Very much so. Pulp science-ey. I mean, we know that each layer of the Abyss is sort of several siloed dimensional spaces and not a building (therefore subject to load dynamics) or composed of continental crust dynamics. But screw it! Marvel Universe science is much more fun.
Let us hope for the latter. It is many times over more interesting (at least to me)!
I've always had a secret love affair with cool models and miniatures. I think they're incredible. But its a love affair complicated by my minimalist leanings (in all things but my prose...). I don't like having lots of "stuff"...even if it is nifty stuff. So while I can admire how awesome your balor miniature is (and likely a collection of them), my games inevitably are kindred to pemerton's; "The terrifying specter of the 3 * 3 creature wades into your midst, dominating the battlefield with his square edges, leering at you with the horrific "B" on his torso."
I take a variety of approaches - my Classic D&D game is often mini-less or else just Paizo pawns, but the 4e game definitely goes heavy on spectacle. Here's Glyphy flanked by his chums, from the session account at

Even with careful shopping that's about £45 of plastic just for the three of them.