(SH) Fellowship of the Flute

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Crothian said:
Part 2 is edited. I couldn't figure out where to place the Horse discussion. I remember it happening but no idea when.

Don't sweat it. Peter will cut it out in the movie and add a love interest anyway... ;)


Hey now -- we all fumble Fortitude saves once in a while, don't we? Please say yes, I'd hate to think something was "wrong" with Mardnab. I rather like her spunky demeanor :D!

And since we're adding edits, how about these?

** Feng stating that gnomes must be fire resistant after watching Mardnab try to prove how tough she was by refusing to extinguish her boots.
** The follow up comment to this, that perhaps the reason gnomes are fire resistant is that they pee the flames out...which was of course, stated after the bowl of water incident.
** Mardnab's deepseated loathing of slings as a completely useless weapon, and her various moments of disgust/fury whenever Seriphina attempted to employ her sling. In fact, the gnome went so far as to buy Seriphina a scimitar, and even bit through the sling to destroy it at one point.
** Seriphina's clever use of the mend spell to repair her sling after the aforementioned incident...unbeknownst to Mardnab of course :D.
** Dell's occasional quiet remarks of sarcasm about Aust and Mardnab (and even once Feng I believe). I can't recall any verbatim, but Clear Dragon did a fine job of making quiet backhanded digs at his friends' behavior.
** Aust's (an elf BTW) attempts to blame the short bow Mardnab loaned him for his poor accuracy and ineffectual fighting early on.

And FWIW, Mardnab sent Aust to the stables to collect a horse after watching how ineptly he fought on the ground.
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Clear Dragon

First Post
** Aust's (an elf BTW) attempts to blame the short bow Mardnab loaned him for his poor accuracy and ineffectual fighting early on.

To which Dell replied, "A good craftsman never blames his tools." (Old Sportscenter phrase, I think Keith Olbermann or Dan Patrick used it, haven't heard in a while, though I don't watch the show religously like I did in high school) I thought it fit Dell's background and Voltar's portfolio(Fire, Magic, and Crafts) quite well.


Clear Dragon:
That's exactly the type of biting remark I was referring to in my earlier post. Dell may not have said much, but much of what he said was pretty sarcastic and often amusing ;).

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