Jürgen Hubert
First Post
Suddenly I imagine giant golems shoveling people into the portable residuum converters on their backs...
Well, I've added this idea to Urbis here (login required to read about "the secret"...). Thanks for inspiring it!
Suddenly I imagine giant golems shoveling people into the portable residuum converters on their backs...
"Intellectual Property" is a very modern concept rooted in modern legal systems and property laws; the closet medieval term would probably be "guild secrets". As you've said, the need to keep the rituals secret would strengthen guilds, but I think that it would make them even more secretive as they already are: guilds would guard their secrets very jealously.
So how are these patterns made? Are the relics from an older empire? Or do people know how to make new recipes?
It would be like any video game with only one primary resource - like Command & Conquers Tiberium, Dunes Spice, and so on.In some regards, I could imagine it almost being like Dune. With the Rituals/Nexus Towers being Spice/Arrakis and all the different city-states, kingdoms, etc. be the Great Houses.
This also sounds a little like The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson, where manufacturing entirely takes place using a molecule feed and nanomachine constructors.