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[SERENITY RPG] Redridge and Beyond

Once the gunfire erupts, John sighs. He rushes forward to try to pull the dumb kid Jones out of harms way. If he can get to him, he'll drag him back behind the cover of the mule. He'll remain crouched there until the gunfire stops.

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demetrie too was startled a bit by the gunfire. First round, he draws his pistol and shoots at Mason. if mason is already down, he looks for other threats.

Second round, Demetrie shoots at Mason again if he is not yet down. if Mason is down, demetrie tries to find cover, if nowhere else behind the engine block of hte mule until he can get a scan of other threats in the area.


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Attempts to get to the front as fast as possible to assist the "talkin': group.
He will attempt to take out any threat once he is able to see the threats in the front.


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Sebastian stops in time..wondering if he will hit...

*OOC: Where are you mister DM..oh and BUMP cause I couldn't find the thread easy*


Epic Commoner
Sebastian jumps out of the mule with out making a fool of himself. He draws the bade on his side and swings at the arm of Mason (Athletics 7, Attack 22!) Mason attempts to dodge out of the way (Dodge 8), instead he instivavly brings his arm up to deflect the blow. The sword cuts through flesh and bone near the shoulder. A spray of blood covers Sebastian and the side of the mule. Mason falls to the ground in an ever growing pool of blood.

Victor pulls his gun and fires at the stunned gunman in front of him (Attack 14, gunman dodge 7). The bullet sinks into the mans gut. Demetrie's face goes ash white at the sight of the blood coming from the man, looks like he trying to keep his breakfast down (maybe you shouldn't have had that whiskey so early) but does manage to squeeze off a round into the man hitting him in the arm.

John you grab the whimpering man and throw him under the trailer, you crouch down over him. Suddenly you are shaking uncontrolably (Traumatic Flashback), the gun fire, the man lying in his own pool of blood, the smell of gunpowder just makes something snap. You are back in Serenity Valley crouching over one of you fallen friends. (2 Rounds of no action)

Round 2
Gordon: 6
Sebastian: 8
Victor: 7
Demetrie: 6
John: Unable to act

Stinky 9
Stretch 11
Jose: 13
(Baddies Go first)

The two other gunman coming running to the fight, they have there pistols out and fire. One of the men fires at the guy running up from behind the hill (Attack: 13 Gren dodge 6, Damage Total 7 Wounds 5 Stun You make your vitality check stay up.) and hits Gren in the chest. Your vest takes a little of the punch but it still hurts like hell.

The other gunman is running towards the mule and fire at Victor, the bullet grazes you in the side the vest taking the brunt of the damage.(Attack 9 Dodge 6 Total Damage 1wound 3 Stun)

Stinky, Drops his gun and grabs his bleeding chest wound "Don't kill me!" he squeaks out.

Ester gets up and fires at the man who just shot at Gren and nails him the leg (Damage 10wounds 3 Stun)

Gren still up, points his gun at the gorram bastard who shot him and fires, but the bastard moves out of the way.

Victor points at the man running towards him and pulls the trigger, the bullet hits its mark and the man falls. (Attack 9 Dodge 6 enough wounds to drop him though)

Gordon fires at the last man (Attack 13 Dodge 3), the bullet hits the man and he falls.

After the fight Gren passes out from his gun shot wound. Esther manages to get him walking again with some quick first aid.

John after a minute you get your composure.

Quick check of the Battle field
Mason- Dead
Rifleman on the roof- Dead
Gunman running at mule - Dead
Gunman running towards hill -Still breathing
Stinky- Bleeding badly
Jones- Unhurt

Victor 1 wound
Gren 7 wounds

There is a Police shuttle, the main house, a 2 story building and what apears to be a small storage shed. The mine entrance is completely covered with rubble.


First Post
I decide to relax for a bit.... :p
Gorram lucky shot.

If I am well enough to fly I will ask to be put in thr shuttle to rest until I need to fly us back.


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Standing by Esther, Gordon smiled.

"Could've gone a touch worse, too. We do have a bit of a quandry, though; what're we gonna do with the, uh, survivors? I don't recall we were supposed to let word get out about this little...operation."


First Post
"Let's tie them up for now. We can worry about them after we find out if there are any more here. We also need to find out what the situation is on the inside of the mine."

Voidrunner's Codex

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