Warning: Math and Geography.
The planet (currently unnamed because I like the mystery so far) is about 180M sq.mi. in total surface area, slightly smaller than Earth, roughly comparable to Venus.
Herzia, the largest continent, sits between 20S and 45S latitude. It has an area of roughly 7.2M sq. mi., slightly larger than South America.
Just northwest of central Herzia, across the Straits of Vaeron, sits the large island of Vaelos. Vaelos is 900K sq.mi., slightly larger than Earth's largest island, Greenland. The shape of the coastline and the narrowness of the Straits suggest Vaelos was, at one time, part of Herzia.
Two great cities sit only 70 miles apart from each other on the Straits; the dwarven armada-forge of Vae Kolos, and Kakistocracy of Ghace, an unrepentant mercantile mecca of pirates and smugglers.
Stretching northwest from the Ghacian coast, 1500 miles of small atolls and narrow reefs define the archipelago of Kepuala. Relatively few surface dwellers, other than driftfoot halflings, inhabit these lands; the area (roughly 300K sq. mi. of islands) is controlled by the undersea empire of the sahaugins and merrow. Their shipping depredations make access to the Straits vital for both the Vaelosian dwarves and the Ghacian merchants, so as to access the rich lands of eastern Vaelos and northern Herzia.
The Kepualan islands terminate suddenly about 100 miles from the coastline of Xandahaal, an almost perfectly round equatorial continent of 2.7M sq. mi. (slightly larger than Australia.) Halflings, humans, and dwarves colonize the shores. The deeper jungles are inhabited by elves, lizardfolk, and tree-climbing dinosaurs known most broadly as "Yiqi".
Starting about 100 miles from the western shores of Xandahaal, the Equatorial Isles stretch the length of the globe and terminate at the northeastern coast of Herzia. Heavily populated by humans and halflings, this large area (3.1M sq. mi, or slightly more than 4 Indonesias) contains a diverse assortment of nations and cultures.
With the current math, the planet is about 8% land and 92% water. (Compared to 29% land 71% water on Earth.)
I do love the "polar ocean running through the planet core" idea; leaving most of the northern and southern latitudes (say above 45N and below 45S) as mostly landless emphasizes the alien ocean idea, I feel.