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[Setting idea] Undead Society


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I have had this idea for a setting for either a series of novels or rpg setting to take the world of undead and make a society out of it. Like how how Vampires pr Werewolves have societies in movies , games and books. The idea so far is to to all the different types of undead and put them in a social structure or "class system" instead of just one type of of undead having a society. What would be way to do this without copying too much from other ideas like WoW Forsaken's society or World Darkness?

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It would make Sense for ghouls to be the untouchables. They after all eat flesh. Dig up graves and the like. Ghouls seem to be more like fast zombies anyhow, regardless of their intelligence.

But I've always liked the idea of ghouls trying to pretend to be aristocratic. Engaging in cannibalism on pristine china while wearing their finery. Think if "A Modest Proposal" was a snapshot of an upper crust mentality.


It all began with a Tuphan sorcerer named Valikalen, who had come to fear death. Being a powerful noble, he had the money to indulge in queries with priests as well as seek out wise hermits to learn of ways to cheat death. A moderately moral man, he grew in wisdom and attracted a cult of like-minded followers who likewise sought a way to forever cheat death.

By means of elixirs and magic, Valikalen and his family were able to live unnaturally long lives. As some of the lesser cult members fell to the ravages of old age, they were embalmed and treated with spells that it was hoped would keep their souls from passing on to the afterlife. They became the first of the living dead; mummified zombies that were little more than walking shells. The living dead were confined to corridors of stone under the estate of Valikalen, lest they be discovered.

From the first undead, Valikalen began to learn of the importance of blood and organs to the undead. The mummified undead, with their organs removed, retained little of their soul and were but well-preserved shells of their former selves. While excellent servants, this fate was not Valikalen desired once his life force failed.

Even as these first steps were taken, some of Valikalen's followers reached the end of their natural lives. Unwilling to become mindless servants, many were forced to abandon their corrupted flesh, but lived on as spirits in the hopes that one day they could be returned to the flesh.

He did learn however, that by feeding blood to the living dead, it seemed to return some sentience to zombies and corporealness to ghosts, if only for a short while. Obviously, blood was somehow key to life itself, and Valikalen knew that his blood was even more powerful, for magic coursed through it.

As time passed, Valikalen learned new and startling techniques that slowly led him towards the discovery of immortality. First he learned that ghouls, the least of the intelligent undead, could retain their memories with a regular diet of living or freshly slain dead.

More experimentation led him to discover the next step up; by storing the removed organs in a solution of blood, a body could retain even more of its intellect and soul, becoming a mummy. The fresher the blood, the closer the mummy was in appearance to its living self, though the removal of the organs granted it some immunity to attack.

Eventually, Valikalen discovered the next evolution of undeath - the vampire. Though physically dead, by feasting on the blood of the living it could retain a semblance of life. However, for the foul crime of stealing life from others, the wrath of the sun god became the vampire's bane.

Immortality and death now loomed like dual specters before Valikalen. It was this that led to his final experiment, and perhaps the most powerful of undead - the liche. Valikalen became the first of his kind, and through his cult was able to elevate more into the ranks of lichdom by the benefit of their magic-heavy blood.

Eventually, the living no longer walked among the the Cult of the Everliving, and in undeath the cult descended into the catacombs beneath the estate, and outward in its need for the blood and flesh that kept its members alive.

From this cult has arose a society with a structured caste; at the lowest lies the mummified zombies and skeletons that make up the menial labor force - doomed to a mindless existance (some regressed from higher castes for crimes against the social order),

Next in stature are the desperate souls of the dead who seek a patron to bring them back to beings of flesh (often they act as messengers and scouts for a payment of blood to grant them corporeal pleasure if only for a short bit);

Then in stature come the ghouls, lower class individuals who are allotted a portion of flesh or blood to retain their conciousness as they flit about their undead lives;

Above such common dead can be found the mummies; those who while living possessed the money and/or power to have their organs properly preserved and kept soaked in the entrails of the living so that they retain the majority of their living memories

Near the top of the castes are the dreaded vampires; rare among the living dead for their ability to pass as the living, they can freely pass between the society of the dead and the living, secure with their wealth and power in the realm in the dead and capable of partaking from the living to feed themselves in the world above

And at the apex of the culture rule the liches. By the power of their magical blood they control and dispense bloody portions to the lower castes to keep the undead society from falling apart. They vie against each other for power, wealth and the control of the flow of blood. Many experiment with the creation of new and unique undead in pursuit of the continual adaption and evolution towards immortality without the need of bloody sustenance to retain their dark gift; others simply experiment for the joy of creating new and twisted life.


First Post
Ok first off why is it that everyone here thinks that an idea posted here has to be about D&D or something similar? Second despite the magic aspect of Stormonu's post its interesting idea. This idea however is not D&D in anyway. This might be modern, future or a mix of era fantasy type setting.


