the desk, hit red, red, green and it should open. The 3 chest are in there. Now that is miners pure gold, that is some of those locals out there lively hood. Ainsworth would hate to see them lose all there gold. The 2 blue chests are for the yokels, the yellow one is Ainsworth’s. I best be seeing you walking that chest in here. “

“Like I said, we want them gone and want no traces these Guilders where there. They are armed. I can answer a few questions, then you got me leaving at 6am Local time.”


First Post

Unshaven and unkept in almost clean clothes and his browncoat over the clothes he pushes through the door of the North Star and looks around at the group assembled.
Looks at the local law, the karate kid... erm lady, fancy dressed Demetrie, the doctor with the bum leg and a male companion (smirks to himself).

"What the in the gorram, did we all get called for this meeting?"

"Whats this 'bout an issue with the mine?"

Gren, signals for a beer and waits for some answers.

(wrote before Dagger75's post)
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***after D75's update***

"Ok, I see where they come in (looks at doc and company) but what ya need me for? Oh and I will do it even if ya had no good reason to hire me."

"What "options" do we have about releaving the 6 guilders of their current status?"

*Leans back in chair, grabs a cup of coffee (ignoring the beer if it was served), and waits for answers*


Epic Commoner
"Here is a rough map of the area, this was taken a while ago."


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Evil Ujio

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Esther speaks, "I can assist in this endeavor," she says flatly.

Her face a wash of any real emotions, she sits up in her chair, attentive and disciplined. She has the composure of a highly disciplined soldier, or at least a very focused individual.

"Who will take charge of this rescue operation?" she finishes.


First Post
Sebastian sits down in one of the comfortable chairs, and just listens to the situation. Doing his best to ignore Donavan Tate, and his comments. Picking up his cup of coffee and taking a sip then making an ugly face at the taste of the contents. Of course they wouldn't give us stuff made from real beans.

"So..they want me to drive the doctor around. Hmmm! Wonder if I should charge Companion rates on top of the platinum?" You all can see Sebastian grin as that thought flitters through his mind. Still it might be worth it to help out with the town..might give me some leverage with Donavan and his cronies too. He waits for Davis to finish his description of the events then looks around at those assembled waiting for their take on the situation.

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