Ok first off why is it that everyone here thinks that an idea posted here has to be about D&D or something similar? Second despite the magic aspect of Stormonu's post its interesting idea. This idea however is not D&D in anyway. This might be modern, future or a mix of era fantasy type setting.

You are on a D&D site and you didn't mention the technology and magic level you were looking for in your setting. It's sort of a natural assumption. We haven't even made it to the rule system though!
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First Post
You are on a D&D site and you didn't mention the technology and magic level you were looking for in your setting. It's sort of a natural assumption. We haven't even made it to the rule system though!

The only rules I have been looking forward too now is Mutants and Masterminds 3e. I there is Unisystem and AFMBE which I not read the rules in a long time, I have Witchcraft, but looking to do a more superheroic type setting.


The Al'Qadim adventure Court of the Necromancers from the Cities of Bone boxed set describes a jungle city peopled by undead. They are ruled by living Necromancers though. The 2E Complete Necromancer Guide describes the Garden of Eternity a land under the Isle of the Necromancer Kings peopled by undead and ruled by a Necromancer/Cleric lich. The Garden of Eternity is the secret core of the Necromancer Kings campaign, and knowledge about its location and true contents should be kept mysterious for as long as possible in the campaign. Infiltrating the Garden, confronting Vermissa, and defeating the lich priestess should only be attempted by the most powerful and resourceful parties.


If you're not thinking specifically about D&D then I'm not sure what to offer you, because you haven't given us any parameters. Here are some things that would be helpful:

You say "all the different types of undead." That covers a lot of territory. I assume you're talking about pop-culture undead here--brain-eating zombies, vampires who do not drink... vine, bandage-wrapped mummies, grave-robbing ghouls, plus the undead which pop culture invented out of whole cloth (liches*, death knights, et cetera). If so, how broadly are you spreading your net? Do you want just a handful of the most well-known undead types, or does your undead society include Sons of Kyuss, mohrgs, and pennangalans**?

What's your position on the metaphysics of undeath? Are undead just corpses animated by magical puppet strings, or is there a more malevolent force involved? Can you have skeletons and zombies work farms to produce food for the living, or is the presence of undead "toxic" to living things?

Most vampire/werewolf societies in fiction are "shadow cultures" dwelling on the fringes of human civilization. Is that what you're after? Or are you envisioning a whole undead nation, from the lich-king and his vampire aristocracy at the top down to hordes of skeletons doing the brute labor?

[size=-2]*There are some legendary antecedents to liches, such as Koschei the Deathless. However, the lich as we know it is purely an invention of sword and sorcery fiction, popularized first by D&D and later by World of Warcraft.

**Pennangalans are based on a Malaysian legend. Their existence in modern pop culture is more or less confined to the 1E Fiend Folio.[/size]
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First Post
Have you heard of High Cromlech from China Mieville's Bas-Lag books? Might be worth looking at. They haven't been heavily fleshed out, but it's definitely a necromantic civilization with social strata by type. (One entertaining inversion, and you knew there'd be one, is that vampires are the lowest of the low -- junkies hanging out on street corners begging for a "fix".)


First Post
If you're not thinking specifically about D&D then I'm not sure what to offer you, because you haven't given us any parameters. Here are some things that would be helpful:

You say "all the different types of undead." That covers a lot of territory. I assume you're talking about pop-culture undead here--brain-eating zombies, vampires who do not drink... vine, bandage-wrapped mummies, grave-robbing ghouls, plus the undead which pop culture invented out of whole cloth (liches*, death knights, et cetera). If so, how broadly are you spreading your net? Do you want just a handful of the most well-known undead types, or does your undead society include Sons of Kyuss, mohrgs, and pennangalans**?

What's your position on the metaphysics of undeath? Are undead just corpses animated by magical puppet strings, or is there a more malevolent force involved? Can you have skeletons and zombies work farms to produce food for the living, or is the presence of undead "toxic" to living things?

Most vampire/werewolf societies in fiction are "shadow cultures" dwelling on the fringes of human civilization. Is that what you're after? Or are you envisioning a whole undead nation, from the lich-king and his vampire aristocracy at the top down to hordes of skeletons doing the brute labor?

[size=-2]*There are some legendary antecedents to liches, such as Koschei the Deathless. However, the lich as we know it is purely an invention of sword and sorcery fiction, popularized first by D&D and later by World of Warcraft.

**Pennangalans are based on a Malaysian legend. Their existence in modern pop culture is more or less confined to the 1E Fiend Folio.[/size]

So far the idea is a dead world ruled by the undead with humans living in outskirts of society. Like planet of the apes but with undead. Still working on the metaphysics, so far it can an keep magical to science. Yes I am talking pop-culture undead. I have seen way too much of stories, tv and movie with Vampire society and got tired of it so I like to try a different approach where Vampire are not the main focus. That's the other undead comes into play.

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